
qín bīng mǎ yǒng
  • Terra Cotta Warriors;terracotta soldiers and horses of the Qin Dynasty
秦兵马俑[qín bīng mǎ yǒng]
  1. 秦兵马俑游客体验的ASEB分析

    Based on the Method of ASEB for Tourist Experience in Qin 's Terra-Cotta

  2. 以ASEB法对世界文化遗产秦兵马俑的游客体验进行分析,得出了其游客体验水平低的劣势和市场需求多样化威胁的结论,而忽视游客体验提升和文化价值开发薄弱是导致这种现象的根本原因。

    The conclusion of weaknesses in tourist experience and threats in diversification of the market demand are got based on the analyses for tourist experience in Qin 's Terra-cotta with ASEB , tourist experience is ignored and weakness with development of culture value are the main reason .

  3. 秦兵马俑大都是向东而立。

    Most of the terracotta warriors stand facing east .

  4. 金戈铁马入梦来&秦兵马俑三号坑遗址照明设计

    Lighting Design for Site Vault 3 of Terra-cotta Warriors

  5. 秦兵马俑旅游服务设施规划研究

    Planning Research of Tourism Facilities for Terre-Cotta Warriors

  6. 秦兵马俑是非常写实的。

    These terra cotta warriors are very life-like .

  7. 秦兵马俑的出土,用数以千计的艺术造型丰富并传达了中国雕塑的表现手法。

    The discovery of Qin Terra cotta warriors enriching the expression skills of China sculpture with thousands art shapes .

  8. 第一类为秦兵马俑上不规则的抑印陶文,风格粗犷,应当为用木片或陶片刻划成印后拍印到兵马俑上。

    The first should be inscribed with wood piece or broken pottery , they were stamped on the terra cotta ;

  9. 秦兵马俑大都是向东而立,大多数士兵都面朝东,因为秦国在西边。

    Most of the terra-cotta warriors here face the east because the state of Qin was located in the west .

  10. 秦兵马俑不仅具有无法估量的文物价值,也有极其重要的研究价值。

    Soldier and horse figures of the Qin Dynasty are of unmeasurable value for cultural relics and also of important value for researches .

  11. 即使像这样生产,这也够令人震撼了。但最新研究发现:秦兵马俑是以真人为蓝本的。

    That would have been impressive enough on its own , but new research suggests that the statues were actually based on real people .

  12. 气势恢宏的秦兵马俑,享誉世界的敦煌莫高窟,人间仙境九寨沟、黄龙寺,驰名中外的长江三峡,独具魅力的民俗风情。

    It is famous for grand Majesty Terra-cotta Army , world-famous Macao Grottoes , wonderland Jiuzhai-Huanglong , well-known the Three Gorges , and fascinated folk-custom .

  13. 秦兵马俑称为“世界第八大奇迹”因为当他们看到不同特点、不同神情的兵马俑时都十分惊奇。

    Some people call them " the eighth wonder of the world ," because they marvel at different features and facial expressions of terra-cotta and horses .

  14. 秦兵马俑的陶质兵士、马匹和木质战车组成的军阵,是秦国军事力量的真实写照。

    Qin Terracotta Warriors and Horses of pottery soldiers , horses and wooden chariot military array , is a true portrayal of the military forces of the state of Qin .

  15. 有位朋友告诉我“如果不去看秦兵马俑就不能算是到过中国”,所以我就来西安了。

    One of my friends told me ," You can 't be reckoned to have been in China without seeing the Qin Dynasty figurines ," so that 's why I am here in XI'an .