
  • 网络Petroleum Finance
  1. 本文阐述了石油金融风险的定义、特征、主要类型以及风险成因。

    This paper described the definition , features and main types of petroleum finance risk and its cause of formation .

  2. 然后分国内国外两个部分,进行了关于国家石油安全、石油市场体制和石油金融方面的研究文献综述,并进行了评述。

    Two parts include home and abroad . This chapter summarizes and comments the research of national petroleum security , petroleum market system and petroleum finance .

  3. 第三,通过对比回归分析和Granger因果检验,厘清了投机力量在金融危机前后以及后经济危机时期在油价波动中发挥的作用,是对石油金融属性研究的一个重要补充。

    Thirdly by comparing the regression analysis and Granger causality test , the paper makes clear the role of speculation on oil price before and after the financial crisis .

  4. 石油金融的工具则包括传统金融工具和石油与金融产融结合创造的专门金融工具。

    Oil financial instruments include conventional financial instruments and specialized financial instruments .

  5. 石油金融的市场同样既包括传统金融市场,也包括专门的石油金融市场。

    Oil financial markets include traditional financial markets and specialized oil and financial markets .

  6. 安然破产与我国石油金融安全

    Enron Bankruptcy and China 's Oil Finance Security

  7. 而石油金融的外延则包含了石油金融的参与主体、金融工具、金融市场和理论层次。

    And the extension of the oil financial contains participant subjects , financial instruments , financial markets and the theoretical level .

  8. 石油金融理论可以划分为三个层次:消费商石油金融、生产商石油金融和国家石油金融。

    The financial oil theory can be divided into three levels : consumer oil finance , manufacturers of oil finance and national oil finance .

  9. 因此,石油金融市场吸引了大量石油相关企业、对冲基金、投资银行、机构投资者、私人股权基金及其它金融资本纷纷参与其中。

    Therefore , a large number of oil companies , hedge funds , investment banks , institutional investors , private equity funds and other financial capital were involved in financial oil markets .

  10. 按照现代金融学的观点,石油金融的内涵可界定为:(利用金融市场和金融工具)在不确定性条件下跨期、跨地域配置稀缺石油资源。

    In accordance with the view of implications of modern finance , oil financial can be defined as : using financial markets and financial instruments allocate scarce oil resources under uncertain conditions ( cross-period , cross-regional ) .

  11. 这些大楼主要是石油和金融公司的办公室。

    These are mainly company offices for the oil and financial sectors .

  12. 随着经济全球化、一体化趋势的不断加深,国际石油市场金融化程度也在进一步加深。

    Along with the economic globalization and the trends of integration , the marketization of global oil markets goes deeper .

  13. 面对如此大规模的石油、金融行业的精英们的搏弈战,作为国际石油贸易的平台公司永创将有什么样的看法、想法和作法呢?!

    Faced with such a large-scale oil & financial sector 's elite warfare , as an international oil trading platform company Novel Trading Limited will have what kind of views , ideas and actions !

  14. 石油是全球金融市场的锚,而欧佩克(OPEC)刚刚决定拔起这只锚。

    Oil anchors world financial markets , and Opec has just decided to raise its anchor .

  15. 罗杰斯表示,英镑的两大支柱一直是北海石油和英国金融服务业的实力,尤其是伦敦金融城(CityOfLondon)的角色。

    Mr Rogers says the two main pillars of support for sterling have been North Sea oil and the strength of the UK financial services sector , in particular , the City of London 's role .

  16. 石油市场的金融支持体系研究

    Financial Support for Oil Market in China

  17. 石油价格关联金融战略

    Petroleum Price Links up Financial Strategy

  18. 随着当前世界石油市场与金融市场相互渗透与结合,石油的准金融产品特征日益突出,石油问题也因此提升到国家金融安全和经济安全的高度。

    Coincident with the mutual penetrate and combination of oil and finance markets has been a growing prominence of the quasi-finance product feature of oil . Therefore the oil issue has been upgraded to the equivalence of national finance and economy security .

  19. 石油输出国组织金融流动方案;

    Organization of petroleum exporting countries financial flows programme ;

  20. 同样,产油国正在将石油储备转化为金融财富,为子孙后代提供收入。

    Similarly , the oil-producing countries are converting oil reserves into financial wealth that will provide income for future generations .

  21. 中委深化石油、石化、金融合作,设立新的合作开发基金。

    China and Venezuela will deepen their cooperation in petroleum , petrochemicals and finance and establish new cooperation and development fund .

  22. 国际石油公司运用衍生金融工具管理价格风险的主要做法包括衍生品交易与实货交易的一体化操作、对风险的定量化测算、对多种风险的战略性管理等。

    Practices by global oil companies include combining financial-derivative and physical-good transactions , quantitative risk measurement and strategic management of multiple risks .

  23. 石油美元流入全球金融体系,提高了流动性,推高了资产价格,而且帮助压低借贷成本。

    The flow of petrodollars into the global financial system boosted liquidity , spurred asset prices and helped to keep borrowing costs down .

  24. 后来逐渐延伸到石油、化工、金融、通信、医疗、物流、航空、酒店等等其它各行各业。

    Then gradually extended to petroleum , chemical industry , finance , telecommunications , medical , logistics , airlines , hotels and other industries .

  25. 投资者目前仍然无法预计本次石油灾难将会在金融方面造成多大的影响,分析师预计,该公司最终将投入数百亿美元“埋单”。

    Investors remain uncertain over the eventual financial impact of the oil disaster , with estimates from analysts putting the final bill in the tens of billions .

  26. 双方签订了近40项新协议,涉及领域包括技术创新、石油和矿产、金融、陆路运输、基础设施和农业等。

    The two sides have signed nearly 40 new agreements in the areas including technology and innovation , oil and mining , finance , land transportation , infrastructure and agriculture .

  27. 美国联邦储备委员会主席伯南克说,美国经济面临许多困难,包括房地产价格继续下跌,石油价格飙升以及金融市场再次出现动荡等。伯南克在参议院银行委员会作证时明确表示,货币政策的目的是保持经济持续增长以及抑制通货膨胀。

    Bernanke Spells out Economic Woes to Congress In an appearance before the Senate Banking Committee , Bernanke made clear that monetary policy is aimed at keeping the economy growing and fighting inflation .

  28. 制度经济学理论是石油制度安全和石油金融安全的理论基础,它决定了确保制度安全的市场化体系建设,要建立在完善制度的思路上。

    The theory of institutional economics is the foundation theory of petroleum system security in the second level . It determines that market system construction must base on perfecting system to ensure system security .

  29. 其主要构想为:建立石油期货市场,争取石油定价话语权;利用石油金融互换制定有关石油的货币金融政策;建立石油产业发展基金等。

    The main ideas are establishing oil future market , striving speaking right in oil pricing , developing monetary policy related oil , and so on .

  30. 石油价格的持续上涨和剧烈波动迫切要求石油公司运用衍生金融工具管理价格风险。

    Continued wide and frequent oil price fluctuations require oil companies to employ financial derivatives for their price risk management .