
  • 网络Scarce resource;rare resource
  1. 生命是一种稀有资源。

    Life is a scarce resource .

  2. 当你在做一个项目时,先看看你有什么稀有资源(通常不会是钱)。

    If you 're managing a project , figure out what the scarce resource is ( it 's not usually money ) .

  3. 基于网络覆盖的P2P稀有资源搜索策略

    Rare Peer-to-Peer Resource Searching Strategy Based on Network Cover

  4. 我们的任务是确定稀有资源的最佳分配方法。

    Our task is to decide the best way to allocate scarce resources .

  5. 中国被批评是一个巨大的全球污染制造者和稀有资源消耗者。

    China is criticized as the great global polluter and user of scarce resources .

  6. 如果它们占用稀有资源,尽可能地手动释放它们可能是最佳策略。

    If scarce resources are being managed , manually releasing them wherever possible is always the best strategy .

  7. 经济学家研究社会使用土地,劳力及原材料等稀有资源的方式。

    Economists study the way a society uses scarce resources such as land , labor and raw materials .

  8. 努力保护这些空间并且兴建新的公园是一个保存社区稀有资源的方法。

    Working to protect these spaces to establish new parks would be a way to conserve one of the community 's scarce resources .

  9. 自然山水是一个城市得天独厚的生态要素,是不可再造的稀有资源。

    Natural landscape is a unique ecological factor for an urban city , and it is also a non-renewable resource for the the country .

  10. 随着市场经济的发展,文化资源作为一种稀有资源对区域经济发展的作用越来越明显。

    With the development of market economy , the function of cultural resource as rare one is obvious more and more for district economy .

  11. “华尔街的投资者都是阅读拍卖结果,然后立刻给拍卖行打电话,”稀有资源的爱德华·贝姆说,这家公司向矿山购买宝石。

    " Wall Street types are reading the auction results and picking up the phone ," says Edward Boehm of RareSource , which buys stones from mines .

  12. 第二章论述我国稀有资源的现状和贸易政策存在的问题,并分析其原因所在。

    Chapter Two will introduce the current status of rare resources in our country and the problems existing in the trade policies , then analyze the reasons .

  13. 勤劳多产的美国人不再能决定其稀有资源的用途,政府却跳将进来,专断的决定它们的投向。

    Instead of productive American citizens determining what to do with their own scarce resources , the state is stepping in and dictating how they will be used .

  14. 但是,使用稀有资源的远程对象可以具有生存期较短的租约,而客户端会以非常短的时间段频繁续订该租约。

    However , remote objects that use scarce resources can have a lease with a short lifetime , which a client frequently renews with a short time span .

  15. 中央政府对于稀有资源及自然与文化资产之利用,应建立事前许可、管制及稽查制度,以有效保育自然资源。

    The central government shall establish pre-approval , management and control and auditing mechanisms for the use of rare resources and natural and cultural assets to effectively conserve natural resources .

  16. 中国辩护说设定这些限制完全出于以下考虑,中方有意节约这些稀有资源,同时减少提炼带来的环境污染。

    China says its restrictions were motivated by its desire to conserve the world 's limited supply of these materials and to protect the environment from the pollution caused by their extraction .

  17. 第三章将介绍部分有代表性国家的稀有资源贸易政策和战略储备制度,作为调整我国稀有资源贸易政策取向的借鉴。

    Chapter Three will introduce the rare resource trade policies and strategic reserve system of some typical foreign countries which will be taken as the reference to adjust our rare resource trade policies .

  18. 这些决策往往集中于卫生资源的配置,尤其是稀有资源的配置,医疗方案的优选以及生命末期患者的治疗问题。

    These decisions often focus on the allocation of health resources , in particular the allocation of scarce resources , health care programs , as well as the preferred treatment for patients with end of life issues .

  19. 经济学家倾向于把一个竞争和自由的市场,当成一个以“有效”的方式分配稀有资源的一种理想方法。也就是说,目的是为了把产品的全部价值极限化。

    Economists tend to view a competitive or free market as the preferred means of allocating scarce resources in an " efficient " manner , that is , so as to maximize the total value of production .

  20. 我国政府应当发挥更为积极的作用,选择实施更有效的稀有资源贸易政策来保护我们有限的稀有资源,为子孙后代造福。

    The strategic importance and urgency are so obvious that our government should play a more active role to establish more practical trade policies to protect the limited rare resources and to bring benefit to our descendants .

  21. 科举是一个统治者以权力、地位、名誉、金钱等各种社会稀有资源为诱饵而设定的圈套,民众在竞争社会资源的过程中不由自主地投入其中。

    The Imperial Examinations could be considered as a trap set by the rulers based on all kinds of scarce social resources such as power , position , reputation and money , in the process of competing for social resources , put got involved into it involuntarily .

  22. 在纽约上市的稀有元素资源公司(RareElementResources)股价在过去四周内飙升135%,自今年1月以来暴涨近300%,而根据其最新监管申报文件,该公司2009年只有两名全职雇员。

    Shares in Rare Element Resources , a New York-listed company that had only two full-time employees in 2009 , according to its latest regulatory filing , have risen 135 per cent during the past four weeks and nearly 300 per cent since January .

  23. 稀有稀土资源的地质&经济分析

    Analysis in geology economy of rare metal and REE resources

  24. 我国稀有金属资源现状分析

    Current situation of rare metal resources in China

  25. 白云鄂博矿区稀土稀有矿产资源综合评述(一)

    General Comments on Rare Earth and Scarce Resources in Baiyunebo ( to be continued )

  26. 频谱资源与土地、石油相类似,是重要的稀有战略资源。

    Be similar to land and oil , spectrum is rare and important strategic resource .

  27. 异地保育是通过人为的努力,将稀有的资源迁移到试验室等适宜的地方,加以人工管理和繁殖,以扩大其种群。

    Migratory conservation was used to manage and multiply the rare resources in the lab and enlarge the group .

  28. 无线频率是稀有的资源,因此无线频率提供商使用多路复用技术通过一个频率发送多个呼叫。

    Wireless frequencies are a scarce resource , so wireless providers use multiplexing to send multiple calls over a single frequency .

  29. 尽量回收提前关停铀矿山的资源,不仅可以提高稀有铀资源的回收利用率,减少浪费,而且有利于退役治理后对退役工程的管理。

    The recovery can make use of the uranium resources to the full and be convenient for the management of decommissioned projects .

  30. 我们应当珍惜懂得实践的领导力的项目管理者:他们可能是每个公司中最稀有的资源。

    We need to cherish proven project managers who understand practice leadership : They are probably the scarcest resource in every company .