
kē shì
  • Department;administrative office;administrative or technical offices
科室 [kē shì]
  • [administrative office] 各科与各室。指管理机构的直属单位

科室[kē shì]
  1. 设有监察科、检审科、管理科、办证科、综合科5个科室。

    Set censorial division , vet division , management division , division handling card , division 5 section office .

  2. Boston矩阵分析法在医院检验科科室经营管理中的应用

    Application of Boston matrix in management of the department of clinical laboratory

  3. 中等规模医院科室级PACS系统设计及应用评价

    Design and Evaluation of PACS for Medium-scale Hospitals

  4. 本文从科室影像服务器中抽取在线的肝脏三期增强影像资料26例进行主观评价和CT值测量分析。

    Materials and Methods 26 cases of online tri-phase enhancement liver scan data which selected from image server were enrolled to be evaluated subjectively and analyzed CT value .

  5. 结果:PACS顺利构建并与HIS系统整合,实现了医学影像信息的数字化传输和共享。结论:PACS+HIS提高了科室及整个医院的运转效率及水平。

    Results : PACS building and integration with the HIS may increase digital transportation and sharing of imaging infomations .

  6. 结论Boston矩阵分析法对医院检验科的科室管理具有一定的指导价值。

    Conclusion Boston matrix analysis method will provide useful information for the management of the department of clinical laboratory in hospital .

  7. 不同职业、科室、性别、职称以及不同文化程度对职工社会支持及总体幸福感影响均无显著性差异(P>0.05),不同年龄组的职工之间主观支持(P

    Different careers , clinical departments , sex , professional title and different levels of education have not influenced the medical staff , s social support and general well-being ( P > 0.05 ) , but the different ages and

  8. 用RSR综合评价临床科室出院病历完成时效初探

    Comprehensive Evaluation of Completion Efficiency of Discharging Medical Records in Clinical Departments by RSR

  9. Ridit法与RSR法相结合评价临床科室风险等级

    Assessment of risk grade of clinical department by Ridit method in association with RSR

  10. 科室来源主要是SICU、器官移植外科、胃肠外科。

    SICU , department of organ transplantation and gastrointestinal surgery were mainly involved .

  11. 各科室和各科中西药费比较均见放疗科两组差异显著(P<0.005P<0.01)。

    Among them , the difference of medicine charges was significant statistically in two groups . Total costs and medicine charges of department of radio active treat was more increasingly than others ( P < 0.005 ; P < 0.01 ) .

  12. 结果表明,该论文为实现一个具备优化的工作流程的高效、实用放射科科室级PACS作了有益的探讨和尝试。

    The results show that the paper has made beneficial study which tried to achieve a high efficient and practical Mini-PACS of x-ray department .

  13. 结论采用上述方法,即普通防护原则,可以预防临床医务人员感染HIV,应在医院,尤其是手术科室广泛采用。

    Conclusion It is suggested that " Universal protection principle " be implemented at hospitals , in particular , at surgical sections at hospital to prevent clinical personnel at hospital far away from HIV / AIDS .

  14. 方法运用Ridit法和RSR法相结合评价临床住院科室风险等级。

    Methods Ridit method in association with RSR method was employed to appraise the risk grade of clinical department .

  15. 本研究目的在于构建我院影像科室PACS系统,实现影像科室的数字化和网络化,并分析影像科室PACS的应用价值和效益。

    This subject aims at the PACS system construction in our hospital , the digitalization of radiology department , the analysis of benefit of the application of PACS .

  16. 基于IHE技术框架设计思想和结构化文档技术,设计了Full-PACS中的报告系统,实现了诊断报告的跨科室共享和结构化诊断报告生成。

    Design Full-PACS reporting system based on IHE and structured file techniques .

  17. 并从影像科室工作流程、合理架构PACS结构、PACS与HIS融合等三个方面对数字化医院PACS的设计进行了探讨。

    It also discusses the PACS design of digital hospital from such three aspects as work flow of images office , appropriate architecture of PACS and integration between PACS and HIS .

