
  1. 大海的气息勾起了她童年的回忆。

    The smell of the sea carried her back to her childhood .

  2. 这个地方处处都装点着他童年的回忆。

    The place was overlaid with memories of his childhood .

  3. 这地方唤起了童年的回忆。

    The place reawakened childhood memories .

  4. 作者根据她自己童年的回忆构思了这个故事。

    The writer constructed the story from memories of her childhood .

  5. 一见到这情景,就勾起我对童年的回忆。

    Once seen , the scene called up my childhood memories .

  6. 这些蛋糕的味道唤起了我对童年的回忆。

    The taste of the cakes was evocative of my childhood .

  7. 晃动摇曳的灯光,唤起木马童年的回忆。

    A light that sways like the wooden horse from childhood memories .

  8. 他利用童年的回忆作为小说的素材

    He draw on his childhood memory for the material of his novel

  9. 童年的回忆渐渐消失。

    The memory of the childhood disappear little by little .

  10. 孤独童年的回忆萦绕着她的脑海。

    She is haunted by memories of her lonely childhood .

  11. 这些照片唤起了我童年的回忆。

    These pictures awoke memories of childhood in me .

  12. 孩子帮我找回了童年的回忆,那些美好的时光。

    Having children brings back all my old childhood memories , wonderful years .

  13. 红领巾,他是童年的回忆;

    Red scarf , he was childhood memories ;

  14. 此情景勾起了我对童年的回忆。

    The scene reminded me of my childhood .

  15. 不幸童年的回忆小时困扰约翰逊的成年生活。

    Johnson was haunted by memories of his unhappy childhood well into his adultlife .

  16. 我有一段童年的回忆。

    I have this memory from my childhood .

  17. 他对村庄的描述交织着他对童年的回忆。

    His descriptions of the village are sewn with reminiscence of his own childhood .

  18. 不过他们都来自童年的回忆。

    But most of them are from childhood .

  19. 虽然他现在是个富有的人,但他却无法抹去童年的回忆。

    Although he is now a wealthy man he cannot erase the memories of childhood .

  20. 这又是一张老照片,它是我童年的回忆。

    Now , the things of the past became the memory but recall was interesting !

  21. 童年的回忆使我愉快。

    Memories of childhood make me happy .

  22. 在中国现代小说中,童年的回忆是一个主要的主题形态。

    In modern Chinese novels , childhood memory is one of the main topic forms .

  23. 童年的回忆渐渐模糊。

    Memories of childhood recede .

  24. 面对新事物产生的恐惧与怨恨对于童年的回忆确实是一首哀歌。

    Fear and resentment of what is new is really a lament for the memories of our childhood .

  25. 是啊,我知道,我有一段童年的回忆,但是我最近意识到,这段回忆其实从未发生过。-

    Yeah , I know . I have this memory from my childhood I realized recently never happened . -

  26. 甜甜的味道,总会给人留下无限的遐想空间,有对儿时快乐童年的回忆,有对青涩初恋滋味的留恋,有对家人和家庭温暖的美丽憧憬

    Sweet flavor always provide you infinite space to recalls your memory of happy childhood , nostalgia of sentimental first love and yearning for warm family

  27. 所以我觉得有些人在研究感觉或者记忆,却没意识到为什么我们要记下童年的回忆。我们会忘记大部分幼年的记忆这个事实,比如说其实应该无关紧要,因为那些不会影响我们长大以后的动作。

    So I think people who study sensation or memory without realizing why you 're laying down memories of childhood . The fact that we forget most of our childhood , for example , is probably fine , because it doesn 't effect our movements later in life .

  28. 在1510年,这个主意传到了维多利亚女王统治的英国。有人送了一棵圣诞树给女王的丈夫—出生于德国的Albert王子,以唤起他对童年圣诞节的回忆。

    That was in 1510 . The idea finally spread to Britain during Queen Victoria 's reign when her German-born husband Prince Albert had one sent over to remind him of his own childhood Christmases .

  29. 我童年的大多数回忆都是快乐的

    Most of the memories I have from childhood are happy ones .

  30. 这个故事唤起了我对童年的美好回忆。

    The story calls up sweet memories of my childhood .