
chuān kǒnɡ kǎ piàn
  • punched card
  1. 在穿孔卡片或纸带上穿孔的一种动作。

    A perforation , as in a punched card or paper tape .

  2. 穿孔卡片上的水平行。

    One of the horizontal lines on a punched card .

  3. JosephMarieJacquard创造了一种可以附加在织布机上的设备,它使用一个打孔模式(很像早期计算机的穿孔卡片)编织图案。

    Joseph Marie Jacquard created a device which could be affixed to looms , which used a pattern of holes , much like early computer punched cards , to direct the textile design .

  4. 它依赖于穿孔卡片和纸带而且还使用廉价的磁盘存储(总量为1MB)。

    It relied on punched cards and paper tape but also used inexpensive disk storage ( 1MB total ) .

  5. 穿孔卡片上一组相邻的列。

    A group of adjacent card columns on a punch card .

  6. 穿孔卡片的底部各邻接的行。

    The adjacent card rows at the bottom of a punch card .

  7. 救命!我被抓到制造二亚瑟王传说进位穿孔卡片的工厂里了!

    Help ! I 'm tra edin a binary punch card factory !

  8. 赫尔曼.霍尔瑞斯发明穿孔卡片制表机。《华尔街日报》首次发行。

    Punch card tabulating machine invented by Herman Hollerith . Wall Street Journal first published .

  9. 从穿孔卡片上读出数据送入计算机的一种装置。

    A device which reads data from punched cards and sends them to the computer .

  10. 存放在穿孔卡片上相关数据(计算机文件)的有序集合。

    An ordered collection of related data ( a computer file ) as held on punched cards .

  11. 一种整理、合并或比较一组穿孔卡片或其它文档的设备。

    A device that collates , merges , or matches sets of punched cards or other documents .

  12. 穿孔卡片控制计算机

    Punched card controlled computer

  13. 穿孔卡片数据处理装置

    Punched card processing equipment

  14. 穿孔卡片会计机械设备

    Punched card accounting machine

  15. 一种将穿孔卡片上已穿好孔的数据打印在卡片上的装置。

    A device that prints on a punched card the characters corresponding to hole patterns punched in the card .

  16. 用穿孔卡片也可以将信息或指令输入计算机。

    Infomation or orders can be fed to a computer with cards that have had holes punched in them .

  17. 一种穿孔卡片,其上偶然地或故意地穿上了一些超出所用字符集孔模式的孔。

    A card punched accidentally or intentionally with holes in excess of the hole patterns of the character set used .

  18. 一组卡片,通常是一叠完整的穿孔卡片,它具有确定的服务对象和明确的用途。

    A collection of cards , commonly a complete set of cards which have been punched for a definite service or purpose .

  19. 使用者打开机器,插入一张穿孔卡片或按下某些按键,然后等待机器给出一个答案。

    A user walked up to them , inserted a stack of punch cards or pushed some buttons , and waited for an answer .

  20. 穿孔卡片(以穿孔方法记录信息,用以向计算机等输入指令或数据)。

    Punch card ( card on which information is recorded by punching holes in it , used for giving instructions or data to a computer , etc )

  21. 那一时期穿孔卡片上的一条警告语--“请勿折叠、卷曲或损坏”--成为了左派反战人士的讽刺用语。

    An injunction on punch cards of the period -- " Do not fold , spindle or mutilate " -- became an ironic phrase of the antiwar Left .

  22. 在其上可以记录数据和指令的材料,如磁盘、纸带、软(磁)盘、磁带、穿孔卡片等。

    The material on which data and instructions are recorded , e.g. , magnetic disk , paper tape , floppy disk , magnetic tape , punch card , etc.

  23. 它创立于1911年,当时是一家穿孔卡片机制造商。一个多世纪后,它仍然是世界最大的科技公司之一。

    Founded in 1911 as a manufacturer of punch - card machines , more than a century later it remains one of the largest technology companies in the world .

  24. 一种二进制编码数据卡片,其记录密度大于穿孔卡片。所记录的数据可由光学或磁学读卡机读出。

    A card on which binary coded data are recorded with recording density larger than a punched card . The recorded data can be readout by optical or magnetic readers .

  25. 他完全不知道波兰已经使用了穿孔卡片的方法,也不知道杰弗里手里已经有这套东西了,他自己重新发明了穿孔卡片方法。

    he had re-invented the perforated sheets method by himself , entirely ignorant of the fact that the Poles had worked it out and that Jeffries already had the production in hand .

  26. 穿孔卡片刚刚准备展开它的寻宝之旅,就已经变成废纸了。但是在5月1号的变化后的几天里,德国错误地同时在新旧两套系统中发送信息。

    But there were ' German mistakes in the few days after the change of 1 May ' , very likely the classic one of sending out messages in both old and new systems .

  27. GB/T3908-1983信息处理用80列穿孔纸卡片的尺寸

    Dimensions of 80 columns punched paper cards for information processing

  28. 为了鼓励学生们使用步行巴士,孩子们每天会收到一些穿孔的卡片。

    To encourage use , children receive fare cards that are punched each day .

  29. 在已穿孔的卡片列中或者纸带行中附加若干孔。附加穿孔经常用来表示专用字符。

    To add holes in a card column or in a tape row that already contains holes . Overpunches are often used to represent special characters .

  30. 分组螺旋叶片式输送器穿孔目标程序卡片组

    Sectional flight conveyer punch object deck