
duǎn zhóu
  • Short axis;minor axis;brachyaxis;brachydiagonal
短轴[duǎn zhóu]
  1. 本文利用三维J积分的定义导出了半椭圆表面裂纹前缘任意点处沿长轴和短轴方向J积分之间的关系。

    According to the definition of three-dimensional J-integral , the relationship between J-integrals along the major axis and along the minor axis of half - elliptical surface crack is established .

  2. 双侧髁状突曲面成像,将水平角不在一条直线上的双侧髁状突长轴或短轴层面,重建在一幅影像内,方便了双侧髁状突相同体位影像的对比观察。

    The section of long axis or minor axis of bilateral condyle were reconstructed in the same image at contour section of condyle , which made the contrast of bilateral condyle convenient .

  3. 白血技术应用Fastcine扫描短轴位并测量左心室功能,得到健康成年人左心室的形态和功能的正常值。

    White angiogram provided with Fast Cine scanning along short axis and measuring left ventricle .

  4. 2-D超声心动图观察心尖部短轴收缩期钟向旋转的临床意义

    The Clinical Significance of 2-D Echocardiography on Left Ventricle Apical Short Axis Rotatory Moving in Systole

  5. UG在锥型短轴加工中的应用

    Manufacturing Short Cone Shaped Shaft with UG

  6. 该模式表明,对于水流能量保持能力差的冲积扇,其古流向应该沿短轴陡坡降方向,即大致为SEE方向;

    The model shows that current of alluvial fan progressed in the direction of SEE along the short axle with steep slope , and its current energy can keep only in short distance .

  7. 糖尿病患者的每搏输出量、每分输出量、射血分数及左室短轴缩短率均明显低于正常人(P<0.01)。

    Stroke output , output per min , ejection fraction and short rate of left ventricle short axis in diabetic were lower than those in normal cases ( p < 0.01 ) .

  8. 心肌缺血组圆周应变和短轴缩短率均低于正常对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    Regional shortening fraction and circumferential strain in myocardial ischemia patients showed significant reduction compared with normal myocardium ( P0.05 ) . 2 .

  9. 目的应用组织多普勒心肌速度分布图(myocardialvelocityprofile,MVP)对左室短轴方向局部收缩功能进行评价。

    Objective This study was designed to evaluate the regional left ventricular systolic function in short-axis orientation by myocardial velocity profile ( MVP ) .

  10. 分别在静息时和各个负荷水平采用梯度回波技术,在短时屏气期间,采集3个短轴平面、1个四腔位和1个二腔位MR图像。

    The staircase recoil-wave shill was adopted at rest and each loading level , MRI images were acquired during short breath-holds in 3 short-axis views and a 4 - and a 2-chambre view .

  11. 对LV前壁、中间段HLA断层DPI和短轴HDR做进一步的验证。

    Do further verification on the LV anterior 、 middle HLA faultage , short axis HDR .

  12. 妊娠各组与非孕对照组之间左室射血分数(EF)、左室短轴缩短率(FS)的差异均无统计学意义(p>0.05)。

    Left ventricular ejection fraction and left ventricular fractional shortening were no statistical significance between healthy women and normal pregnancy women ( p 0.05 ) .

  13. 绕固定Q轴和动短轴Z轴摆动的60°二维扫描镜,在相同的扫描视场内,比45°镜摆动角度小、像旋也小。

    Compared with 45 ° scanning mirror , 60 ° scanning mirror which rotates about Q axis and Z axis has smaller swing angles and image rotating .

  14. 所采用的数值方法为具有QUICK差分格式的SIMPLE算法。数值结果表明,随着宽高比增大,对流涡卷的轴向发生改变,从平行于Y轴转变到平行于X轴,即平行于短轴。

    The SIMPLE algorithm with QUICK scheme is used as numerical method The numerical result suggests that when the transverse aspect ratio increases , the longitudinal rolls become align to the shorter X side .

  15. 新疆小热泉子铜矿区总体为一NW&SE走向的不协调短轴复背斜,后期有SN向次级褶皱叠加。前列腺近距离放疗后的直肠并发症

    The major structure in the mine district is NW SE trending disharmonic brachy anticlinorium superimposed by later N S trending second order fold . Rectal complications after prostate brachy - therapy

  16. Fira中基于较短轴的色标分块及朝向角辨识算法

    A Color Tag Segmentation and Direction Identification Algorithm Based on the Shorter Axis in Fira

  17. 下后壁梗塞患者下壁(长轴方向)、后壁(短轴方向)运动速度较健康人降低的程度分别比前壁、前间隔更显著(p<0.01或p<0.05)。

    In patients with inferior-posterior myocardial infarction , the decreasing degree of velocity in inferior wall ( long-axis ) and in posterior wall ( short-axis ) was respectively more significant than that in anterior wall and in anteroseptal wall ( p < 0.01 or p < 0.05 ) .

