
  • 网络a viral infection;virus infection
  1. 病毒性感染中最常见的疾病为寻常疣。

    The most common viral infection diseases was common wart .

  2. 流感是一种急性病毒性感染,很容易在人际传播。

    Influenza is an acute viral infection that spreads easily from person to person .

  3. Toll样受体2与病毒性感染的关系

    Relationship of Toll like receptor-2 and some virus infectious diseases

  4. 结论IL-8可作为儿童急性上呼吸道感染性疾病中细菌性感染与病毒性感染、非典型病原体感染的鉴别指标。

    Conclusion IL-8 can be regarded as a detective marker among bacterial infection , viral infection and atypical pathogen infection in children with upper respiratory infection .

  5. 结论对呼吸道疑似病毒性感染患儿,作血清学早期待异性IgM抗体检测,可即早明确诊断,以利合理用药,避免治疗盲目性。

    Conclusions special RSV-IgM antibody screening in early period of infection can diagnose RSV infection in children with respiratory infection , to avoid aimless treament , to facilitate reasonable drug use .

  6. 方法:选择110例经特异性抗体检测明确诊断为HFRS的患者作为观察组,对其口腔软腭出血点及血小板计数进行临床观察并与病毒性感染的口腔疾病患者共110例作对照。

    Methods : One hundred and ten HFRS patients were diagnosed explicitly by special antibody examination as observation group , and the punctuate hemorrhage in oral soft palate and the measure of platelet of them were observed .

  7. 鸡蛋黄中含有约3%的蛋黄抗体(IgY)和10%以上的磷脂。IgY对口腔及消化道细菌、病毒性感染有防治作用;

    There are approximately 3 per cent of Egg Yolk Immunoglobulin ( IgY ) and more than 10 per cent phospholipids in the Egg Yolks of hens , IgY can be used as a food ingredient in infant formulae to treat dental caries .

  8. 喘息(在病毒性感染中较常见)

    Wheezing ( more common in viral infections ) .

  9. 我强烈建议人们停止使用抗生素来治疗病毒性感染。

    I would really like people to stop taking antibiotics for viral infections .

  10. 医源性病毒性感染的防治对策

    Exploring the source of superficial venule disorders of Chinese medicine Control and prevention of nosocomial viral infection

  11. 鸽的病毒性感染

    Viral infections in pigeons

  12. 温柠檬水对降低病毒性感染和随后的喉咙疼都是非常有效的。

    Warm lemon water is the most effective way to diminish viral infections and their subsequent sore throats .

  13. 极度的疲劳感就是干扰素γ导致的,该症状紧随病毒性感染之后出现,同时与记忆损伤也有关联。

    Interferon gamma is blamed for the extreme tiredness that follows some viral infections and has also been linked to problems with memory .

  14. 流感嗜血杆菌是引起婴幼儿呼吸系统原发性感染和病毒性感染时引起继发性感染的重要病原性细菌。

    Haemophilus influenzae in infants are an important pathogenic bacteria causing secondary infection of infants respiratory when primary infection and viral infections happens .

  15. 通过对69例感染病人的分析,研究人员能够对细菌性和病毒性感染合成不同的鲁米诺信号。

    By evaluating the infections of 69 patients , the researchers were able to create different Luminol signatures for bacterial versus viral infections .

  16. 无论是病毒性感染还是细菌引起的感染,当务之急是服用几粒锌片儿(可以在药房和保健食品店购买)。

    It could be viral or bacterial , but the first course of action is to take zinc lozenges ( from chemists and health-food shops ) .

  17. 这两份研究均认为,医生开抗生素时,约25%开给了病毒性感染等疾病,而抗生素对这些疾病毫无帮助。

    Both studies also found that about 25 % of the time antibiotics were being prescribed for conditions in which they have no use , such as viral infections .

  18. 银翘散的现代临床上主要用于治疗上呼吸道感染、急性扁桃体炎、咽喉炎、肺炎、流行性出血热等病毒性感染疾病。

    Yinqiao Powder is mainly used for treating some diseases infected by virus such as upper respiratory tract , acute tonsillitis , faucitis , pneumonia and epidemic hemorrhagic fever .

  19. 咽喉肿痛是感染发生的信号。无论是病毒性感染还是细菌引起的感染,当务之急是服用几粒锌片儿(可以在药房和保健食品店购买)。

    This tells you an infection is on its way.It could be viral or bacterial , but the first course of action is to take zinc lozenges ( from chemists and health-food shops ) .

  20. 抗病毒药物是病毒性感染治疗的主要药物,近年来,随着抗逆转录病毒药物开发,治疗其他病毒感染的药物也得到了发展。

    Antiviral agents are major medication for the treatment of viral infeions . By the promotion of antiretroviral drug research , an obvious advance was got in the development of other kinds of antiviral agents in the past decade .

  21. 研究者们也承认调查结果可能会受一些非可控因素的影响,包括不可测量的社会人口因素,早产的家族历史,产妇药物滥用,抽烟以及细菌或是病毒性感染。

    The researchers acknowledge that the findings could be affected by factors they could not control for , including unmeasured sociodemographic factors , a family history of preterm delivery , maternal substance abuse or smoking , and bacterial or viral infections .

  22. 病毒性心肌炎感染模型&大鼠搏动心肌细胞培养的柯萨奇B2病毒感染研究

    The infected model of viral myocarditis : coxsackie B2 virus infection in rat

  23. 应用多重反转录PCR技术检测病毒性呼吸道感染

    Identification of Viruses Causing Respiratory Tract Infection by Single-tube Multiplex Reverse Transcription PCR

  24. 但是细菌性和病毒性的感染产生不同的ROS,所以就会有不同种类的荧光。

    But bacterial and viral infections produce different ROSs and so have different types of glows .

  25. 背景:慢性乙型病毒性肝炎感染乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)后,机体体液及细胞免疫引起的以肝脏损伤为主的全身性疾病。

    Background : Chronic hepatitis B , hepatitis B virus ( HBV ) infection , liver damage caused by the humoral and cellular immune systemic disease .

  26. 经网络对慢性乙型病毒性肝炎感染者进行规范化随访

    Standardized Follow-up Visits through Internet to Patients with Chronic Type-B Hepatitis

  27. 人巨细胞病毒增殖性感染新生乳鼠大脑皮质神经细胞

    Human cytomegalovirus productive infection on neonatal murine cerebral cortex nerve cells

  28. 猪瘟病毒持续性感染的分子机制

    Molecular Mechanism of Persistent Infection of Classical swine fever virus

  29. 血液透析患者病毒性肝炎感染状况调查

    Analysis of infectious status of viral hepatitis in hemodialysis patients

  30. 湖州市社区人群病毒性肝炎感染特征研究

    A Study on Infectious Characteristics of Viral Hepatitis in Community Population in Huzhou