
  1. 本章对欧洲政治的现状作了简略概述。

    This chapter briefly surveys the current state of European politics .

  2. 第一章对英国普通法的形成、特征和美国对英国普通法的继受进行了考古研究。

    The first chapter researchs archaeologically the formation and characters of English common law .

  3. 第二章对VaR的定义、计算方法以及事后检验的内容进行了具体阐述;

    The second chapter illustrates the definition , calculation and testing of VaR.

  4. 第三章对实现Java可视表达和可视运行的主要技术进行分析,提出了可行的解决方案;

    Chapter three analyses the main technology to realize Java visual expression and visual running and put forward a feasible solution .

  5. 第四章对Web服务器进行测试,实现了CGI功能。

    In fourth chapter , it carries on the test for Web Server . It realizes the CGI function .

  6. 第二章对数字电视的四种数据传输标准协议、PSI/SI表做了介绍。

    Chapter 2 gives a recommendation of data broadcasting protocol and the PSI / SI specification .

  7. MBS的运作工具有抵押贷款过手证券、担保抵押贷款证券和本息剥离债券,第三章对这三种运作工具的现金流进行了详细的分析。

    The third chapter analysis the cash flow of those operating tools in detail .

  8. 第三章对系统所采用的本体模型ORM进行了阐述。

    Chapter 3 gives the ontology model ORM used in our system .

  9. 第四章对半导体可饱和吸收体的锁模机理特别是SBR的锁模机理进行了分析。

    In chapter four , the semiconductor saturable absorber mirror also the saturable brag reflector was introduced as the mode-lock device in lasers .

  10. 第五章对差分OFDM系统进行了研究,对加性高斯白噪声(AWGN)信道下具有多径传播的正交频分复用多载波通信系统进行了计算机仿真。

    Chapter V studied differential OFDM systems , it simulated the OFDM multi-carrier communication system with the AWGN channel and multi-path characteristics by computer .

  11. 第三章对嵌入式操作系统和嵌入式GUI进行了分析,选择了嵌入式Linux作为操作系统以及Qt/Embedded作为嵌入式GUI开发工具。

    In chapter 3 , Embedded operating system and Embedded GUI are discussed . Embedded Linux and Qt / Embedded are selected as the Embedded operating system and Embedded GUI respectively .

  12. 为进一步的论述奠定基础。第二章对LPG运输、装卸进行了系统归纳,为船舶安全运输提供了必要的技术知识。

    The second chapter makes a systemic conclusion in the shipping and handling of LPG , which provides necessary shipping techniques to transmit LPG in the security conditions .

  13. 第二章对OggVorbis的原理进行简要说明。

    Chapter 2 is a brief explanation to principle of Ogg Vorbis .

  14. 第2章对本数字集群系统基站控制器要完成的MAC层协议功能加以介绍,并且对MAC层PDU具体结构和内容进行了分析描述。

    Then the MAC layer protocol function of this digital trunked system is introduced particularly , and the PDU structure and content of MAC layer is described .

  15. 第二章对中国铸造产业的发展环境作了PEST分析并以汽车工业为例分析了相关产业给中国铸造产业带来的历史机遇。

    The second one made the PEST analysis about developmental environment of Chinese castings industry . Citing automobile industry as an example , it analyzed the historical opportunities that were taken by correlative industries .

  16. 第三章对NAFTA农产品贸易政策实施十年的成效进行了理论分析。

    Chapter Three theoretically analyzes the effect that has been produced by implementing the trade policy for agricultural products in the past ten years .

  17. 第二章对基于Windows系统开发数控系统的若干关键技术(包括CNC软件的结构、插补算法、刀具补偿算法以及系统实时性等)进行了深入研究,提出了解决办法。

    Chapter two studies some key technologies such as the structure of CNC software , interpolation arithmetic , cutter compensation arithmetic and the real time performance when develops open CNC system software under Windows OS , and gives the resolve methods .

  18. 第三章对典型的三种分发算法(WRR、URLHashing、LARD)作了性能上的仿真。根据仿真结果,分析了三种算法的性能优劣,并论述了服务器参数对三种算法的影响。

    Chapter 3 implements the simulation of traditional dispatching algorithms ( WRR , URL Hashing and LARD ), and analyses their performance character based on the result of simulation .

  19. 第五章对13X条形人工合成沸石床的传热传质进行了实验计算与理论比较分析。

    In the fifth chapter , theory comparative analysis of heat transfer and quality transfer of 13X bar artificial synthesis zeolite bed was calculated and made .

  20. 第三章对多车辆物流配送VRP求解方法进行了研究,分析了多车辆配送的VRP模型和算法,并着重对多车辆VRP中的客户群划分的聚类算法进行了研究。

    The third chapter explored the optimization of Multi - route vehicle problem . The model was ste up . Then the method base on Clustering Algorithm is studied .

  21. 第二章对系统相理论和技术支持进行了说明,简要介绍了面向对象技术、管理信息系统、ADO(ActiveDataObjects)与SqlServer2000(数据库管理系统);

    The second chapter explains the system technologically and theoretically , and it gives a brief introduction to object-oriented technology & the management system , ADO ( Active Data Objects ) and SQL Server 2000 . The third chapter gives an overall exposition to the design of the system .

  22. 第三章对蓝牙协议,以及蓝牙用户模式、蓝牙的通讯过程、蓝牙主机控制接口(HCI)信息交换命令的数据格式进行了阐述。

    In the Chapter 3 , it expounds the Bluetooth protocols , the mode Bluetooth users , the process of Bluetooth communication and Bluetooth exchange specific information of Host Control Interface ( HCI ) .

  23. 第三章对TJ公司进行背景介绍,对TJ公司人力资源管理现状进行问卷调查,并根据调查结果进行现状总结;

    Chapter three introduce background to TJ Company , earring on questionnaire investigation to TJ Company 's human resource current situation , and summarizing the current situation according to the investigation result .

  24. 第六章对BTS下行专用信道基带处理模块的数据处理过程及影响基带处理模块实现的关键特征进行了详细分析;

    Chapter 6 , through detailed analysis on the WCDMA BTS downlink DCH baseband process and the key elements in this course based on the relative protocols of 3GPP , a design object is presented for 16 downlink DCHs baseband process module .

  25. 本文第三章对各种盲均衡算法进行分析之后指出,基于数据重用的Bussgang类盲均衡算法是现阶段解决短时突发信号盲均衡问题的一种实用算法。

    The third chapter indicates that the " data reuse " Bussgang class blind equalization algorithm is an applied method to solve the problem of short burst signals ' equalization by analyzing all kinds of equalization algorithms .

  26. 第三章对一般的非线性约束优化问题提出了几种修正的信赖域算法,这些算法都是以L∞精确罚函数为价值函数,对是否接受试探步的判别准则进行了修正。

    In the last chapter , we present three modified trust region algorithms for general nonlinear constrained optimization problems . For these algorithms we choose exact penalty function as the merit function and modify the rules for accepting the trial step .

  27. 第五章对厨房家具设计所涉及的因素一一作了详细研究。

    Chapter five is focus on design elements of kitchen cabinets .

  28. 第二章对与论文相关的一些投融资理论进行了阐述。

    The second chapter presents some theories on financing and investment .

  29. 第三章对棉花的需求和供给作了必要的阐述;

    Chapter 3 cotton demand and supply are necessarily expounded on .

  30. 第三章对幽默的制笑机制&不和谐机制进行解读。

    Chapter ⅲ illustrates incongruity as laughter - making mechanism .