
  • 网络Wrinkled wall;Rugosofusulina;Pucker
  1. 结果喉癌的主要CT表现为会厌喉面、杓会皱壁及假声带增厚,或有不规则肿物突向前庭;

    Results The main findings of laryngeal carcinoma were thickening of the laryngeal side of epiglottis , the aryepiglottic fold and false vocal cord as well as irregular mass was processed to vestibule .

  2. 膝关节滑膜皱襞综合征的解剖与临床研究Ⅰ、膝关节滑膜皱壁综合征现代概念的探讨

    An Anatomical and Clinical Study of Synovial Plica Syndrome of the Knee : Current Concept of the Syndrome

  3. 消化道钡餐主要X线表现为胸腔狭窄,肠腔内充盈缺损,管壁僵硬,粘膜破坏,环状皱壁消失,肠梗阻或肠套叠,肠管扩张及溃疡形成。

    The main X-ray manifestations of gastrointestinal meal barium of primary malignant tumors of the small bowel were stenosis , filling defect , stiffness of involved intestinal wall with destruction of mucosa and loss of valvulae conniventes , intestinal obstruction or intussuseption , dynamic dilatation and ulcer .