  18. 结果:心气虚模型组、D-gal+心气虚组大鼠左室射血分数(EF)、左室短轴缩短率(FS)均明显降低(P<0.05),左室收缩功能明显下降。

    Results : The ejection fraction and fraction shortening of the rat models were significantly decreased ( P < 0.05 ), and its left ventricular systolic function was descendants distinctly .

  19. 探查方法和指标:取胸骨旁左室长轴切面,探测CS短轴,测定CS前后径(CSSD);

    By the parasternal long axis view of the left ventricle , short axis of CS was detected and the distal inner diameter of CS ( CSSD ) was measured .

  20. 结果肝脏凝固坏死区肉眼呈白淡粉色,形状为椭圆形,其长、短轴长度分别为(30.08±5.83)mm及(14.75±3.66)mm。

    Results The coagulative necrosis was whitish slight pink in color on gross appearance and elliptical in shape . The long diameter was ( 30.08 ± 5.83 ) mm , with ( 14.75 ± 3.66 ) mm of the short one .

  21. k、HT及MTT分别与右心排血量、左室射血分数左室短轴缩短率明显相关。

    K , half-time of decent of peak intensity ( HT ) and MTT was respectively strongly related with output of right ventricle , ejection fraction of left ventricle ( LVEF ), fractional shortening of left ventricle .

  22. 射血分数(EF)、左室短轴缩短率(FS)的变化不呈直线性,心率在150~160/min时达到峰值(P<001)。

    Ejection fraction ( EF ) and FS showed non linear changes . They got to peak when the heart rate ranged between 150 160 / min ( P < 0.01 ) .

  23. 根据画法几何中的旋转重合原理,给出了利用直角三角形法求椭圆短轴及用旋转投影法画椭圆的新方法。系统地介绍了E.介绍这一系统的原理、构造及操作。

    According to the rotation projection principle of descriptive geometry , a new method to construct an ellipse is presented by use of the right triangle principle to draw the minor axis and the rotating projection methed to draw the ellipse .

  24. 采集乳头肌水平短轴二维灰阶动态图,应用2DS测量各节段心肌径向Vs、S、Sr,对比正常与梗死节段心肌测值。

    The regional radial Vs , S and Sr were measured by 2DS from papillary level short-axis view and the values of the infarcted segments were compared with non-infarcted segments .

  25. 结果:阴虚阳亢证组左心室收缩功能指标左室短轴缩短分数(FS)、射血分数(EF)、心肌收缩性显著高于正常对照组(P<0.05和P<0.01);

    Results : Among the indices of LVSF fractional shortening ( FS ), ejection fraction ( EF ), and myocardial contractility in YDYES group were significantly higher than those in normally control group ( P < 0 05 and P < 0 01 ) .

  26. 目的利用速度向量成像(VVI)技术评价扩张型心肌病人(DCM)短轴切面圆周方向上心肌收缩功能。

    Objective Using new echocardiographic technology , the velocity vector imaging ( VVI ) technology to evaluate the circumferential myocardial regional systolic function in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy ( DCM ) .

  27. 比较了当椭圆管的短轴2b等于圆管的直径D时这两种管子的对流换热密度。

    The total heat transfer rate between circular and elliptic arrangements was compared on the condition that the diameter of the circle , D , was equal to the smaller axis of the ellipses , 2b .

  28. 利用岩石应变测量方法测量出岩石中变形标志体长轴、中间轴、短轴之间的比值(X∶Y∶Z),计算构造块体的三轴比率;

    Through finite strain measurement , the major axis ( X ), the middle axis ( Y ) and the minor axis ( Z ) in the deformed rocks can be measured , and the ratio among the three axes ( X ∶ Y ∶ Z ) can be calculated .

  29. 于房间隔短轴观、心尖四腔观和房间隔长轴观分别测量ASO中心厚度和与腰相连的两侧厚度,进行比较分析。

    The thickness of ASOs was assessed in the 4 chamber , short and long axis views of the interatrial septum , and measured at its middle and at the junction of the connecting waist with the disc .

  30. Brady在其包体地震理论中的两个错误,即远场双向压力下对剪切断层而言,包体内与椭圆短轴平行的应力不是张应力;

    Brady there are two errors , namely , ( 1 ) the stress component parallel to the minor axis within the elliptical inclusion is not a tensile stress , under far field compression in two directions ;