
  • 网络Tsukiji fish market
  1. 筑地市场和原宿是值得一去的热门旅游景点。

    The Tsukiji Fish Market and Harajuku are popular tourist destinations that are worth the hype .

  2. 希望所有的交易成本都能像阿斯米尔花市或者筑地鱼市场那样,成为令人心动的一景。

    If only all transaction costs could be as thrilling a spectacle as Aalsmeer or Tsukiji .

  3. 在筑地鱼市场举办的首场拍卖会吸引了大量的高调竞价者,竞价者们纷纷希望在新的一年开个好头。

    The first auction at Japan 's famous Tsukiji market traditionally attracts high profile bidders to kick off the New Year .

  4. 筑地鱼市场游客区熏鼻的酒味说明,许多游客将这两种体验结合在一起,在这里通宵狂欢。

    The stink of alcohol in the tourist pens of Tsukiji suggests that many visitors have combined both experiences to make a night of it .