
  • 网络phase shift keying;psk;BPSK;fsk;mpsk
  1. 数字视频相移键控调制技术

    Digital Video PSK Modulation Technology

  2. 双相相移键控信号非理想条件下接收性能分析

    Analysis of the Reception Performance of 2 PSK Signal under Non-Ideal Conditions

  3. 基于FPGA的四相移键控调制解调器的建模与设计

    Quarter phase-shift-keying modulator Modeling and designing based on FPGA for digital QPSK modulator and demodulator

  4. 介绍了一种适用于二相相移键控(BPSK)扩频调制信号的数字式处理方法。

    This paper proposes a novel digital IF processing method of BPSK signal .

  5. 数字调制信号分三种基本类型:多进制幅度键控MASK、多进制相移键控MPSK和多进制频移键控MFSK。

    There are three basic types of digitally modulated signal : MASK , MPSK and MFSK .

  6. 多进制相移键控MPSK调制信号的解调中,为提高解调性能,得到精确快速的载波同步和时钟同步,需要对载波检测和时钟检测作精心的设计。

    The carrier frequency synchronization and timing synchronization is important for the demodulation of MPSK signal .

  7. 对软件无线电中的数字化解调算法进行研究,并提出一种基于离散傅立叶变换(DFT)的四进制相移键控信号(QPSK)数字化解调算法。

    This paper studies the digital demodulation algorithm in software radio and presents a DFT-based digital demodulation scheme for QPSK signals .

  8. 相移键控MPSK调制技术是数字通信中常用的调制技术。

    M-ary phase shift keying ( MPSK ) is a popular digital modulation technique in digital communication .

  9. 相移键控信号(MPSK)特征提取研究

    Feature Extraction of MPSK Signal

  10. TFM是一种相关相移键控信号。

    TFM belongs to Correlative Phase Shift Keying .

  11. π/4-QPSK是四进制相移键控(QPSK)的改进方式,具有较高的频谱效率和较好的抗噪声性能。

    π / 4-QPSK ( Quaternary Phase Shift Keying ), an improved QPSK modulation , possess hig-her frequency efficiency and antinoise ability .

  12. 小波变换提供品质因数Q恒定的滤波器分析,能够精细刻化M电平相移键控(MPSK)信号在码元转换时刻的相位跳变。

    Wavelet transform ( WT ) provides a constant-Q filter analysis that is suitable for transient detection and characterization of M-ary phase shift keying ( MPSK ) signal .

  13. MPSK(多进制相移键控)调制解调系统实现起来简单、成熟,广泛应用于航天测控系统中。

    MPSK ( Multiple Phase Shift Keying ) modulation and demodulation system is simple , mature and widely used in aerospace TT & C area .

  14. 相移键控(Phase-Shift-KeyingPSK)信号是一类常见的数字通信调制信号。

    Phase Shift Keying ( Phase-Shift-Keying PSK ) signal is a kind of common digital communication modulation signal .

  15. 本文提出了一种采用低速OC标签但不增加标签开销的相移键控光码(PSK-OC)标签和幅移键控(ASK)净荷正交调制光分组格式。

    A scheme which adopts low chip-rate but no extra label length is proposed in this dissertation . The OC label is phase-shift keying ( PSK ) modulated on the amplitude-shift keying ( ASK ) modulation payload .

  16. 针对π/4QPSK(正交相移键控)调制器与QPSK进行了软件仿真比较,实验表明,π/4QPSK具有较高的频谱效率。

    A simulated comparison is made between π / 4 QPSK and QPSK . The computer simulations demonstrate that π / 4 QPSK has higher frequency spectrum efficiency .

  17. 二进制相移键控(BPSK)和幅度调制(MASK)等信号是雷达系统中常用的信号,这种调制信号的椭圆协方差矩阵不为零,被称为非圆信号。

    The Binary phase shift keying ( BPSK ) and Mary amplitude shift keying ( MASK ) are widely used in radar systems , their elliptic covariance do not equal zero , are noncircular signals .

