
shí huī shā jiānɡ
  • lime mortar
  1. 硅灰改性水泥/石灰砂浆微观结构的研究

    Microstructural Investigation of Silica Fume Modified Cement / Lime Mortar

  2. 一个世纪之后,它还依旧耸立,但砖块早就开始剥落,一点一点地裂开;石灰砂浆也是如此,温差变化使其碎裂为粉末。

    After a century , it 's still standing , but its bricks have begun to drop and break as , little by little , its lime mortar , exposed to temperature swings , crumbles and powders .

  3. 本文在对砖墙体的受力形式进行分析的基础上,探讨了水泥石灰砂浆在砖砌体中的作用本质。

    Based on the analysis of the brick wall in force , this , article thoroughly discusses the affection of the lime and cement mortar in the brick wall .

  4. 降低砂浆的收缩,28d收缩值比粘土混合砂浆降低了36%,比石灰混合砂浆降低了25%,改善了砂浆的抗裂性,能有效预防砂浆空鼓、开裂等质量通病。

    The mortar shrinkage was also reduced by 36 % as compared with clay mortar and by 25 % with lime mortar . The resistance to rupture of mortar was highly improved and the common quality faults such as cracking and cavities were effectively prevented .

  5. 并在试验基础上,提出了较为合理的掺粉煤灰的水泥砂浆、石灰水泥砂浆的配比。

    The reasonable mix of fly ash cement mortar and fly ash lime cement mortar is put forth .

  6. 研究了不同水灰比的掺石灰石粉水泥砂浆在低温硫酸盐溶液中长期浸泡后的外观、强度与矿物成分变化过程,分析了水泥砂浆受TSA侵蚀后的宏、微观性能演变规律。

    Limestone filler cement mortars with different water-cement ratios were immersed in sulfate solutions at a low temperature for a year , and their appearance , strength and mineral composition were measured at different immersion ages .

  7. 含石灰石粉水泥砂浆在低温环境中的硫酸盐侵蚀

    Sulfate attack on cement mortar containing limestone powder at lower temperature

  8. 石灰石粉对砂浆微观结构和力学性能的影响

    Study on micro-structural , mechanical , shrinkage properties of mortar with limestone powder

  9. 研究了不同配合比掺石灰石粉水泥砂浆在不同硫酸盐溶液中浸泡1年期间的外观、强度和矿物成分变化。

    The limestone filler cement mortars with different mixing proportions were immersed into different sulfate solutions for one year , and their visual appearances , strength and mineral composition were measured at intervals .