
  • 网络Mobile value-added service;MVAS;WVAS;Mobile Added Value Service
  1. Mobilewidget在移动增值业务中的应用研究

    Research on the Application of Mobile Widget Technology in the Mobile Value-Added Services

  2. 提出全IP网络移动增值业务&移动定位的概念,指出该业务的应用前景;

    This paper described the concept of location service & an all-IP network mobile value-added service .

  3. 基于J2EE移动增值业务管理平台的研究与设计

    Research and Design of Value-added Service Management Platform Based on the J2EE

  4. 3G时代移动增值业务面临的挑战与契机

    Challenges and Chances for Wireless Data Business in 3G Times

  5. 3G移动增值业务研究(上)

    Study on 3G Mobile Value-added Service ( Part One )

  6. ParlayX技术在移动增值业务开发中的应用研究

    The Application of Parlay X Technology in Mobile Value-added Service Research

  7. 在移动增值业务中,基于WAP(无线应用协议)的浏览业务是一个很大的亮点。

    WAP-Based browsing service is very attractive in mobile value-added services .

  8. 随着3G网络的快速建设,移动增值业务也实现了高速增长。

    With the rapid construction of 3G networks , mobile value-added services have also achieved rapid growth .

  9. GPRS移动增值业务应用前景

    GPRS Mobile Value-added Service Prospect

  10. 首先对项目的市场背景进行了介绍,分析了移动增值业务的发展趋势、以及短信、彩信、WAPPush三种业务在行业应用方面的巨大前景。

    Firstly , it introduces the development trend of value-added mobile services such as SMS , MMS , WAP-PUSH .

  11. 第六章分析了移动增值业务的前景及对J2ME未来的展望。

    The sixth chapter is the future of the increment operation and J2ME .

  12. 同时,随着3G发牌的临近,3G新技术必将给现在的移动增值业务商业模式带来划时代的变化;

    At the same time , with 3G licensing approaches , 3G new technologies will bring landmark change to the current data value-addes business ;

  13. 文章最后,对3G时代移动增值业务的发展进行了展望并提出了新的认识。

    There is a view and some new understanding to the development of wireless data business in 3G times in the end of this paper .

  14. 对DRM技术在中国移动增值业务中的需求及应用前景进行了探讨,并对其实现方式做了进一步分析。

    This thesis discussed the requirements and application prospect of DRM and analyzed implementation of DRM in China .

  15. 本文根据J2EE规范,采用多层体系结构,给出了移动增值业务平台的数据库具体设计,服务层、表示层的详细设计和一些实现技巧。

    According to J2EE standard , the paper provides the specific design and implementation of the data base , server layer and expressing layer of the mobile communication increment revnue platform .

  16. 随着3G的广泛商用,移动增值业务将朝多元化趋势发展,手机逐渐由单一的通信工具演变为多媒体移动信息终端,面向多媒体的应用已经成为手机应用中不可或缺的一部分。

    With the wide commercial using of 3G , mobile value-added services will trend toward diversification . Mobile phone is gradually evolving from a simple communication tool to the multimedia mobile information terminal .

  17. 本发明公开了一种基于STK技术的移动增值业务的动态实现方法及装置。

    The invention relates to a dynamic operation method of mobile value-added business and the device based on STK technology .

  18. 这种命令响应的动作模式最大的缺陷在于SIM卡不具有主动权,从而限制了在SIM卡上的开发,制约了新的移动增值业务的发展。

    The biggest flaws are that SIM card does not have the initiative , so it is not easy to develop the SIM card mobile value-added business .

  19. 除了传统的优势移动增值业务&短信之外,彩铃、WAP、彩信等业务继续呈现快速增长的势头。

    In addition to the traditional advantages of mobile value-added service - SMS , CRBT , WAP , MMS , and other services to continue to show rapid growth momentum .

  20. 面对3G技术的日趋完善、消费者日趋变化的个性需求,如何通过影响消费者的感知从而诱发其购买意愿的形成,将对移动增值业务的推广起到至关重要的作用。

    Facing the mature of 3G technologies and increasingly changing individual needs , how to influence consumer perceptions and thus inducing the formation of behavior intention will play a crucial role on promoting the value-added mobile services .

  21. 最后依据AD公司的实际情况,制定了校园移动增值业务的服务模式与策略以及实施的简要计划,为AD公司赢得竞争优势提供了可行思路。

    Finally , AD based on the actual situation of the company , developed a campus mobile value-added services business model and strategy and the implementation of the summary plan for the AD companies gain a competitive edge to provide a feasible idea .

  22. 随着用户对移动增值业务新的需求的不断增长,整首音乐下载、移动E-mail以及手机电视等业务将成为未来全球最有前途的移动增值业务。

    With the increasing user demands on new value-added mobile services , it can be seen that services such as the download of full music , mobile E-mail and handset TV , will become the most prosperous mobile services in the future .

  23. 各大电信运营商为了占领3G时代的制高点,纷纷推出各种各样的移动增值业务及移动互联网业务,以满足日益增长的用户多元化需求。

    In order to grab the strategic tech territory of the 3G era and also meet the growing diversified needs of users , all the major telecommunications operators have launched various value-added mobile services and mobile Internet businesses one after another .

  24. 其中的主流标准WCDMA系统融合了话音、多媒体等多种业务,为移动增值业务的开展提供了很理想的承载平台,提供了高速无线网络的支持。

    The main standard in 3G & WCDMA has inosculated many services such as voice , multimedia etc , has provided an ideal platform for the mobile increment services , and has provided a high wireless network support .

  25. 在此基础上,从客户细分、产品开发策略、营销策划、营销宣传、营销渠道、营销支撑系统六个方面分析了SC移动增值业务营销存在的五大问题。

    Then it analyzes and summarizes five questions of value added service marketing of SC Mobile from customer segmentation , product policy , marketing planning , marketing publicity , marketing channels and marketing support system based on the above analyses .

  26. 将DRM技术引入移动增值业务,不但可以确保数字内容在移动网内合法传播,而且保障了内容提供商的利益。

    If the DRM technology is introduced into the mobile value-added services , it not only can ensure that the digital content can be legitimately disseminated in mobile networks ; but also can protect the interests of content providers .

  27. 然后,我们结合移动增值业务用户行为分析的需求和数据,给出了利用microsoftSQLserver2000的数据仓库和OLAP技术来建立用户行为历史数据集市的方案,为数据挖掘提供干净的数据。

    Then , we give a solution of building a consumers ' behavior data-mart using the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 data warehouse and OLAP technology , considering the consumers ' behavior analysis system 's demands and the existed data . This data-mart provides clean data to the data mining software .

  28. 综合利用定位技术带动移动增值业务的发展

    Comprehensive use of positioning technology driven development of mobile value-added services

  29. 基于移动增值业务的电话营销系统的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of the telemarketing based on mobile value-added service

  30. 分布式移动增值业务计费系统可靠性研究与设计

    Research and Design on Software Reliability of Distributed Mobile Value-added Billing System