
  • 网络the shiyang river;river
  1. 文章从制度角度分析了石羊河流域的水资源问题并提出了对策。

    This paper analyzes the water problems and put forwards counter measures in the Shiyang River basin from an institutional aspect .

  2. 石羊河流域水资源利用中农业发展的可持续性评价

    Sustainable Evaluation on Agricultural Development of Shi-yang River Basin by the Control of Water Resources

  3. 基于遥感与GIS的土地利用/覆盖变化信息分析研究&以甘肃省石羊河流域为例

    Changing Information Analysis of Regional Land Use / Covering Based on RS and GIS Techniques

  4. 清代河西走廊的水资源分配制度&黑河、石羊河流域水利制度的个案考察

    Distribution System of Water Resources in Hexi Corridor in Qing Dynasty

  5. 建设石羊河流域水行政综合执法制度问题研究

    Study on Construction of Comprehensive Law Enforcement System of Water Administration of Shi Yang River Basin

  6. 石羊河流域苹果树耗水规律及节水调质试验研究

    Experimental Research on Water Consumption and Quality Control of Apple Tree in the Shi Yang River Basin

  7. 石羊河下游属于严重的资源缺水性地区。

    Shi yang River , represented by the Min qin area , belongs to the serious shortage of resources .

  8. 石羊河流域各县市生态环境已经处于非常严峻的边缘,应引起高度重视,尽快实施流域综合治理。

    We should pay close attention to eco-environment in the basin and implement watershed management as soon as possible .

  9. 石羊河流域温室番茄节水调质及优化灌溉制度试验研究

    Experimental Research on Quality Control and Optimal Irrigation Pattern of the Tomato in Greenhouse in the Shi Yang River Basin

  10. 干旱地区绿洲生态系统服务价值功能的评估&以石羊河下游民勤绿洲为例

    Evaluation of the ecosystem service 's value function of an oasis in arid areas & Taking Minqin Oasis as an example

  11. 本文分析了2001年作为纸浆林发展引种的10个三倍体毛白杨系号在石羊河流域造林的生长适应性。

    The paper has analyzed the growth adaptability of10 varieties of triploid Populus tomentosa of pulpwood forest afforested in Shiyanghe in2001 .

  12. 石羊河流域生态环境日益恶化,其主要特征是土地荒漠化,导致沙尘暴频繁发生。

    The eco-environment of Shiyang river valley is getting worsen , and its main characteristic is desertification , causing occurrence of sandstorms .

  13. 从内陆河流域水循环的角度出发,分析了石羊河流域水资源的特征;

    This paper analyses the characteristics of water resources in Shiyang River Basin from the angle of water cycle in the inland basin .

  14. 对存在的问题进行了剖析,并从持续发展和综合生态系统的观点,将石羊河流域作为以水维系的生态系统整体。

    This article analyzed those problems from the viewpoints of sustainable development and multiple eco-system and Shiyang valley is regarded as a entirety .

  15. 根据水资源形成背景,分析导致民勤荒漠化的根本原因是水资源减少,即石羊河流入民勤的水量不断减少。

    According to the formation background of water resources , the main reason of enlarged desert areas results from reduction of water resources .

  16. 根据石羊河流域的特点,基于定性分析结果初步建立了水资源开发利用的水土环境效应评价指标体系。

    Based on qualitative analysis , the appraisal index system of water resources development effect on water_and_soil environment is established according to the characteristics of Shiyang River Basin .

  17. 石羊河流域未来城镇化模式应以节水为基本原则,提高水资源的承载力为目标,依此实现城镇化的可持续发展。

    Water-saving should be the basic principle for the future urbanization of this area , along with the enhancement of the capacity of water resources as its goal .

  18. 对石羊河流域水资源转化机理进行了定性分析,结合各计算单元建立了石羊河流域水资源转化模型。

    Based on the qualitative analyses on water resources transformation mechanism , combining with each calculation unit , the water resources transformation model in Shiyang river basin is developed .

  19. 土地利用变化驱动力石羊河流域受到人类活动的强烈影响,人口增长、生活水平提高导致的生产生活需求增加是耕地扩张的原始动力。

    The driving forces of land use changes in the river Increasing population , which stimulate the increase of production and demand of livelihood , was the original driving force of irrigated land expanding .

  20. 针对这种状况并结合石羊河流域的特点,提出了石羊河流域综合治理的基本思路与目标,并全面系统地分析探讨了实现石羊河流域综合治理目标的具体对策措施。

    According to the situation above and the characteristics of the river basin , basic thoughts and objects for the basin 's comprehensive harnessing are put forward , some measures for realizing the objects are analyzed and discussed comprehensively and systematically .

  21. 通过对石羊河下游民勤县的防风固沙体系建设发展历史、体系现状以及存在问题的研究,针对新的生态环境条件,提出了防风固沙体系建设的免灌模式和灌溉模式。

    The authors researched the development history of construction , status and problems of the windbreak and sand fixation forestry system , and put forward the principles and new models of construction of the windbreak and sand fixation forestry system according to the environment condition at present .