
děnɡ yùn
  • classification of vowels or vowel groups in Chinese phonology
  1. 中古二等韵介音和《切韵》元音数量

    The Division ⅱ Medial and the Amount of Vowels in Middle Chinese

  2. 赵荫棠先生《等韵源流》,李新魁先生《汉语等韵学》提到此书是改编本。

    The adapted version of the book was mentioned in The Origin and Development of the Equal Rhymes by Mr.

  3. 中古二等韵有无介音这个问题是近几年讨论的热门话题。

    It has been an arguable topic in the past a few years that whether there is a medial of erdengyun .

  4. 古筝演奏中,左手“吟、揉、按、滑、颤”等作韵技法是古筝音乐的韵律所在,是筝乐最独特的审美特征。

    In zither 's playing , rhyme skills of " chanting , kneading , pressing , sliding " of the left hand are where the rhythm of the zither music is , and have the unique aesthetic feature .

  5. 诗、词、曲、赋等主要韵文体式的形成都有赖于民间韵文的启动作用。说明韵文文体演变中的民间韵文启动律是客观存在的;

    The formation of poetry , ci , qu and fu , main styles of verses , is based on the folk verses ' start-up , which indicates that the start-up law of folk verses does exist in the development of verses styles .

  6. 这桌仿真艺术食品宴席,那些用青菜、萝卜等蔬菜镂雕韵各种动物形象,栩栩如生,色艺双绝。

    This taBle of artistic " imitation " dishes are prepared in the shape of various animals from greens , radishes , etc. Both superB coloring and art are emBodied in the making of the lifelike ones .