- 网络Plates of;pan

[twists and turns] 曲折回环的样子
盘盘焉,囷囷焉,蜂房水涡,矗不知几千万落。——唐· 杜枚《阿房宫赋》
We scattered plates of food around the room before the party .
colourful apples and oranges , plates of yellow butter , cooked chickens , boxes of chocolates and sugared sweets .
Coils of rope lay on the quayside .
Waiters glide between tightly packed tables bearing trays of pasta .
A room with bowls of fruit and flowers scattered everywhere .
Reels of magnetic tape were piled high on his desk .
Kids were ripping off trays of rolls .
This article makes an FEM analysis of the thermal stress in the brake disc for passenger cars .
The servants began bringing out platters of ribs , roasted in a crust of garlic and herbs .
Both kitchens contained bowls of crackers , cookies and carrots , laid out for the participants to munch on .
Harry put the plates of egg and bacon on the table , which was difficult as there wasn 't much room .
The company grew to 28 employees and moved into a new kitchen-office hybrid space , laden with plated dishes from test recipes and shoots .
The four long House tables were laden with tureens of porridge , plates of kippers , mountains of toast , and dishes of eggs and bacon , beneath the enchanted ceiling .
The setting may be plain but the presentation is impeccable plate after beautiful plate of colourful salad ( which includes pink flowers ) , pancakes , vegetables , mushrooms , tofu .
In a time when many started the day with heaping platters of meat and potatoes , he ate a daily ration of dry , crumbled whole wheat biscuits : the original Graham crackers .
Over the past six years Fei Gallery has gathered a host of Lingnan elite artists to exhibit contemporary art of unique character and has been well recognized by both art community and society .
The calculating result provides the basis for analyzing the cracks on the disk , and supplied a reference for solution of preventing cracks , it also lay the foundation for the structural optimization of disc brake design .
He saw a hive of activity : tradesmen came and went , people were conversing in the corners , a small orchestra was playing background music , and there was a table covered with platters of many delicacies .
There would be bowls of chicken , rice , local spinach and spicy mutton , all cooked over the fire by the women , followed by plates of crunchy apples , slices of yellow cake and a big kettle of milky tea .
Ser Rodrik tried to tug at whiskers that were not there , but before he could frame a rebuke the serving boy came scurrying up . He laid trenchers of bread before them and filled them with chunks of browned meat off a skewer , dripping with hot juice .