
qín lǐng
  • Qinling Mountains
秦岭 [qín lǐng]
  • [Qinling Mountains] 西起甘肃南部,经陕西,到河南西部的山脉。山峰海拔多在2000米以上,主峰太白山3767米。秦岭有阻挡冬季风南下的作用,是中国自然地理的重要界线

秦岭[qín lǐng]
  1. 北秦岭存在A、B、C三类火山岩系列,对应着幔源型、壳幔混染型和壳幔混合型成因类型。

    In the Northern Qinling Mountains there are three igneous rock series : A , B and C series , corresponding to the mantle-derived , the mantle-derived magma contaminated by crust materials , and the crust-mantle mixing genesis types .

  2. 东秦岭花岗岩的平均原子量及其与成岩成矿作用的关系

    The mean atomic weight study of granites in eastern Qinling Mountains

  3. 伏牛山是秦岭的支脉。

    The Funiu Mountains are an offshoot of the Qinling Mountain range .

  4. 基于GIS的秦岭山地植被类型与环境梯度的关系分析

    GIS-Based Study of Vegetation-Environment Gradient Relationship in Qinling Mountain

  5. 东秦岭特长隧道正洞F6断层带大断面施工方案设计

    Construction Program Design for Large Cross Section in F6 Fault of East Qinling Super-long Tunnel

  6. GPS测量所揭示的西秦岭北缘断裂带现今活动特征

    Current Activity Characteristics of the Fault Zone Along the North Margin of West Qinling Mountain Revealed by GPS Measurements

  7. 利用此法求取了东秦岭地区地壳中的Q值,并作了简要的地质解释。华北地区基岩场地水平加速度的衰减规律

    The q - value in the attenuation of horizontal peak value of acceleration on rock site in North China

  8. 秦岭地区城口&房县断裂带变形特征及ESR定年

    Deformation Characteristics and the ESR Dating of Chengkou-Fangxian Fault Zone in the Qinling area

  9. 陆-陆碰撞造山带中压型变质作用的pT轨迹&以南秦岭佛坪地区为例

    PT path of medium-pressure metamorphism of continental collision orogenic belt - exemplified by the southern Qinling orogenic belt

  10. 秦岭隧道开敞式TBM施工的初期支护

    Initial Support for Qinling Railway Tunnel Constructed by Open TBM

  11. 区域林业经济评价的指标设计与GIS应用&以陕西秦岭地区经济调查为例

    The Design of Evaluating Indicators of Regional Forestry Economy and the Application of GIS : Illustrated Through Soc-economic Investigation in Qinling District of Shaanxi Province

  12. 秦岭隧道Ⅰ线进口段TBM施工组织管理

    Management of TBM Construction in the Entrance Section of Qinling No. 1 Tunnel

  13. 在客流量和人均旅游消费调查的基础上,采用TCM方法对秦岭北坡12个森林公园的游憩价值进行了货币化测算;

    On the basis of passenger flux and per-capita consumption investigation , amusement value of12 forest parks in the northern slope of Qinling Mountain was calculated by TCM method .

  14. 西秦岭北缘中生代构造活动的~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar、FT热年代学证据

    The ~ ( 40 ) Ar / ~ ( 39 ) Ar , fission track evidence of Mesozoic tectonic in northern margin of west Qinling mountain

  15. 晚泥盆世弗拉斯法门期(FrasnianFamennian)之间存在一次全球性生物绝灭事件(简称FF事件)。这次事件在西秦岭地区有所表现。

    There existed an event of global mass extinction between the Frasnian and Famennian of the Late Devonian .

  16. Pb同位素比值三维空间矢量填图结果表明,在华北块体与北秦岭之间,沿洛南-栾川-方城断裂存在明显的地球化学急变带,分隔具有不同Pb同位素空间矢量组成的华北与北秦岭块体。

    Based on the three-dimensional space vector of Pb isotopic mapping , it is indicated that there exist a isotopic geochemical steep zone along Luonan-Luanchuan-Fangcheng faults between north Qinling and north China block .

