
  • 网络colorado;colo;colorado springs;Boulder, Colorado
  1. 很多人希望我们能有更长的周末,对于科罗拉多州的18000名学生来说,这个愿望正在实现。

    Manyof us wish we would have longer weekend , but for about 18,000 students in Colorado , that wish is coming true .

  2. 作为一名滑雪爱好者,我父亲每年都会在滑雪季节(每年的11月到来年的四月)搬到科罗拉多州的阿斯彭居住,如今在这里已经居住了20多年。

    My father has lived Aspen , Colorado for over 20 years during the ski season , November to April , as he is an avid1 skier2 .

  3. 他于上周五和周六分成别在蒙大拿州和科罗拉多州针对该问题(problem)举行了两次市政厅会议。

    He held two town hall meetings on the issue in Montana and Colorado on Friday and Saturday .

  4. 同性婚姻(civilunion)在科罗拉多州合法化。

    Civil unions are now legal in Colorado .

  5. 你可能会认为科罗拉多州的别名是“落基山之州”(RockyMountainState)。

    You would think Colorado would be known as the Rocky Mountain State .

  6. 停在美国科罗拉多州的福特野马跑车(FordMustang),看起来帅呆了!

    Menacing looking Ford Mustang police car spotted in Colorado , USA.

  7. 在科罗拉多州卡农城(CanonCity)从事临终护理工作的希尔说:“由于我的工作性质,我知道一个人的身体状况瞬间会发生何种变化。”

    With the type of work I do , I see how health can change at a moment 's notice , ' she says .

  8. 2004年乔治w布什(georgew.bush)曾在内华达州、科罗拉多州和新墨西哥州凯旋,但拉丁裔选民数量增加意味着这三州将倒向奥巴马。

    The increasing Hispanic vote means three States George W.Bush won in 2004 Nevada , Colorado and New Mexico are leaning towards Mr Obama .

  9. DerekGibbleheart来自科罗拉多州奥罗拉市这是一张老妈和老妹的照片

    Derek Gibbleheart in Aurora Colorado.This is a photo of my mother and sister

  10. 下个月,我将前往西部的科罗拉多州,参加一年一度的时事会议阿斯彭理念节(AspenIdeasfestival)。

    Next month , I will head west to Colorado to take part in the Aspen Ideas Festival , an annual current affairs conference .

  11. Morgan和他的同事在美国科罗拉多州用于放牧牲畜的半干旱草原上建造了6个透明的舱。

    Morgan and colleagues constructed six clear chambers on semi-arid grasslands used for grazing livestock in Colorado , United States .

  12. NPR新闻,迪娜·特普尔·拉斯顿科罗拉多州阿斯本报道。

    Dina Temple-Raston , at NPR News , Aspen , Colorado .

  13. 科罗拉多州威尔市(Vail,Colo.)退休人员鲍勃?林恩(BobLinn)与亚历克斯?林恩(AlexLinn)一年到头都在进行户外运动。

    Retirees Bob and Alex Linn of Vail , Colo. , exercise year-round outdoors .

  14. 这导致一些地方的“烙印日”社区聚会成了历史,但不包括比尔·格雷(BillGray)在科罗拉多州奥德韦郊外的这座牧场。

    In some places , that is sending the community gathering known as branding day into the past . But not on Bill Gray 's ranch , outside Ordway , Colo.

  15. 在科罗拉多州丹佛市召开的全美企业经济学家协会(nationalassociationofbusinesseconomists)会议上,瓦里安表示,谷歌价格指数还在日臻完善的过程中,而且谷歌尚未决定是否会将其发布。

    At the National Association of business economists conference in Denver , Colorado , Mr Varian said that the GPI was a work in progress and Google had not yet decided whether to publish it .

  16. 而在科罗拉多州,计算科学家亚伦·克劳塞特(AaronClauset)正从截然不同的角度考量上述风险。

    Over in Colorado , Aaron Clauset , a computational scientist , is pondering the dangers from a different perspective .

