
shuì jīn
  • taxes;taxation
税金 [shuì jīn]
  • [tax and duty;tax payment] 缴税的金钱

  1. 费用中包括税金。

    The cost includes taxes .

  2. 那商人因拖欠税金而被罚款。

    The businessman was billed for delinquent taxes .

  3. 他认为税金没法管理。

    He thinks the tax is impossible to administer

  4. 公司未偿债务和按揭住房的屋主需支付的利息可以作为一项费用减少他们的应交税金

    The interest paid by a company on its outstanding debt as well as the interest paid by a homeowner on his / her mortgage , is deductible from income as an expense and so can reduce the amount of tax owed .

  5. 一次,他去监河侯那里借粮食,监河侯说:“好吧!等到年底,我收到了老百姓的税金时,就借给你三百金,行吗?”

    Once , he went to the official who supervised rivers to borrow some grain . The official said : " Well , wait until the end of the year when I collect the taxes from the people , then I will lend you 300 gold pieces . All right ? "

  6. 在考虑计算特定Book条目净值的问题时,请考虑商店的折扣和政府的税金(例如增值税)。

    Consider the problem of computing the net price of a specific Book item , taking into account the shop discount and any governmental taxes such as a value added tax .

  7. 与你自己购买一处房产相比,如果你通过ShanghaiVision投资,那么,你所缴纳中国的税金会低很多。

    In contrast to what you would pay if you were to try to buy a property on your own , Chinese taxes are fairly modest if you invest with Shanghai Vision .

  8. 哦,这是StanGrazi,负责我妈妈的税金。

    Oh , and this is Stan Grazi , who does my mom 's taxes .

  9. 在我国,民营中小企业数量巨大,是国民经济的重要组成部分,在吸纳就业、创造GDP、缴纳税金等方面起着不可替代的作用。

    A huge number of private small and medium sized enterprises is an important part of the national economy in China , which plays an irreplaceable role in creating jobs , GDP , tax revenue and so on .

  10. BobMcDonnell表示,民主党人花费太多,制造了国家无法支持的债务水平。BOBMCDONNELL:“政府不应该做的就是积累更多的税金,调控和起诉,这些都减少了就业机会,伤害了中产阶级。”

    BOB MCDONNELL : " What government should not do is more taxation , regulation and that kill jobs and hurt the middle class . "

  11. 如果提出刑事起诉需要付出的成本高于能够收回的税金,可以理解,HMRC宁愿选择一鸟在手,而不是双鸟在林。

    If prosecutions cost more than they raise it is understandable that HMRC prefers one bird in the hand over two in the bush .

  12. BrightSimons是加纳首都阿克拉的企业家,同时也是一名商业分析师。他解释说,单独的公司通常缴纳较低的税金,而第二个公司为第一个提供原材料,这使得企业家可以调整产品的价格和利润。

    Separate companies are often used to lower tax payments , says Bright Simons , an entrepreneur in Accra , Ghana 's capital , who also works as a business analyst . A second firm might be formed to supply materials to the first , he explains , allowing the owner to adjust the prices and profits .

  13. 以上价格不包括政府税金。

    Government tax and charges are not included in the price .

  14. 为什么要缴这么多的税金呢?

    Why do I have to pay so much in taxes ?

  15. 在泰国从事管道承包工程的税金管理与操作

    Performing Taxation Management and Operation for Pipeline Contract Project in Thailand

  16. 享利兄弟仅仅能够交纳这所房子税金。

    Brother Henry could just barely pay taxes on this house .

  17. 除税金外每晚120美元。

    One hundred and twenty dollars per night , excluding tax .

  18. 服务费和税金包含在账单上吗?

    Is the service charge and tax included in this bill ?

  19. 大多数人都不赞成提高税金的建议。

    Most people are hostile to the idea of higher taxes .

  20. 与此同时,税金仍然要从某些地方收上来。

    Meanwhile , taxes still have to be collected from somewhere .

  21. 去往一个领地即可收到所有领地的税金。

    You collect taxes from all fiefs by visiting just one .

  22. 我要付多少税金?。非税性负担的支付金额

    How much is the duty I have to pay ? nontax payments

  23. 你不用为个人物品付税金。

    You don 't have to pay any duty on your belongs .

  24. 税金从你的薪金中扣除。

    Increment deduction formula Tax is deducted from your salary .

  25. 我们准备取消我们税金中的几条项目。

    We 're going to write off several items on our taxes .

  26. “可这同我们的税金有什么关系呢?”

    " But what 's that got to do with our taxes ?"

  27. “是的,我知道所有关于税金的事,不过&”

    " Yas 'm , ah knows All'bout de taxes but & "

  28. 我们今年可能要缴纳更多的税金。

    We 'll probably pay more in tax this year .

  29. 你是否认为投资组合的税金管理只要在年末进行即可?

    Do you fail to tax manage your portfolio throughout the year ?

  30. 我非常乐意支付那部分税金。

    I am more than happy to pay those taxes .