  17. 秦岭地区花岗岩的K-Ar等时年龄和~(39)Ar-~(40)Ar年龄及其地质意义

    The Ages of K-Ar Isochron and ~ ( 39 ) Ar - ~ ( 40 ) Ar of Granites from Qinling Area and Their Geological Significance

  18. 多巴胺D3受体与帕金森病、精神分裂症等神经性或精神性疾病及药物成瘾等有关。该种与秦岭无心菜A。

    D_ 3 receptor is related to many kinds of nervous or psychical disease , such as Parkinsonism and Schizophrenia , and is also related to the drug addiction .

  19. 近40年秦岭南北地区气候变化及与ELNino/LaNina事件相关性分析

    Studies on the Climate Changes in the Northern and the Southern Regions of the Qinling Mountains and Correlated Analysis Between Climate Changes and El Nino / La Nina Phenomenon During the Recent 40 Years

  20. 水平岩层隧道围岩坍方的初步分析本文主要介绍秦岭隧道掘进机(TBM)施工中围岩坍方及其处理的情况,并提出了掘进机通过坍方地段的对策。

    Primary Analysis of the Wall & rock Landslide of the Tunnels along Horizontal Layers This paper describes the collapse of surrounding rock during the construction with TBM in Qin-ling Tunnel and presents the countermeasure against it .

  21. 采用改良CMC筛选培养基,在广泛筛选的基础上,从秦岭羚牛(BudorcasTaxicolorBedfordi)粪便中筛选到一株纤维素分解菌。

    We isolated a cellulose degrade bacterium from the feces of Qinling Golden Takin ( Budorcas Taxicolor Bedfordi ) using improved CMC medium based on widely screen .

  22. 秦岭北缘洛南&栾川断裂带是华北板块南缘与秦岭造山带汇聚-拼合带,具有SW→NE向俯冲兼左旋走滑的性质,并构成叠瓦状构造和双重构造的组合样式。

    The Luonan-Luanchuan fault zone on the northern margin of the Qinling Mountains is a convergence belt between the North China plate and Qinling orogenic belt with the natures of SW-NE-directed subduction and sinistral strike-slip motion . It shows an association style of imbricate structure and duplex structure .

  23. 利用岩石化学方法判别及ESCORT专家系统分析可知,独山岩体属于发育在秦岭洋洋壳上的岛弧火山岩,它为独玉的形成准备了物质条件。

    It can be known by means of petrochemistry differentiation and ESCORT expert systematic analysis that the Dushan lithosome belongs to island are volcanic rock breeding on the oceanic lamella of Qinling Ocean , which gets the material conditions ready for the formation of Dushan jade .

  24. 东秦岭造山带早古生代(500Ma~400Ma)分别在北秦岭和南秦岭发育两条构造-岩浆杂岩带。

    There are two different Early Paleozoic ( 400Ma ~ 500Ma ) tectono-magma complex belts in the North and South Qinling of the East Qinling orogenic belt .

  25. 在外界压力与系统内部间的相互作用下,当前秦岭地区TSESs面临的主要矛盾为:旅游发展加速与环境承载力不足之间的矛盾,区域系统内部发展不平衡间的矛盾。

    The pressure makes the Qinling mountain region TSESs the current main contradictions : the contradiction between tourism development and environmental bearing capacity , regional system internal unbalanced development pattern . That two contradictory together results in the fragility of the ecosystem .

  26. 秦岭山地生态环境保护与建设

    Protection and construction of eco - environment in Qinling Mountainous area

  27. 秦岭地区卡林型金矿地质特征

    Geological feature of Carlin - type gold deposit in Qinling area

  28. 秦岭终南山特长公路隧道消防问题浅析

    Discussion on fire problems of highway tunnel in Qinling Zhongnan mountain

  29. 陕西小秦岭地区太华群的重新厘定

    The re-establishment of Tai Hua Group in Xiao qinling , Shaanxi

  30. 秦岭电厂粉煤灰水力冲填筑坝方法

    Method on hydraulic filling dam with Qinling Power Plant Coal Ash