
  • 网络linear thinking;lineal thinking
  1. 本文分析了三对不同的中英思维模式,分别是:综合思维和分析思维,环形思维和直线思维,具象思维和抽象思维。

    Three thinking mode counterparts are studied in this thesis : synthesis thinking vs. analysis thinking , circular thinking vs. linear thinking and concrete thinking vs. abstract thinking . Translation , a transform process from one language to another , is both linguistic and thinking activity .

  2. 而英语则以直线思维为特质,语言脉络清晰,在篇章结构上突出主语,以功能词连接句子。

    While English , characterized by linear way of thinking , emphasizes subjects and functional linkers .

  3. 我们的父母太传统了,他们是直线思维,他们喜欢给子女安排好生活,可是年轻人就该享受尝试各种可能性的过程。

    Our parents are too traditional . They think in a straight line . They would like to arrange a life for their children , but young people should enjoy the process of trying out many possibilities , says one 23-year-old factory worker in Shenzhen .

  4. 螺旋型思维、直线性思维与句子语序调整技巧教学。

    Direct and curve thought patterns and the adjustment of sentence order .

  5. 关于一个天才拒绝直线式思维方式的搞笑故事。

    A hilarious story of a genius in the making who refused to think one-dimensionally .

  6. 通过考察中西方思维方式的异同,得知,西方人因为历史发展的原因更倾向于直线型思维。这种思维方式能够有效地使人们更多的关注事物的形成与发展。

    Study of similarities and differences between Western way of thinking and Chinese way of thinking discloses that because of historical development , Western people are more likely in " linear thinking ", in which , people pay more attention to the formation and development of things .

  7. 英汉语言的思维模式存在着明显的差异,直线型的英语思维重理性,表达直接;

    Research shows that there are differences between English and Chinese thought patterns .

  8. 精神分析、行为疗法和认知疗法的理论都具有决定论色彩、直线因果式的思维方式和单线性的动力学描述的局限。

    The theories such as psychoanalysis , behaviorism therapy and cognitive therapy were all limited for their characteristic of determinism , mode of vertical causal thinking and linear mechanical description .