
  • 网络Spatial Query
  1. 地理信息系统(GIS)的空间查询、位置导航、空间分析、空间推理等有着重要的作用。

    Spatial query , spatial analysis , position navigation , spatial reasoning etc.

  2. GIS在旅游资源空间查询中的应用浅析

    Brief Analysis of the Applications of GIS in Spatial Query of Tourism Resources

  3. Oraclespatial的空间查询分析功能浅析

    Construe of the Spatial Query and Analysis of Oracle Spatial

  4. 时态空间查询语言及时态空间GIS结构模型

    Temporal-spatial Querying Language and Its GIS Reference Model

  5. 系统不仅具有普通导航系统所具有的功能,同时具有GIS的空间查询,空间分析和统计分析等功能。

    It has the capability of spatial inquire of GIS , spatial analysis and statistic analysis , etc.

  6. 基于P2P的空间查询路由算法综述

    A Survey of P2P-Based Spatial Query Routing Algorithms

  7. 基于OpenGL的边坡数字地质编录空间查询研究

    Research on OpenGL based 3D Query of Slope Digital Geological Logging

  8. 该系统除具有一般管理系统的功能之外,还具有GIS所特有的空间查询和分析功能。

    In addition to the function of common management , this system has proper function of GIS in spatial analysis and query .

  9. 该文针对利用GIS现有空间查询接口进行海量遥感栅格数据库空间可视化检索效率低下的问题。

    It is inefficient to visually retrieve image on magnanimous remote sensing raster image data base by some GIS spatial query interface .

  10. 基于OODB技术的GIS空间查询和空间分析模型研究

    Study on Spatial Query and Spatial Analysis Model in GIS Based on OODB Technology

  11. 论述GIS的空间查询语句挖掘数据表中的隐含信息的不足,提出数据挖掘的必要性,并对源数据作了预处理;

    Secondly , the deficiency of GIS Spatial Query on the database and the necessity of Data Ming are referred to and the source data is preprocessed ;

  12. 空间查询是GIS应用系统的基本功能之一,空间查询的功能和效率是GIS应用系统的重要指标。

    Spatial query is one of the basic functions in GIS applications . The efficiency of spatial query processing is significant for the performance of GIS applications .

  13. 本文简单分析了满足GIS空间查询代数的一般要求,然后形式化地定义了一种适合于GIS空间查询的变量查询代数。

    General requirements of spatial query in GIS are briefly outlined in this paper . A Variable Query Algebra is formally defined for spatial query of GIS .

  14. 利用该模型扩充了标准SQL语言的关系代数,实现了混合维定性空间查询语言MQS-SQL。

    We improve the algebra of standard SQL with this spatial relation model , design and implement a multi-dimensional qualitative spatial query language MQS-SQL .

  15. 基于R-Tree的空间查询代价模型研究

    Research On the Cost Model for Spatial Queries Using R-Tree

  16. 依托GIS空间查询分析功能和二次开发接口,进行松嫩水系、松嫩流域以及所处行政区域、松嫩流域站点等图层信息的查询服务,实现了松嫩流域面降水量预报的实时动态监测预警。

    On the basis of GIS space request and taping function , the system realizes information request and real-time dynamic monitoring early warning of area precipitation forecast in SongNen river basin .

  17. GIS技术不仅可以满足人们对地理信息进行可视化表达和空间查询,更重要的在于其空间分析与模拟能力。

    The technique of GIS can not only fulfill people 's visual expression and space query to geographic information . The more important is the ability to spatial analyzes and simulate .

  18. GIS功能包括地图浏览和空间查询,业务功能包括水资源量查询、水质查询、需供水预测查询,以及针对管理员的后台管理功能。

    GIS functions include map view and spatial search , while business functions contain water resource quantity query , water quality query , water need and supply prediction query and system management .

  19. 以3DGIS系统的图形显示、强大的空间查询和空间分析功能为基础,解决交通战备及其附属设施基于空间地理位置的可视化信息管理。

    Solve the traffic establishment and it 's affiliated facility founded on the regular of space geography , based on the figure display , strong spatial query and spatial analyses of 3D GIS .

  20. 基于Jena和地理本体的空间查询与推理研究

    The application of jena in spatial information query and reasoning based on geo-ontology

  21. 最后,在两个表(使用较小的inlinelength)上运行空间查询,以显示查询性能不受表空间的影响。

    Finally , our spatial query is run against both tables ( with the small inline length ) to show that query performance is not affected by the table space .

  22. 针对静态环境下最近邻居查询的查询方式,根据空间查询结果的位置性,提出了利用P2P技术来共享邻近移动客户端的信息以提高查询及时性。

    According to the nearest neighbor query under static environment and the location of spatial query results , P2P technique is introduced to share the information of adjacent mobile clients . 2 .

  23. Solr在为问题跟踪器获取更多的空间查询解析器支持方面还存在开源问题(参见参考资料)。

    Solr also has an open issue in its issue tracker for adding spatial query parser support ( see Resources ) .

  24. 空间查询和定位空间对象是地理信息系统(GIS)空间分析的基本功能,也是地理信息系统和其它自动化地理数据处理系统应具备的基本功能之一。

    Both spatial query and the location of spatial objects are the two basic functions in the geographic information systems ( GIS ) and other automated geographic data processing system . Indeed , spatial query is the basis of spatial analysis .

  25. 因此,我们描述一些您应该记住的用于空间查询和空间DML语句的概念。

    Subsequently , we describe a few concepts that you should keep in mind for spatial queries and spatial DML statements .

  26. 在国土资源外业调查数据采集系统中的实际应用表明,ESIL提高了移动GIS的空间查询效率与存储能力,且具有较好的可扩展性和灵活性。

    The application results indicate that ESIL can improve query efficiency , enhance storage management ability , and is provided with better extensibility and flexibility .

  27. 介绍了基于GIS可视化和空间查询功能在复杂化的工程项目管理中的作用,以及针对工程过程中的沟通手段不成熟问题,建议充分利用Web的优势来实现工程管理网络化。

    It introduces the contribution to the construction project management which is getting more complicated based on the visibility and spatial query of GIS , and proposes taking advantage of Web to realize the project management on WWW , when coming up against the immature of communication during projects .

  28. 混合维定性空间查询语言MQS-SQL

    Multi - Dimensional Qualitative Spatial Query Language MQS - SQL

  29. 本文介绍利用VC++6.0、MapObjects和OpenGL来实现一个能虚拟显示行走过程的三维空间查询系统,从而对OpenGL在GIS软件中的应用进行了探讨。

    This paper introduces a 3D spatial searching system that can virtually display people 's travel course in VC + + 6.0 、 MapObjects and OpenGL . The application of OpenGL in GIS software is discussed in this paper at the same time .

  30. 极轨气象卫星资料的多维空间查询检索

    The Multi-dimensional Spatial Retrieve of the Polar Orbital Meteorological Satellite Data