
  • 网络Null Packet
  1. 解复用时,再删空包并提取PCR计算码率,恢复原始码流。

    While in demultiplexer , the stuff packages are deleted and the PCR is picked up to calculate symbol rate so as to recover the original TS.

  2. 从复用器来的传输流进入Modulator后,在接口部分需要作空包插入与删除操作。

    It is necessary for TS ( Transmission Stream ) packets to be inserted and deleted when they enter into Modulator .

  3. 该方法根据MPEG-2系统层传送流的时序要求,采用修正节目参考时钟(PCR)和适当插入空包的方法进行传送流码率的上变换。

    Based on modifying the Program Clock Reference ( PCR ) and inserting empty packets properly , the method can up-convert MPEG-2 transport stream bit-rate successfully .

  4. 空包含有,并且这样坚实的物体也能进入与空结合。

    Void contains " being-ness ," and as such solid objects can also enter and mingle with the void .

  5. 利用模块化的结构完成智能空包过滤、节目参考时钟校正等功能,与以往的调制器前端包处理器相比,显著提高了调制器系统性能。

    Compared with former package processor , the use of synchronous seek-and-trace mechanism and indirect method of PCR correction significantly improves the performance of the QAM modulator .

  6. 通过钢包回转台的传送,使炼钢跨的钢液能够连续地传送到连铸机的浇注位置,并快速地进行钢水包重包与空包的更换。

    Through the transfer of ladle turret , the steel span steel liquid can be continuously transmitted to the pouring position of continuous casting machine , and quickly perform replacement of ladle heavy bag and empty package .

  7. 空芯包体地应力测量技术在煤矿中的应用

    Application of Hollow Inclusion Geo-stress Survey Technology in Coal Mine

  8. 空芯包体测量方法的应用及巷道稳定性分析

    Application of empty inclusion measuring method and analysis on stability of mine roadway

  9. 他把小空纸包揉成一团丢出了窗外。

    He crunched up the empty pack and threw it out of the window .

  10. 本文采用空芯包体方法地应力测量表明吕家坨井田是水平应力场,测量结果为矿井采场合理布局、巷道布置选择和锚杆支护设计提供基础数据。

    The measurement results supply base data for mine stope proper redistribution , tunnel disposal and anchor support design .

  11. 针对吕家坨井田深部开采的矿山压力问题,在区域地质构造分析的基础上,采用空芯包体测量方法,对吕家坨井田进行了地应力测量。

    In the light of the pressure existing in the coal-mining deep underground in Lu well field , based on the analysis in the regional geological structure , the empty core body measuring method is adopted to measure the crust stress in this field .

  12. 将空品客薯片包放在天线的前面。

    Place the hollowed out Pringles in front of the antenna .

  13. 空压机风包超温保护的安装

    Installation of overheat protection device in air-receiver of compressor

  14. 他找到一个空的存包柜。

    He got a free deposit box .

  15. 每个终端只需间歇地发送一个包含当前序列的空的数据包,确认信息和滑动窗口号就可以了。

    Each end with nothing to say just periodically sends an empty data packet with its current sequence , acknowledgement and window numbers .

  16. 用常规逻辑电路产生已知的、固定的、重复的、符合MPEG-2标准的空传输码流数据包,经适当的信道编码后可以用作DVB接收系统和元件的非服务状态检测的标准信源。

    Conventional logical circuit is used to generate known , fixed and repeated MPEG-2 Null TS packet . By making appropriate channel encoding , it can be used as a standard signal source for out of service testing of DVB receiver systems and components .

  17. 属性包输入参数为空。必须提供有效(非空)属性包以加载并保存管道组件的值。

    Null property bag input parameter . A valid ( non-null ) property bag must be provided to load and save the pipeline component 's values .

  18. 在细胞微囊与空微囊回收率:与空胶囊比较,包封细胞的微囊黏附程度明显增加。

    The retrievability rate of the cell microcapsule and the empty mi-crocapsule : Compared with the empty microcapsule , the adherence degree of the close packing microcapsule increased significantly .