  18. 结论多科室存在垂直传播,尤以ICU病房严重,应采取有力措施加强感染控制管理工作。

    CONCLUSIONS There are vertical disseminations of single clone of ESBL-producing organisms in several wards , especially in the ICU . It is necessary to strengthen the management of ( infection ) - control .

  19. 跟医院的直接效益、信誉挂钩,KPI关键指标确定为科室目标完成率、护理质量、病人满意度和患者投诉。

    With the hospital directly benefit , credit hook , KPI target key indicator is determined as the department plan , the quality of nursing , patient satisfaction and patient complaints .

  20. 方法选取反映住院医疗质量的7项统计指标,建立评价指标体系,用CPD评价法对住院科室进行综合评价。

    Methods We select 7 statistical indexes which can reflect the inpatient medical quality and form an evaluation system , and make a comprehensive evaluation by CPD approach .

  21. 结论:1.医院感染患病率低于全国水平,综合ICU是医院感染的高发科室,综合ICU、呼吸科、神经外科、是医院感染监控的重点。

    Nosocomial infection prevalence rate was lower than the national level , comprehensive ICU is a high incidence department of nosocomial infection , comprehensive ICU , respiratory , neurological surgery , were the focus of hospital infection control .

  22. 不同科室护理人员的焦虑水平排列为:ICU儿科急诊科内科外科妇产科手术室,其中内科、外科、妇产科之间无显著性差异(P0.05);

    The anxiety level of nurses in different sections varied as follows : ICU pediatric department emergency department medicine surgery gynecologic department operation room , and there were no significant difference among medicine , surgery and gynecologic department ( P0.05 ) .

  23. 结论根据基层医院ICU人力资源不足、工作量分配不均衡的特点,合理安排护理人员班次的排班方式,体现了以病人为中心的服务宗旨,提高了科室管理效率。

    Conclusion In view of insufficient nursing resource and unbalanced work allocation in ICU of grass-root hospital , the job system of arranging nursing staff shift reasonably represents a patient centered service tenet , which improves effectiveness in department management .

  24. 结果经过在我院放射科2年多的应用与磨合改进,进一步完善了医学影像学科网络版的中文RIS系统,显著提高了科室的工作效率与管理水平。

    Results After 2 years of application and continuous improvement , the network radiology information system was successfully developed . The system improved the administration and work efficiency of the medical imaging department .

  25. 在全院各科室中,以综合ICU使用率最高,为100.00%,其次为肾内科和妇科,分别为90.00%和87.23%;

    Among all departments of the hospital , the universal ICU had the highest use rate which was 100.00 % , next to which were those in the departments of nephrology and gynecology , being respectively 90.00 % and 87.23 % .

  26. 方法:回顾性分析本科室1998~2003年间经手术和病理证实的10例PFSH临床资料并复习相关文献。

    Methods Ten patients with pathologically confirmed PFSHs admitted from 1998 to 2003 were retrospectively analyzed and relevant literatures were reviewed .

  27. 结论:PACS系统对于医院流程再造、提高医院临床诊断水平、降低科室运行成本、缓解看病难、看病贵都具有重大意义。

    Conclusion : PACS system is most significant to reforge the hospital flow , improve the hospital clinical diagnoses level , reduce the cost of section office operation and remit the thing that it is difficult and expensive to see a doctor .

  28. 方法采用自评式问卷调查的方式对103位护理人员抑郁程度(SDS)进行调查,同时对其所在科室的住院病人发放336张护理工作满意度反馈调查表,分析其二者之间的相关性。

    Method Using self questionnaire method , severity of depression was evaluated in 103 subjects . At the same time , 336 pieces of feedback tables investigating nursing content were sent out to study the relativity between factors affecting nursing staffs ' mental state and nursing quality .

  29. 方法2002年6月在浙江某城市医院6个科室及室外用沉降法距地面1.5m高度采空气样,每周1d,每天2次,连采3周。

    Methods The air sampling was performed at the height of 1.5 m above the ground in 6 departments of an urban hospital and outside by sedimentation method in June , 2002 , 2 times per day , one day per week , continuously for 3 weeks .

  30. 建立科室三级质控体系全面提高护理质量

    Setting Up Three Level Quality Control System to Improve Nursing Quality