
  1. 儿童良性癫痫脑电图与临床追踪观察

    The observation tracing on EEG and clinical prognosis of children benign epilepsy

  2. 癫痫脑电图与视觉保持测定对比研究

    A comparative study on electroencephalo graphy and Benton revised visual retention test in epilepsy

  3. 剥夺睡眠诱发试验对提高癫痫脑电图阳性率的作用(附44例分析)

    Effects of sleep deprivation on EEG in epilepsy ( analysis of 44 cases )

  4. 目前对癫痫脑电图的检查主要由医疗工作者通过视觉来完成。

    The examination of epileptic EEGs is currently completed by visual inspection by health care workers .

  5. 临床应用表明,剥夺睡眠诱发对提高癫痫脑电图的阳性率有很大的使用价值。

    ( p < 0.001 ) Clinical practice showed that the activations with the deprival of sleep was very practical in increasing the rate of positivity of epilepsy with EEG .

  6. 对41例小儿癫痫的脑电图(EEG)、磁共振(MRI)进行了对比研究。

    EEG and MRI on infantile epilepsy of 41 cases were compared .

  7. 脑电图检查在临床上可以辅助诊断脑部疾病,因此对于诊断癫痫来说脑电图(EEG)检查有着十分重要的意义。

    So the electroencephalograph ( EEG ) examination has a great significance for the diagnosis of epilepsy .

  8. 本文分析了43例成人植物神经性癫痫的脑电图(EEG),结果异常率为76.7%。

    An EEG analysis of 43 adult patients with autonomic nervous epilepsy was made in this paper and the rate of abnormality was 76 . 7 % .

  9. 分析了123例局限性癫痫的脑电图(EEG)和CT检查结果,EEG异常率明显高于CT异常率(P<0.05);

    Analyzing the results of EEG and CT scanning from 123 patients with localized epilepsy and comparing them with some clinical features , we found that the abnormality rate of the EEG was significantly higher than that of CT scanning ;

  10. 32例脑卒中后继发癫痫的脑电图分析

    EEG analysis of 32 patients with secondary epilepsy after cerebral stroke

  11. 41例小儿癫痫的脑电图与磁共振对比研究

    Study of EEG and MRI on infantile epilepsy of 41 cases

  12. 儿童腹型癫痫的脑电图分析

    EEG analysis on 131 cases with abdominal epilepsy in children

  13. 100例癫痫患者脑电图与磁共振分析

    An analysis of EEG and MRI in 100 epileptic patients

  14. 135例小儿植物神经性癫痫的脑电图及临床分析

    An EEG and clinical analysis of 135 child patients with autonomic nervous epilepsy

  15. 40例儿童癫痫的脑电图及脑地形图分析

    An Analysis of Electroencephalogram and Brain Electric Activity Mapping of 40 Children with Epilepsy

  16. 颞叶癫痫动态脑电图和影像诊断

    AEEG and imaging diagnosis on temporal lobe epilepsy

  17. 癫痫的脑电图与神经影像

    Study of EEG and neurological imaging in epilepsy

  18. 149例顽固性癫痫皮质脑电图监测下痫灶切除手术的临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of Epileptic Surgery under Electrocorticogram Monitoring in 149 Patients with Intractable Epilepsy

  19. 儿童癫痫视频脑电图监测及诊断价值探讨

    Diagnostic value of video-EEG in childhood epilepsy

  20. 1262例癫痫的脑电图分析

    EEG Analysis of 1,262 Cases of Epilepsy

  21. 大白鼠杏仁核点燃癫痫模型脑电图功率谱的动态研究

    The study of dynamic changes of EEG power spectrum in rat epileptic model induced by kindling effect

  22. 部分儿童癫痫病人脑电图局灶放电的临床意义

    EVALUATION OF THE RISK FACTORS OF POSTTRAUMATIC EPILEPSY Clinical Significance of EEG Foci in Partial Epilepsy of Children

  23. 急性中、重型脑外伤后早期癫痫的脑电图监测及预后评价

    Clinical study and electroencephalogram ( EEG ) monitoring of early post-traumatic seizures on acute moderate and severe head injuries

  24. 伴中央颞叶棘波的良性儿童癫痫临床脑电图特点及智力人格行为分析

    Clinical and Electroencephalographic Study and Analysis of Intelligence , Personality and Behavior in the Children with Benign Childhood Epilepsy with Centro-Temporal Spikes

  25. 本组对65例临床诊断癫痫而脑电图正常或界限异常的患者行禁睡加睡眠脑电图检查。

    The sleep-deprived EEG and sleep EEG were recorded in 65 patients with normal or borderline EEG who were clinically diagnosed epilepsy .

  26. 本文分析45例腹型癫痫患者的脑电图(EEG),结果异常率为100.0%。

    An EEG analysis of 45 patients with abdominal epilepsy was made in this paper and the rate of abnormality was 100 % .

  27. Gastaut型儿童枕叶癫痫临床及脑电图特点分析

    The clinical and electroencephalographic features of childhood occipital epilepsy of Gastaut

  28. 86例植物性癫痫临床和脑电图分析

    The Clinical and EEG Analysis of 86 Cases of Vegetative Epilepsy

  29. 癫痫患者的脑电图与脑血流图分析

    Analysis of the encephalogram and the rheo encephalogram of epileptic patients

  30. 头痛型癫痫22例脑电图及临床分析

    The Clinical and EEG Characteristics in 22 cases of Headache Epilepsy