
zhòu wèi
  • abomasum
皱胃 [zhòu wèi]
  • [abomasum] 反刍动物的第四胃或者真正消化的胃

  1. 所检测的各组织中都有ghrelinmRNA分布,但主要在皱胃中表达,其表达量远高于其他组织(P0.05);

    Ghrelin mRNA existed in all the above tissues and was significantly higher in the abomasum than in other tissues ( P0.05 );

  2. 以小牛皱胃为原料,研究了食盐浓度、酒精浓度、提取温度和pH对小牛皱胃酶提取效果的影响。

    Using calf abomasum as material , the concentration of salt and alcohol , pH values of extraction solution and time of extraction on the effect of calf rennet extraction were studied .

  3. 不同pH提取液对羔羊皱胃酶提取活性的影响

    Influences of different pH buffers on the extracting activity of kid rennet

  4. 黄牛皱胃积食前后瘤胃内容物pH值与纤毛虫数量变化的探讨

    Numeric Change of Ciliate and pH Value of Rumen Content before and after Abomasum Accumulation

  5. 从患有皱胃积食的5例黄牛瘤胃中采用胃管吸引法获得手术前、胃腔冲洗后及术后采食3d后的瘤胃内容物,分别测定瘤胃内容物的pH值和纤毛虫数量。

    Rumen content of five abomasum-accumulation yellow cattle were collected by rumen tube before and 3 days after operation treatment and analyzed for pH value and ciliate number .

  6. 以2~3周龄羔羊皱胃为原料,利用超声提取法研究了超声强度,提取时间,提取液NaCl浓度,皱胃与提取液比例以及提取液pH对羔羊皱胃酶(kidrennet)提取活性的影响。

    Using 2-3 weeks kid abomasa as material , the ultrasound intensity , extraction time , NaCl concentration and pH value in extracting solution and ratio abomasum to extracting solution were studied by ultrasounic method .

  7. 奶牛皱胃变位(DisplacedAbomasum,DA)是指皱胃的正常解剖位置发生改变,导致消化功能障碍的内科疾病。

    Displaced Abomasum ( DA ) in dairy cows is an internal medicine disease which refers to normal anatomical location change , and results in digestive function obstacle .

  8. 结果表明,酒精浓度对提取效果无明显影响;当提取液中食盐浓度为5%、pH为4、提取液与皱胃粉比例为20∶1时,提取羔羊皱胃酶凝乳活性最高。

    The results showed that the concentration of alcohol had no significant effect on the extracting effect of lamb rennet , and the milk-clotting activity reached the peak with the5 % salt concentration and20:1 ( v / w ) ratio of solution and abomasums power at pH4 .

  9. 结果表明:每天饲喂7.5mg/Kgbw的半胱胺显著提高十二指肠和空肠的淀粉酶活性、胰蛋白酶活性以及瘤胃纤维素酶和皱胃蛋白酶的活性(P<0.05)。

    The results showed that 7.5 mg CS / kg BW in the diet significantly increased the activities of amylase , trypsin in duodenum and jejunum , cellulase in rumen and pepsin in abomasum ( P < 0.05 );

  10. 食盐盐析羔羊皱胃酶的适宜盐析条件为:食盐饱和度55%~65%,pH4.00~4.60,盐析温度4℃,盐析时间16h。

    The optimal condition for salting-out by NaCl was 55 % - 65 % NaCl saturation , salting-out pH 4.00-4.60 , temperature 4 ℃ and salting-out time 16 h.

  11. 在超声强度为30W·cm-2下提取40min,提取液NaCl浓度为8%,pH为3,皱胃与提取液比例为1∶15时,羔羊皱胃酶提取活性最高。

    Kid rennet activity reached peak with ultrasound intensity 30 W · cm-2 , extraction time 40 min , NaCl concentration 8 % , pH value 3 , ratio abomasum to extracting solution . 1:15 .

  12. 每日流经皱胃的总氮组成有较大变化:非氨氮(NAN)从对照期的10.04克/日下降至7.88克/日;氨氮则从1.61克/日增至4.87克/日。

    The component of N reaching the abomasum daily considerably varied with the ration , NAN decreased from 10.04 g / day for control ration to 7.88 g / day , in contrast , the NH_3-N increased from 1.61 g / day to 4.87 g / day .

  13. 结果表明,皱胃酶的最适作用温度为50℃,低于40℃酶稳定性较好,60℃处理10min,酶活完全丧失。

    The results showed that the optimum clotting temperature of kid rennet was 50 ℃ . The milk-clotting activity of rennet was stable at less than 40 ℃, after 10 min treatment at 60 ℃, it would completely lose .

  14. 利用3头装有永久性瘤胃瘘管和皱胃瘘管的湖羊,进行体内试验,以挥发性脂肪酸胺(AS-VFA)替代日粮总氮34%。

    In vivo , the forestomach digestion and metabolism was observed in three Hu sheep fitted with permanent rumen and abomasal cannulas . 34 % of total nitrogen in diets was substituted with AS-VFA in the experimental period .

  15. 胃包括瘤胃、网胃、瓣胃、皱胃。

    The stomach included rumen , reticulum , omasum and abomasum .

  16. 奶牛皱胃左方变位临床诊断与整复方法的研究

    Research on Clinical Diagnosis Method of the Displacement of Cow Left Abomasum

  17. 超声提取羔羊皱胃酶特性的研究

    Study on Characteristics of Goat Kid Rennet Extracted by Ultrasound

  18. 传统干酪中所使用凝乳酶主要是从小牛第四胃中提取出来的皱胃酶。

    Traditional rennet extract from the fourth stomach of calf .

  19. 奶牛皱胃变位及其营养调控

    The Displacement of the Abomasums in Dairy Cattle and Its Nutrition Regulation

  20. 超声技术在皱胃酶提取中的应用

    Applications of ultrasound technology in the extraction of rennet

  21. 皱胃灌注谷蛋白对湖羊瘤胃消化代谢及内分泌的影响

    Effect of Abomasum Glutin Infusion on Rumen Digestion Metabolism and Endocrine of Hu sheep

  22. 国内首次发现乳牛皱胃毛霉菌病&伴发念珠菌病与曲霉菌毒素中毒的报告

    Mucormycosis of cow accompanied by moniliasis and aspergillotoxicosis : a report of 5 cases

  23. 商品肉用牛皱胃溃疡病研究&病理组织学观察及分析

    Study on Abomasal Ulcers in Veal Calves Slaughtered & Observation and Analysis of Pathohistology

  24. 皱胃酶酶学性质的研究

    Study on the Enzymatic Properties of Calf Rennet

  25. 奶牛皱胃左方变位的诊断与手术方法

    The diagnosing and surgical operating method to the maw left changes for the milk COW

  26. 关于皱胃的(反刍动物胃的第四部分)。

    Relating to the abomasum ( the fourth compartment of the stomach of ruminants ) .

  27. 与此同时,皱胃食糜中的阿片样物质总活性增加了128.32%(P<0.01)。

    At the same time , MCP increased by 128.32 % ( P < 0.01 ) .

  28. 奶牛皱胃变位是皱胃正常解剖学位置改变的一种疾病。

    Displacement of the abomasums is a abomasal disease which its normal anatomy location is changed .

  29. 传统干酪加工中使用的凝乳酶是从犊牛皱胃中提取出的一种天冬氨酸蛋白酶。

    Chymosin used traditionally in cheese making is an aspartic protease extracted form abomasum of suckling calves .

  30. 皱胃酶提取工艺的研究

    Extraction of calf rennet