  17. 除非你就读的是科罗拉多州丹佛的ArrupeJesuit高中。

    unless you go to Arrupe Jesuit High in Denver , Colorado .

  18. 内华达山脉太空系统(SierraNevadaSpaceSystems)是参与竞标的第三家公司,位于科罗拉多州路易斯维尔,它的设计方案是使用一架小型航天飞机,它能够在飞机跑道上降落。

    A third company , Sierra Nevada Space Systems , of Louisville , Colo. , had proposed a design that resembled a mini-space shuttle that would land on aircraft runways .

  19. NPR新闻,埃里克·惠特尼科罗拉多州埃乐帕索县报道。

    For NPR News , I 'm Eric Whitney in El Paso County , Colorado .

  20. NPR新闻,记者卢克·拉尼亚,科罗拉多州柯林斯堡发回的报道。

    For NPR News , I 'm Luke Rania , in Fort Collins , Colorado .

  21. 同样,科罗拉多州证券专员约瑟夫(FredJoseph)说,在他所在的州,油气目前仍是骗子盛行的领域。

    Likewise , Colorado securities commissioner Fred Joseph says oil and gas is still'the fraud du jour'among seasoned con men in his state .

  22. 所以,索迪斯开始采用由企业培训软件公司TripleCreek(位于科罗拉多州格林伍德村)开发的软件,凭借该软件使用的计算方法,公司可以形成理想的导师-学员关系配对。

    So Sodexo has begun to use software by Greenwood Village , colo. - based triple Creek , which uses an algorithm to suggest ideal mentor-mentee matches .

  23. 据美国家庭医生学会(AmericanAcademyofFamilyPhysicians)会长、美国科罗拉多州儿童医院(Children'sHospitalColorado)家庭医学科主任杰弗里?凯恩(JeffreyCain)称,这一危害往往会被忽视。

    This hazard , says Jeffrey Cain , the president of the American Academy of Family Physicians and chief of family medicine at Children 's Hospital Colorado , often goes unnoticed .

  24. 科罗拉多州博尔德市的西南研究院(SouthwestResearchInstitute)太空研究部科学家戴维·E·斯蒂尔曼(DavidE.Stillman)说,在不同地区造成条纹的水可能是不同的。

    David E. Stillman , a scientist at the Southwest Research Institute 's space studies department in Boulder , Colo. , said water for the streaks might be different in different regions .

  25. 前一阵子,他消失在世人的视野之外,引发坊间各种传言,称他躲进了自己位于美国科罗拉多州阿斯彭(aspen)宫殿般的宅第里。

    He dropped out of sight weeks before , sparking rumours he had taken refuge in his palatial home in Aspen , Colorado .

  26. 美国科罗拉多州的一位风险投资家布拉德•费尔德(BradFeld)也曾为企业举办过非正式的守灵活动。

    Brad Feld , a US venture capitalist based in Colorado , has held informal wakes for companies .

  27. 上周六,奥巴马在科罗拉多州格兰美欣(GrandJunction)说,公共医疗保险并非改革的全部内容,尽管这仍是他压低保险成本的首选方式。

    Mr Obama said on Saturday in Grand Junction , Colorado , the public option was not the entirety of reform , even though it remained his preferred means to push down insurance costs .

  28. CNN记者JimSpellman正在科罗拉多州的JimSpellman了解关于这笔资金更详细的信息。

    CNN 's Jim Spellman has more on this part of the money in a certain state from Inglewood , Colorado .

  29. 在去年6月的这起案件中,总部位于科罗拉多州的IntellectualCapitalConsulting(简称ICC)起诉了苹果、三星(Samsung)、联想(Lenovo)、LG、索尼和包括奥迪(Audi)、宝马(BMW)、通用汽车(GeneralMotors)

    In that case , last June , Colorado-based Intellectual Capital Consulting sued Apple , Samsung , Lenovo , LG , Sony and car manufacturers including Audi , BMW and General Motors .

  30. Tendril是一家位于科罗拉多州波尔得市的公司,专门销售精密的家庭能源管理系统。

    Tendril , a boulder , Colorado company , sells sophisticated home energy management systems .