
  • 网络Acne scars
  1. 我看了惊恐地小痤疮疤痕,开始积累对我的脸。

    I watched in horror as small acne scars began to accumulate on my face .

  2. 如果你有严重痤疮疤痕像我,有时你必须走了,更有力的东西。

    If you have severe acne scars as I had , sometimes you have to go for the stronger stuff .

  3. 消除及改善毛孔粗大、痤疮疤痕。

    Eliminate and enhance rough pore , acne and scar .

  4. 不要让痤疮疤痕,使你看丑陋!

    Do not let acne scarring make you look ugly !

  5. 痤疮疤痕-我有什么治疗办法?

    Acne scarring-what are my treatment options ?

  6. 有些诊所的医生使用磨削,这是另一种方法去除痤疮疤痕。

    In some clinics doctors use dermabrasion , which is another method of acne scar removal .

  7. 痤疮疤痕清除方法不一定完全治好,但可以给予皮肤良好效果。

    Acne scar removal methods may not completely cure your skin but can give good results .

  8. 是一种适合东方人痤疮疤痕的安全,有效的治疗方法。

    It is effective for atrophic acne scar improvement , but it has limited effect for proliferation scar .

  9. 精通微晶磨削术、激光术治疗痤疮后遗疤痕、印记、色斑、色痣。

    Perfect with microlite grinding operating and laser treat scar after acne be treated , marking , splash , pigmented nevus .
