
  • 网络Tomoyo
  1. 三洋昨晚表示,野中知世是出于“个人原因”辞职的,与围绕这家苦苦挣扎的电子制造商应如何处理最近的会计问题而出现的内部分歧,没有直接关系。

    Sanyo said last night she had resigned for " personal reasons " not directly related to internal disagreements over how the struggling electronics maker should handle its recent accounting problems .

  2. 相反地,愚蠢的人很少察知世上正在发生的事。世俗的人;相信我们现世的生活就是全部的意义;世俗之爱;我们现世的家园。

    On the other hand , foolish people seldom know what 's going on in the world . earthly beings ; believed that our earthly life is all that matters ; earthly love ; our earthly home .

  3. 王的仆人约押如此行,为要挽回这事。我主的智慧却如神使者的智慧,能知世上一切事。

    To fetch about this form of speech hath thy servant Joab done this thing : and my lord is wise , according to the wisdom of an angel of God , to know all things that are in the earth .