  18. 数字相移键控(PSK)由于其具有频谱利用率高、误码性能好、技术灵活、特别适应于高数据传输与快速衰落信道等突出优势,已经成为了当前各种移动通信的主要调制方式。

    Digital phase shift keying ( PSK ), because of its high spectrum efficiency , BER performance , flexible , is especially suitable for high data transmission and fast fading channels .

  19. 偏移正交相移键控(OQPSK:OffsetQuadraturePhaseShiftKeying)是一种恒包络调制技术,具有较高的频谱利用率和功率利用率,广泛应用于卫星通信系统和地面移动通信系统。

    OQPSK ( Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying ) modulation technology is a constant envelope modulation technology , which possesses the features of high spectrum and power utilization ratio . The modern method has been widely employed in satellite communication system and mobile communication system .

  20. 无符号间干扰和抖动-交错正交相移键控(IFJ-OQPSK)是现代数字调制技术中的一种新的调制方式。

    Intersymbol - Interference and Jitter Free Offset - keyed Quadrature Phase Shift Keying ( IJF-OQPSK ) is a new modulation method in modern digital modulation techniques .

  21. 作为数字卫星视频广播(DVB-S)接收芯片的核心组件,给出了一种全数字正交相移键控(QPSK)接收解调器的设计。

    As the key component of satellite digital video broadcast receive system and chip , this paper ( pre - )( sented ) the design of an all-digital quadrature phase shift keying ( QPSK ) demodulator .

  22. 近年来,为了满足光传送网连续增长的容量需求,基于偏振复用和多相位调制格式的100Gb/s双偏振正交相移键控(Dualpolarizationquadraturephase-Shiftkeying,DP-QPSK)接收机吸引了人们极大的兴趣。

    Recently , in order to meet the continuous growth in demand for capacity of the optical transport network , 100Gb / s DP-QPSK ( Dual polarization quadrature phase-shift keying ) receiver based on polarization multiplexing and multi-phase modulation format has being paid important attention .

  23. 研究了单径瑞利衰落信道、数据采用二进制相移键控(BPSK)调制等条件下,系统误比特率蒙特卡罗仿真结果的置信度与仿真量之间的关系。

    It is investigated the confidence probability of Monte Carlo ( MC ) simulation results of system bit error rate ( BER ), under condition of single-path Rayleigh fading channels and data modulated in binary phase shift key ( BPSK ) .

  24. 第三,对采用不同调制格式(包括幅移键控和二进制相移键控)的光副载波复用(OSCM)系统中,PMD引起的功率代价进行了量化。

    Thirdly , we quantify the power penalty caused by the PMD in optical subcarrier multiplexing ( OSCM ) system with amplitude shift keying ( ASK ) and binary phase shift keying ( BPSK ) .

  25. 提出了一种新的物理层网络编码方法,将无线网络中物理层网络编码采用的调制方法推广到八进制相移键控(8PSK)以及多进制相移键控(MPSK)。

    This paper presents a new physical-layer network coding ( PNC ) method , which extends the modulation method in PNC to8 phase-shift keying ( 8PSK ) and M-ary phase-shift keying ( MPSK ) .

  26. 研究带删除卷积码的8、16、32差分幅/相移键控(DAPSK)调制。

    Punctured convolutional coding with an 8 , 16 and 32 differential amplitude and phase shift keying ( DAPSK ) modulation is considered .

  27. 设计出了二次调制系统:采用连续可变斜率增量调制(CVSD)实现模拟话音信号与数字编码的转换,采用二进制相对相移键控(2DPSK)作为数字调制方式。

    A twice modulation is designed : , CVSD was adopted to realize conversion between analog and digital voice signals , 2DPSK was used as the digital modulation mode .

  28. 研究一基于LSL(最小平方格型)算法的QPSK(正交相移键控)自适应均衡器,均衡效果良好。

    Basing on the briefly introduction of the LSL ( least-squares lattice ) algorithm and QPSK ( quadrature phase shift keying ), a LSL adaptive equalizer for QPSK modulation is presented . The equalizer shows the good performances .

  29. 两次基带处理&偏移正交相移键控调制技术

    Double Baseband Processing Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying Modulation Technique

  30. 一种相移键控数字图像水印算法

    Digital Image Watermarking Algorithm Based on Phase Shift Keying