
  1. 我需要两盒儿麦片,一快儿面包,一罐儿番茄酱

    I need two boxes of cereal , one loaf of bread , a can of tomato paste

  2. 这枚钻石戒指配有天鹅绒衬里的织锦缎首饰盒儿会显得更加精美。

    The diamond ring looks more exquisite and elegant when it comes with this beautiful brocade jewel case lined with velvet .

  3. 我需要两盒儿麦片,一块儿面包,一罐儿番茄酱,一打鸡蛋和两磅肉。

    I need two boxes of cereal , one loaf of bread , a can of tomato paste , a dozen eggs , and two pounds of meat .