
diàn jiě
  • electrolysis;electrolyze;electrolyzation;galvanolysis
电解 [diàn jiě]
  • [electrolysis] 利用电流的作用分解化合物

电解[diàn jiě]
  1. 细晶铝锭电解过程添加TiO2对电解质性质的影响

    Effect of addition of TiO_2 on properties of electrolyte in the process of Grain-refining aluminium ingots electrolyze

  2. 结果表明:在电解条件下(1223K),钪与铝共同析出时,在铝液中的平衡活度最大可以达到233%。

    The results show that the equilibrium activity of Sc in Al-Sc alloy can attain to 2.33 % when the system is in electrolyze condition ( at 1 223K ) and Sc & Al separate together .

  3. 采用电解的方法将三价铕还原成二价。

    It is to reduce eu3 + into eu2 + with electrolyzation method .

  4. 这种蛋白质是由土壤细菌制成的,这种细菌以电解水中的氢为食。由于务农活动被认为是造成许多环境问题的原因,人们对由细菌制成的新型食物的投资不断增加。

    With farming blamed for contributing to many environmental problems , there 's been increasing investment in novel foods grown from bacteria .

  5. PLC在铝电解阳极组装生产线上的应用

    Application of PLC on Assembly Line of Aluminum Electrolysis Anode Rod

  6. NOx在固体电解质电解池上的电化学消除

    Electrochemical Removal of NO_x by Solid Electrolyte Cell s

  7. 电解水Ni析O2电极的研制

    Development of Ni evolution oxygen electrode for water electrolysis

  8. 非晶态Ni-Mo-Fe合金作电解水析氢反应电极

    Amorphous Ni-Mo-Fe Alloy as the Electrode for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction of Alkaline Water Electrolysis

  9. PAN基炭纤维阳极电解表面刻蚀工艺研究

    Study on anodic oxidation etching of PAN based carbon fiber

  10. Na3AlF6-Al2O3体系低温电解研究现状评述

    Commentary on the Status Quo of Low Temperature Aluminium Electrolysis in the Na_3AlF_6-Al_2O_3 Bath System

  11. 用STD总线工业控制机控制铝电解过程

    Control of Al Electrolysis Processes with STD Bus Industrial Computer

  12. 取代芳烃电解氧化产物的GC-MS分析(Ⅰ)

    GC-MS Analysis of Electro-oxidation Products of Alkyl Aromatics (ⅰ)

  13. 熔盐电解还原TiO2制取海绵钛新技术研究

    Study on the Direct Electrolysis Reduction of Titanium Dioxide to Sponge Titanium

  14. SF6气体微水分析仪之电解池的再生处理

    Reproduction Treatment of Electrolytic Cell of SF_6 Gas Analyzer for Trace Water

  15. 电解Al-Si合金自变质显微组织及力学性能

    Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Self-modified Electrolytic Al-Si Alloy

  16. NaCl-AlCl3融盐电解中MnCl2对改善Al-Mn合金电沉积层的作用

    Effect of MnCl_2 on Improving the Electro-deposition Layer of Al-Mn Alloy in the NaCl-AlCl_3 Molten Salts

  17. 电解制备纯铁及其RRRH法研究

    Study of Electrolyzed Pure Iron and RRR_H Method

  18. 用X射线衍射定量物相分析法.测定了不同产地EMD(电解二氧化锰)中不同晶型二氧化锰的含量。

    Quantitative analysis of phase composition of EMD ( electrolytic manganese dioxide ) by X-ray diffraction method is introduced .

  19. 催化剂(0.5%PdAl2O3)被用来复合电解系统中生成的氢气和氧气,以防止质量损失。

    Catalyst ( 0.5 % Pd Al_2O_3 ) was used to compound H_2 and O_2 which were created during the electrolysis into H2O .

  20. 将微电解技术应用于化学浆漂白E段废水的脱色处理上,并讨论其影响因素。

    The micro-electrolysis method was applied in the decolorizing treatment of bleaching E-stage effluent of Chemical Pulp and the influencing factors were discussed in this paper .

  21. 微电解与Fenton试剂预处理农药废水的试验研究

    Study on pretreatment of agricultural pesticide wastewater by micro-electrolytic method and Fenton reagent oxidation method

  22. 采用电解呼吸仪分析早、晚期渗滤的生化特性在Fenton过程前后的变化。

    Electrolytic respirometer was employed to measure biochemical characteristics of landfill leachate during Fenton process .

  23. NaCl-KCl熔盐中电解渗Al电极过程的研究

    Electrode process of electrolytic coating of Al in fused NaCl-KCl salt bath

  24. PbO2阳极在硫酸铬电解氧化制备重铬酸时的电极行为

    Behavior of PbO_ 2 Anode in the Preparation of Dichromic Acid by Electrooxidation of Chromium Sulfate

  25. 探讨了复合电极中PTFE含量、阴极电流密度、电解液温度、电解电量对频那醇产率的影响。

    Effects of PTFE content in electrode , current density , temperature of electrolyte and electric quantity on pinacol yield was discussed .

  26. 采用电凝聚&气浮法处理模拟印染废水(简称废水),考察了废水pH、电解电流、电解时间对废水COD去除率的影响。

    The stimulated dyeing wastewater was treated by electrocoagulation-floatation process . The effects of wastewater pH , electrolysis current intensity and electrolysis time on COD removal rate were studied .

  27. 电解重水制备D2中常含有微量杂质N2,为降低N2含量,选择锆铁钛吸气剂高温对N2进行脱除。

    The getter was chosen to remove N2 in D2 which was prepared by electrolyzing heavy water in high temperature .

  28. 应用脉冲电解技术制备La_Co_Fe合金膜,加入络合剂乙二胺后,可制备出表面光滑、致密、粘附性好和有金属光泽的La_Co_Fe合金膜。

    La_Co_Fe alloy films were prepared by pulse technique in dimethylsulfoxide . Smooth , adhesive , compact and metallic luster alloy films were obtained when ethylenediamine was used as a complex reagent .

  29. 研究工作得到的结论对国内用CVD方法制备热离子能量转换器发射极W涂层材料、发射极表面用电解蚀刻工艺制备高分额的{110}晶面等都具有重要的参考价值。

    The results gained in this paper are useful to the fabrications of CVD thermionic energy converter 's tungsten emitter and the processing of etching { 110 } plans .

  30. 电解二氧化锰(EMD)用波纹状Ti-Mn复合阳极由波纹状Ti基Ti-Mn合金复合阳极大板、Ti加强筋及铝横担组成。

    The composite anode for production of electrolytic manganese dioxide ( EMD ) consists of Ti base corrugated panel covered with Ti-Mn alloys , Ti stiffening bars and Al hanger bar .