
pán gǔ
  • Pangu;Pan Gu, creator of the universe in Chinese mythology;Pan Gu,Creator of universe in Chinese mythology
盘古 [pán gǔ]
  • [Pan Gu,Creator of universe in Chinese mythology] 即盘古氏。中国神话中的开天辟地的人物

  • 自从盘古开天地

盘古[pán gǔ]
  1. 秦淮缓缓流呀盘古到如今

    Ever since the ancient era , the river has been flowing gracefully .

  2. 盘古祠边坡由于边坡初步设计不合理,2002年4月出现了滑坡,体积达万余m3,滑坡治理费达40万元。

    Pan-Gu Temple slope became failure in April , 2002 with the volume of more than 10,000 m ~ 3 because of the unreasonable original design .

  3. 盘古致力于推广4E理论,这是我们对信仰的虔诚也是对事业的热诚!

    PenGo devotes to promote the4E management theory , It 's our religious faith and zealous enterprise .

  4. 两周前,派拉蒙刚刚遭到了北京盘古大观(PanguPlaza)的起诉,盘古大观称自己支付了广告植入费用,但派拉蒙未履行广告植入协议。

    Two weeks ago it faced a lawsuit from Pangu Plaza , a hotel in Beijing , alleging that a product placement deal for which it had paid had not been honoured .

  5. 在北京拥有盘古大观物业的北京盘古氏投资有限公司(BeijingPanguInvestmentCo.)表示,公司于6月15日解除了与该影片的商业赞助,并对派拉蒙电影公司及其他中国本地公司以违约为由提起诉讼。

    Beijing Pangu Investment Co. , which owns a distinctive-looking , dragon-shaped hotel , office and mall complex in China 's capital city Beijing , said it ended its commercial sponsorship of the film on June 15 and is filing suit against Paramount and other local Chinese companies for breach of contract .

  6. 可是,盘古也累死了。

    But , Pan Gu has also been tired to death .

  7. 总之,宇宙即盘古,盘古即宇宙。

    In all , the universe and Pangu combine in one .

  8. 盘古在其中沉睡了无数的岁月,终于苏醒过来。

    After millions of years'sound sleep , Pangoo finally woke up .

  9. 第四种观点就是相对较晚的盘古神话。

    The fourth view is the relatively late myth of Pangu .

  10. 人类的老祖宗盘古,用他整个的身体创造了这美丽而丰富的宇宙。

    Pangu created the rich and beautiful world with his body .

  11. 论盘古神话的自然生态伦理价值

    On Natural , ecological and Ethical Value of Pangu Mythology

  12. 盘古故事还有其他几种版本。

    There are several versions of the Pan Gu story .

  13. 盘古氏发言人并未回复记者寻求置评的请求。

    A spokeswoman for Pangu didn 't respond to requests for comment .

  14. 失败二:《盘古组件》的失败。

    Second failure : " Pangea components " of failure .

  15. 而盘古王开天辟地故事在民间广为流传。

    Wang and Pangu an epoch-making story in the civil widely circulated .

  16. 让他惊讶的是,盘古开口说话了。

    To his surprise Pan Gu began to speak .

  17. 盘古神话与中国古代本体思想

    Creator of World Myth and the Main Body Thought of China Ancient Times

  18. 道教传播与少数民族盘古神话

    The Spreading of Taoist and the Fable of Pangu in Ethnic Minority Groups

  19. 《黑暗传》中的盘古神话及其传承特点

    The Pangu Tale in The Darkness Legend and the Features of Its Transmission

  20. 那么,盘古为什么选择此处定居呢?

    So , Pangu Why did you choose to settle here to do ?

  21. 从《黑暗传》看盘古形象的文化内涵

    Cultural Connotation of Pangu in The Legend of Dark

  22. 盘古氏带领其家族垫台筑巢,造房建屋。

    Pangu 's pad sets to lead his family 's nest , building housing .

  23. 动画呈现终极盘古大陆显示,未来学想法的大胆运作。

    An animated depiction of Pangea Ultima demonstrates a bold exercise in futuristic thinking .

  24. 沅陵盘古文化的活态特征

    The Living Characteristics of Yuanling Pangu Culture

  25. 宇宙像是一个大鸡蛋,里面一团漆黑,盘古就酣睡在里面。

    The universe was like a big black egg , carrying Pan Gu inside itself .

  26. 最初,天地混沌未开,像一个大鸡蛋,盘古就生在其中。

    The sky and the earth were at first one blurred entity like an egg .

  27. 这是以为她可能是从武器的世界中,盘古大陆。

    It is thought that she may be from the weapons world of Middle Pangaea .

  28. 盘古开天不久,那时,天和地差不多连着。

    Pangu open days soon , then , heaven and the earth is almost connected .

  29. 盘古名字反映不同的历史进程和丰富的文化内涵。

    The name of " Pangu " reflects different historical periods and rich cultural connotation .

  30. 原来我们要去的地方就是位于鸟巢和水立方一侧鼎鼎大名的“盘古七星酒店”。

    So it was revealed then our mystery destination was the Pangu Seven Star Hotel .