
kōnɡ wū
  • The Adventure of the Empty House;vacant/unoccupied room
  1. 空屋发出回声。

    The empty room echoed .

  2. 沃尔夫提到,如果不是因为柯南•道尔爵士在1894年写了《空屋》(TheAdventureoftheEmptyHouse)这一福尔摩斯侦探故事,巴顿术可能已经彻底消失了。

    In time , Bartitsu might have vanished completely , Mr. Wolf says , were it not for a single passage in ' The Adventure of the Empty House , ' a Sherlock Holmes mystery by Conan Doyle set in 1894 .

  3. 在前一个故事的结尾中,福尔摩斯同宿敌莫里亚蒂教授(ProfessorMoriarty)决战后跌入瑞士的莱辛巴赫瀑布(ReichenbachFalls),在《空屋》里他却奇迹生还了。

    In the story , Holmes appears to return from the dead after tumbling over Switzerland 's Reichenbach Falls in a final battle with his nemesis , Professor Moriarty , in a scene at the end of a previous Holmes story .

  4. 停在一间空屋外面一个都不记得

    parked outside an empty house . Not one person remembered .

  5. 这间空屋什麽都没有,只有寂静。

    There was nothing but silence in the empty house .

  6. 可是我为什么被陷套在这个空屋里呢?

    But why am I trapped in this empty house ?

  7. 空屋里仍然飘溢著她的香水味

    The smell of her perfume linger in the empty house

  8. 这房地产计划与空屋一起出售。

    The property is to be sold with vacant possession .

  9. 这人四天前在空屋被刺身亡。

    Man stabbed to death four days ago in an empty home .

  10. 让灯盏在空屋里点着。

    Let the lamp burn in the lonely house .

  11. 比如说,如果真是两个人的话,那么这两个人究竟怎样进入空屋去的?

    How came these two men-if there were two men-into an empty house ?

  12. 擅自居住在破败的空屋里的无家可归的人。

    Homeless people squatting in a derelict house .

  13. 露茜从空屋里奔出来,一口气跑到走廊里,找到了另外三个人。

    Lucy ran out of the empty room into the passage and found the other three .

  14. 树干上留著一只蝉蜕,寂寞如一间空屋;

    On the tree trunk there was one cicada , as lonely as an empty room ;

  15. 幽暗的街道在空屋之间,不断延伸,他们从中走过。

    The dark streets between dark houses led on and on , and they passed through them .

  16. 在离尤斯顿车站数英里远的布瑞斯克顿路的一所空屋中发现了锥伯先生的尸体。

    as recorded , discovered in an empty house in the Brixton Road , many miles from Euston .

  17. 不久后跑掉的犯罪嫌疑人在一间空屋被警察逮捕。

    A short time later , authorities caught up with Defeudis at a vacant home where he was hiding .

  18. 那些持有房地产股份的人不愿看到大批的空屋住满了老鼠和那些无家可归的人。

    Those with real estate holdings do not wish to see vacant houses subject to rats and break-ins by the homeless .

  19. 出售房子的人们可以将房子卖给现在的租户,也可以空屋拥有的形式卖给第三方。

    The people selling the house could either sell it to the sitting tenant or , which vacant possession to a third party .

  20. 但据警方称,没人记得有奇怪车辆停在一间空屋外面,一个都不记得。

    But according to the police , no one remembers a strange car parked outside an empty house . Not one person remembered .

  21. 当夜雨很大,附近又没有人。于是夏朋婕就把尸首拖到那所空屋里去。

    The night was so wet that no one was about , so Charpentier dragged the body of his victim into the empty house .

  22. 死者如何进入空屋,我们百思莫解,深感此案棘手之至。

    We are at a loss as to how he came into the empty house ; indeed , the whole affair is a puzzler .

  23. 大家刚散开,露茜就走进了放衣橱的那间空屋。

    Susan was " It " and as soon as the others scattered to hide , Lucy went to the room where the wardrobe was .

  24. 夏天的夜里,微风从南方吹来;我坐在她的空屋里,没有点上的灯仍在那里立着。

    It was a summer night ; the breeze blew from the south ; and I sat in her deserted room where the lamp stood still unlit .

  25. 于是,他们便向森林的深处走去,在森林中最黑暗的地方发现了一座被人使了魔法的小空屋。

    Then they went deeper into the woods , and in its middle , where it was darkest , they found a little bewitched house that was empty .

  26. 夜里,他在家中的空屋里踱来踱去。一想到唯一可以陪他说话解闷的妻子已经死去,就心如刀割。

    He prowls the empty rooms of the house at night , thinking of the death of his wife , who was the only friend of his , heart pierced bitterly .

  27. 尽管市中心的大多数区域需重建,但企业家和志愿者却让许多空屋派上了令人惊喜的临时用场,为市区带来了勃勃生机。

    Though much of the central city has yet to be rebuilt , entrepreneurs and volunteers are finding surprising ways to make temporary use of empty lots and bring life back to the downtown .

  28. 不知不觉,他们已经走了好远,忽然他们发现,他们周围已不再是树枝而是衣服了,转瞬间,两人已站在衣橱的空屋里了。

    By this time they had walked a good way . Then suddenly they felt coats around them instead of branches and next moment they were both standing outside the wardrobe in the empty room .

  29. 你老板最关心的事情大概就是,因为很多人都想每周的工作时间更短,周末的时间更长,这样的话星期一和星期五办公室变成了一座空屋。

    Your boss 's biggest concern will probably be that the office will be a ghost town on Fridays and Mondays , since many people may want a condensed work week and a long weekend .

  30. 但他马上发现,他并没有走出衣橱返回空屋,而是从浓密的枞树荫里走进了林中的一片空地。

    But instead of finding himself stepping out into the spare room he found himself stepping out from the shadow of some thick dark fir trees into an open place in the middle of a wood .