
  1. 主营:劈木机,切割机,砂带机,台钻。

    Main products : Log splitter , tile cutting machine , belt and disc sander , drill pres.

  2. 玻璃砂带机设有万向轮工作台,可轻便快捷地削去玻璃的两边锐角。

    HSCB-01 glass cross belt grinding machine has the trundle work table , it is facile for glass sharp edging cornered grinding and corner grinding quickly .

  3. 基于PLC的汽车曲轴支承座砂带研磨机的研制

    Study on sand belt grinding machine of automobile bent axle support saddle based on PLC

  4. VCR视频磁头砂带研磨机工作原理及控制系统设计

    Principium and Electrical Control System of Video Recorder Head Lapping Machine

  5. 介绍砂带打磨机的工作特点、进口打磨机在生产中存在的几种缺陷;

    The working characteristics of abrasive belt grinding machine ware introduced .

  6. 新型砂带磨削机控制系统的设计与实现

    Design and realization of control system for new belt grinder

  7. 基于虚拟样机技术的宽型砂带涂胶机的设计

    Design of Wide Abrasion Cloth Coating Machine Based on Virtual Prototype Techonology

  8. 柴油机凸轮轴砂带抛光机改造分析

    Analysis to the Transformation of Abrasive Belt Grinding Machine for Diesel Engine Camshaft

  9. 冷轧不锈薄板(带)冷连轧复合材料砂带打磨机设计(上)

    Design of abrasive belt grinding machine for cold continuous rolling of composite material ( 1 )

  10. 现介绍一种新型压磨板式砂带磨削机的工艺结构,磨削原理及特点。

    The structure and the working principle and the characters of a new type of pressing block abrasive belt grinder is introduced here .

  11. 本新型砂带磨削机,可以在线更换磨削轮,用于磨削不同曲率的表面,极大的提高生产效率。

    The addition function of new belt grinder is to change the contact wheel on-line which is used to different radio surface , so it highly hence the efficiency of production .

  12. 砂带打磨机是复合材料冷连轧生产线上的关键设备之一,用于复合材料冷轧前带材表面粗糙度处理。

    The abrasive belt grinding machine is used for surface roughness treatment before cold rolling of composite material , and hence is one of the key equipments on the production line of cold continuous rolling of composite material .

  13. 推荐一种锯片刀头仿形砂带磨弧机

    Recommend a saw blade tip profile abrasive band arc grinder

  14. 砂带磨削在破碎机偏心轴加工工艺上的应用

    Sand-belt grinding process applied to grinding the eccentric shaft of mining crusher