- magnon

We show that by suitably choosing system parameters , we can reproduce the dynamical Casimir effect at finite temperature in this magnon system .
Effect of Laser on Squeezed States of Magnon
Therefore , in this thesis Matsubara Green function theory has been used to explore magnon excitations and phonon excitations of two-dimensional Heisenberg ferromagnetic system under magnon-phonon coupling .
Therefore , The author get some qualities of Heisenberg antiferromagnet , and predict the dynamic mass generation by the Neel magnon .
Theoretical Research on Continuous Variable Entanglement in Atoms and Magnons Systems
Effectivity of Hamiltonian terms of " forbidden " 3 - magnon interaction
The Softening of Magnon of One Dimensional Insulating Ferromagnetic Chain under Low Temperature
The Magnon-softening of Two Dimensional Insulating Ferromagnet at the Boundary of Brillouin Zone at Absolute Zero Temperature
A UTD Solution for the Radiated Field from Slot on a Conducting Convex Surface with a Dielectric Coating
Magnon-phonon resonant interaction is considered as one of the scattering mechanisms that correct relaxation time of phonon .
The Study of Collective Excitations and Invar Effect Dynamics in Heisenberg System Based on Magnon-phonon Interaction interaction of magnetic dipoles
It is concluded that at the boundary of Brillouin Zone there is a strong broadening in the magnon linewidth and softening .
It is discovered that there exist broadening in the magnon line-width and magnon softening on the zone-boundary in the perovskite structure manganese oxide inelastic-neutron scattering experiment at low-temperature .
The influences of longitudinal phonon and transverse phonon on the softening and broadening in the magnon linewidth are compared , and the influences of the parameters are also illustrated .
By using Matsubara Green function theory , we have studied the magnon spectrum , and calculated the magnon dispersion curve on the Brillouin Zone for different parameters in the system .
Specially , we choose a blue-detuned optical lattice and define an effective temperature for this system . We make a comparison between the genera-tion process of magnons and that of photons in optical vibration cavity .
Supposing that the damaged layer is mainly composed of high density dislocations , a relation between the FME linewidth anisotropy and the magnetostriction constants is deduced based on micromagnetism theory and the two-magnon scattering process .
The influences of different parameters on the transverse acoustic phonon excitation are also illustrated . It 's found that the coupling of the magnon-phonon coupling and the spin wave stiffness are the main factors affecting the transverse acoustic phonon softening .
Magnetic coated small dipole antenna
Theory of Magnetization of Ferromagnetic Ultrafine Particle Under Low Temperature and Absorption of Microwave by system of Magnon Softening of Magnon of One Dimensional Insulating Ferromagnetic Chain at Absolute Zero Temperature
The softening of Magnon of Two Dimensional Insulating Ferromagnetism on the Δ Line under Absolute Zero Temperature
Based on this we analyze the dynamical characters of the magnons generated by the static magnetic dipole-dipole interaction ( MDDI ) and the external laser induced dipole-dipole interaction ( LDDI ) in the optical lattice system .
Based on the spin waves theory of ferromagnets and interaction quantum theory between the spin wave and microwave radiation , this paper discusses magnetization of the ferromagnetic ultrafine particle in the low temperature case and absoption of microwave by system of magnon , which contains quantum size effects .