
kōng shǒu dào
  • karate
空手道 [kōng shǒu dào]
  • [karate] 一种日本自卫术,它是用空手拳打和用脚踢在身体上易受伤害的部位

空手道[kōng shǒu dào]
  1. 空手道比赛和拳击比赛有许多类似的地方。

    The karate bout has many similarities to a boxing match .

  2. 作为一项格斗运动,空手道有受伤的风险。

    Being a combat sport , karate carries with it the risk of injury .

  3. 由于多年练习空手道,他的双手粗糙不平,布满老茧。

    His hands were rough and calloused , from years of karate practice

  4. 辛格尔顿是个牛皮大王,他自称有一条空手道黑带。

    Singleton was a fantasist who claimed to have a karate blackbelt .

  5. 他是空手道黑带级选手。

    He holds a black belt in karate .

  6. 他是空手道黑带选手。

    He is a black belt in karate .

  7. 一位空手道高手将一名男子毒打致死。

    A karate expert battered a man to death

  8. 加州大学河滨分校有400多个组织,包括政治组织、空手道俱乐部,想象一下,当我踏进它的校园时,我有多么吃惊。

    Imagine my surprise when I stepped foot onto UCR 's campus , where over 400 organizations exist , ranging from political organizations to karate club .

  9. 艾丽斯的男朋友懂一点儿空手道。

    Alice 's boyfriend knew a little karate .

  10. 我弟弟Drew喜爱空手道不过他没有报班

    My brother Drew loved karate , and he didn 't take lessons .

  11. Hayes说:即便你孩子足球比赛或空手道班也能成为接碰交友的机会。

    Even your children 's soccer events or karate classes can be networking opportunities , Hayes says .

  12. 空手道击打就像一块铁条,打出去是whack的一声;功夫击打则像拴着铁球的铁链,Wang的一声就伤到对手体内了。

    A Gung Fu punch is like an iron chain with an iron ball attached to the end and it goes Wang ! And it hurts inside .

  13. 1.〈宗〉(佛教和印度教的)业,梵文「羯磨」的意译,即善恶行为所留下的一种无形而有力的能2.命运,宿缘n.来者,来的人;有成功希望的人n.空手道(日本的一种徒手武术)

    karma ( in the Buddhist and Hindu religions ) the force produced by a person 's actions in one of their lives which influences what happens to them in their future lives n.

  14. 在微软赞助的一项全国性竞赛中,Xight视线追踪系统在水果忍者游戏中的动作甚至比空手道中的挥拳动作还要迅速,Xbox专家们在得知该消息后兴奋不已。

    Xbox experts were excited to learn that Xight was even quicker than hand-waving karate moves when playing Fruit Ninja at a national competition sponsored by Microsoft .

  15. 世界空手道联盟(WKF)核准的拳套,选手一方配戴红色另一位配戴蓝色。

    WKF approved mitts , one contestant wearing red and the other wearing blue .

  16. 在对网络实例空手道俱乐部的研究中,将该方法与传统社会学聚类方法和GN算法进行了对照比较。

    In comparison with the traditional sociological hierarchical clustering method and the GN algorithm , we apply the algorithm in this paper to the real network example , the network of the karate club .

  17. 他表示,太极拳不错,但是我相信,任何类型的活动都可以用来调节、提供训练例如舞蹈、唱诗歌、空手道、甚至棒球都可改善ADHD。

    " Tai chi is good , but I believe that any type of activity that serves to regulate , that provides discipline such as dance , chorale , karate , even baseball should improve ADHD ," he said .

  18. 57岁的洛丽·哈特曼·格维西(LoriHartmanGervasi)是传统空手道的黑带教练,她也教授穿着高跟鞋自卫的方法。她认为,女人在遭到袭击之前就需要考虑自己的鞋子和衣物。

    Lori Hartman Gervasi , 57 , a black belt trained in traditional karate who also has taught self-defense in heels , believes that women need to contemplate their shoes , along with other items of clothing , before an attack even happens .

  19. 你可以参加一项自我保护的课程,比如空手道。

    You might take a self-defense class , such as karate .

  20. 我怎么也想象不出你在基督教青年会教人空手道的情形。

    I don 't picture you teaching karate at the local Y.

  21. 还有我练过空手道,是好几段的高手了。

    And I know karate . I 've amassed several belts .

  22. 看不出你是空手道五段。

    You don 't look like a five dan in karate .

  23. 我就知道让他上空手道课不是个好主意

    I ew tt karate class wasn 't a good idea .

  24. 这就如同动物界的空手道黑带一样。

    This is apparently the animal version of the karate belt .

  25. 因为他会空手道他们觉得要是惹了他

    Because he knows karate , and they mess with him ,

  26. 不过她不再仅仅是我的空手道同学。

    But she wasn 't just in my karate class anymore .

  27. 2008年全国空手道冠军赛赛况调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis on the Match Situations of 2008 National Karate Championship

  28. 2008全国空手道锦标赛组手技术统计与分析

    Kumite Technical Statistics And Analysis Of 2008 National Karate Tournament

  29. 空手道的表演、军事威力的炫耀、勇气的表现、力量的显示。

    A display of karate , military might , courage , strength .

  30. 马尔科姆的空手道课的下课时间

    Malcolm 's Karate class gets out at the same time