
  • 网络steroid;sterols
  1. 南宁盆地第三系木质褐煤中甾类化合物热模拟实验研究

    Study on steroids in tertiary wood coal from Nanning basin by thermal-modelling experiments

  2. β-环糊精和甾类化合物的分子动力学模拟

    Molecular Dynamics Simulation on β - Cyclodextrin and Steroids

  3. 徐长卿C(21)甾类化合物成分的分离鉴定研究

    Studies on the Extraction and Identification of C_ ( 21 ) Steroidal Constituents from Cynanchum Paniculatum

  4. 不属于甾类化合物,或没有甾类化合物作用。白首乌中一个新的C(21)甾体苷类化合物

    Not steroidal or not having the effects of steroid hormones . Newly-found C_ ( 21 ) steroidal glycoside from the roots of Cynanchum auriculatum

  5. 甾类化合物的直接GC-MS痕量分析

    Trace Analysis of Steroids by GC-MS Without Derivatization the Samples

  6. 根据吸收光谱和薄层层析分离后显色斑点的Rf值及荧光颜色,在雌雄同株的瓠瓜植株中鉴定出了甾类性激素雌酮。

    Estrone , a steroid hormone , is identified in the monoecious Cucurbitaceous plant , Lagenaria leucantha Rusby .

  7. 促性腺激素(FSH)对甾类激素合成调节作用的研究囊泡法转染重组FSH在巴斯德毕赤酵母中的表达

    The effect of FSH on steroids synthesis ; Studies of Expression of Recombinant Follicle-Stimulating Hormone via Vesicles Transfection in Pichia Pastoris

  8. 本文用模式识别(PR)技术中的SIMCA法对甾类抗炎药物进行了结构活性相关性的研究。

    Structure-activity relationship study of 77 steroids has been performed with SIMCA method of pattern recognition .

  9. 气相色谱-质谱法分离鉴定胡桃(Juglansregia)花粉中的甾类激素

    Isolation and identification of some steroid hormones in the pollen of walnut ( juglans regia ) by gas chromatography / mass spectrometry

  10. 利用气相色谱/质谱联用分析林麝麝香中麝香酮和甾类成分

    Quantitative Analysis of Musk Components by Gas Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry

  11. 分子印迹技术在甾类物质识别和分析中的应用

    The application of molecular imprinting technique in steroid recognition and analysis

  12. 疼痛、关节风湿病与非甾类抗炎药

    Pain , Articular Rheumatism and Non-Steroidal Anti - inflammatory Drugs

  13. 甾类化合物药膏被用来治疗一些皮肤病。

    Steroid creams are used for treating some types of skin condition .

  14. 女性肺癌细胞浆甾类激素受体的初步报告

    Steroid receptors in female lung cancer & a preliminary report

  15. 蜕皮类固醇激素[见于血吸虫]属于、关于甾类激素或他们的作用。

    Of or relating to steroid hormones or their effects .

  16. 胆甾类分子钳受体的设计合成

    Design and synthesis of molecular tweezers from Hyodeoxycholic Acid

  17. 植物中的甾类激素及其功能

    Steroid Hormones in Higher Plants and Their Possible Functions

  18. 非甾类抗炎药加用激素甚至免疫抑制剂是常用的治疗方法。

    Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs plus hormone or even immunosuppressor were common measures of treatment .

  19. 两类非甾类终止妊娠药物代谢影响因素理论化学研究

    Theoretical chemistry study on metabolism influencing factors of two kinds of non-hormonal pregnancy-terminating drugs

  20. 茎的韧皮部及皮层薄壁细胞中也有大量萜类甾类物质存在。

    In the stem , terpene and steroid also exist in phloem and cortex .

  21. 动物肌肉组织中甾类同化激素多组分残留的液相色谱-质谱检测方法

    Determination of Anabolic Hormones Multi-residues in Animal Muscle Tissues Using Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry

  22. 如无禁忌,非甾类抗炎药是一种方便且易于接受的选择。

    In the absence of contraindications an NSAID is a convenient and well accepted option .

  23. 蓖麻蚕个体发育中蜕皮甾类滴度的变化

    Changes in ecdysteroid titer in the ontogeny of the eri - silkworm Philosamia Cynthia ricim

  24. 甲壳动物Y器官及蜕皮甾类的研究

    Studies on Y-organ and Ecdysteroid for Crustacean

  25. 气相色谱-质谱法检测动物肌肉组织中残留的甾类同化激素

    Determination of Anabolic Steroid Hormones in Animal Muscle Tissues by Gas Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry

  26. 甾类和与它密切相关的甾醇是在动物和植物中存在的化合物。

    Seroids , and the closely related sterols , are compounds found in animals and plants .

  27. 甾类激素炔雌醇、炔诺酮和左炔诺孕酮对拟南芥根生长的影响

    Effects of 17 α - ethinylestradiol , Norethindrone and Levonorgestrel on Root Growth of Arabidopsis thaliana

  28. 目的探讨不同剂量非甾类消炎药双氯芬酸钠在预防椎板切除术后硬膜外瘢痕形成中的作用。

    Objective To observe the effects of different doses of diclofenac sodium on epidural scar after laminectomy .

  29. 胆甾类分子钳人工受体的设计合成及分子识别性能研究

    Studies on Design , Synthesis and Molecular Recognition of Molecular Tweezer Artificial Receptors of Steroid Cholic Acid

  30. 结果表明:有机物中只含有少量的正构烷烃、类异戊二烯烷烃、萜类化合物和甾类化合物;

    The results show that there are n-alkanes , isoprenoid alkenes , terpenes and stericles in the organics .