
  • 网络Strategy Trading
  1. 预计美国金融业监管局对花旗集团全球市场部(CitigroupGlobalMarkets)的罚款决定将于今日宣布,此项处罚在一定程度上是由于花旗未能控制涉及“总回报互换”等策略的交易。

    Finra 's fine against Citigroup Global Markets , expected to be announced today , partly involves the bank 's failure to control trading related to strategies including so-called " total return swaps " .

  2. 投资者的回报反映了他的投资策略和交易成本(Keim,Madhavan,1997)。

    Investment performance reflects two factors : ( 1 ) the portfolio manager 's investment strategies or style , and ( 2 ) the trading cost incurred in implementing this investment strategy ( Keim , Madhavan , 1997 ) .

  3. 网上交易中信息搜寻策略对交易不确定性之影响

    The Influence of Information-Seeking Strategies on Uncertainty in Electronic Commerce

  4. 银行战略联盟有三种策略:交易联盟、职能联盟和动态联盟。

    Banking strategic alliance includes three kinds of strategies : trade alliance , function alliance and dynamic alliance .

  5. 并购交易中的法律议题对于交易策略、交易结构、义务与责任均有重大的影响。

    M & A raises many legal issues that affect strategy , deal structure , responsibility and liability .

  6. 境外投资管理方案、操作策略和交易席位安排等;

    A management scheme of overseas investment , operational strategies and the arrangement of trade seats , etc. ;

  7. 泰伯表示:如果看到证交会对若干策略和交易做法进行审查,我不会感到奇怪。

    I would not be surprised to see the SEC take a look at a number of strategies and trading practices , says Mr Tabb .

  8. 根据《基本法》,香港会维持独立关税区的地位。我们会保障知识产权,并坚决维护对策略商品交易实施的国际管制。

    Under the basic law , Hong Kong remains a separate customs territory , we protect intellectual property rights , and we uphold international controls on trade in strategic commodities .

  9. 由于期货的杠杆性,风险比股票市场高很多,因此以程序化和量化投资为核心策略的交易将成为资产管理业务主要的投资方式,以追求稳定的收益。

    Futures market is more risky than stock market due to its leverage . Therefore , to pursue steady profits , trading strategies based on programing and quantitative investing will be main products of asset management business .

  10. 本文是在传统技术分析原理(移动平均理论)的基础上设计多种变化策略的交易模式,并通过计算机技术对比分析这些交易模式在机械化执行过程中的投资表现。

    The purpose of this article is to design a variety of strategy trading patterns on the basis of traditional theory of technical analysis ( the Moving Average Theory ), comparing and analyzing the investment performance of these trading patterns in the implementation process of mechanization .

  11. 客户理解并接受,无论任何情况,DFTT对客户的投资策略,投资交易和信息不负任何责任。

    It is also understood and accepted that DFTT shall bear absolutely no responsibility , regardless of the circumstances , for any such investment strategy , transaction , investment or information .

  12. 作为投机策略的噪声交易:一个交易操纵模型

    Noise Trading as a Speculative Strategy : A Trade-based manipulation Model

  13. 动量交易策略与反转交易策略国际实证比较研究

    Empirical Comparative Study of Momentum Strategy and Contrarian Strategy in International Security Markets

  14. 第5章研究机构投资的投机交易策略以及投机交易对市场的影响。

    Chapter 5 studies the speculation strategies of institutional investment and the impact that speculation has on the market .

  15. 首先,配对交易策略相对于基差交易策略更灵敏,可以抓住日内交易机会。

    First of all , matching trading strategy relatively poor trading strategy well-alignment with sensitive , you can seize intra-day trading opportunities .

  16. 提出的连续双向拍卖市场定价策略能够以交易双方的报价为基础,通过潜在的协商,进而使市场价格达到总体平衡,局部随市场供求作相应的微调。

    Dynamic pricing strategy in continuous double auction can make market price achieve overall balance , according market bid and potential consultation .

  17. 你必须首先是一名交易员才能设计出程序化交易策略或者直接交易策略,这样才能在市场中存活。

    No one is a perfect trader , everyone must always work to continue to improve their knowledge , awareness , and trading aptitude .

  18. 在算法交易的应用中,交易策略是算法交易中的核心问题,交易策略的优劣直接决定了投资者的盈亏。

    Trading strategy is a key problem in the use of algorithmic trading . The profit and loss of investors are directly determined by the quality of trading strategy .

  19. 最后利用分组比较分析研究证券投资基金的反馈交易策略以及其交易行为对股价的影响。

    At last , the paper uses the group comparative method to analyze the feedback transaction strategy of the securities investment fund and how the transactional behaviors of the securities investment fund affect the stock prices .

  20. 通过利用二级市场上的历史数据对一定投资策略下的交易过程进行循环模拟,将所得收益率与股指收益率比较来验证对应投资策略的有效性。

    By loop simulate the proceeds of the rate and stock index yield to verify the validity of the corresponding investment strategy through the use of historical data on the secondary market transactions under certain investment strategies .

  21. 基于收益提成的转让定价策略要求在交易达成时受让方首先向转让方支付一个固定费用,然后在销售实现时根据实际的销售收益按照一定的比例进行提成。

    Based on revenue technology transfer pricing strategy requests when the technology transfer the transferee pay a fixed fee to the transferor at first , and then pay a variable fee according to the actual revenue during the future operation .

  22. 但由于遭受利益损失,农民会采取拖延、阻挠等策略,延长交易环节,增加交易成本,加剧博弈局中人的利益冲突。

    But due to have burdened the profit loss , the farmers will choose the strategies as ' delaying and preventing ' etc to prolong the transaction procedures , increase the transaction cost and intensifying the profit conflict to the gamblers .

  23. 但同时,知情交易者为使自己的收益最大化,可能采用策略性的交易行为,从而使自己长时间保持信息上的优势,这样就会在满足一定条件下产生市场操纵行为。

    But at the same time , the informed trader may adopt the strategic trading in order to maximize his own payoff , thus make himself keep the information advantage for a long time . , Then will produce the behavior of market manipulation when meeting certain condition .

  24. 安然的竞争对手,从dynegy到elpaso,也都纷纷采取多样化策略,进入能源交易领域。

    Competitors to Enron , ranging from Dynegy to El Paso , had also diversified into energy trading .

  25. 发电市场不同竞争模式下发电商的策略性远期合同交易

    Strategic Forward Contracting under Different Competition Modes in Power Generation Markets

  26. 据报道,她的交易策略是以电脑交易模型为基础的。

    Her fund strategy is reportedly based on computer trading models .

  27. 在这之外有很多你能用的有关经过测试的交易策略和规则的交易书籍和课程。

    There are lots of trading books and courses out there which have tried and tested trading strategies and rules you can use .

  28. 机构投资者在期货市场进行大额交易时,要在考虑冲击成本的情况下制定大额指令执行策略,从而减少交易成本,提高收益。

    To reduce the transaction Cost and increase revenue , stock index futures block traders should consider the impact cost when they make block trading execution .

  29. 配备提示的行销策略有关的内幕交易秘密将是能够得到更快的速度完成这项工作,比以往任何时候都更容易。

    Equipped with tips and insider secrets about marketing tactics , you will be able to get the job done even faster and easier than ever before .

  30. 针对不同的发电现货市场竞争模式,研究了多个非对称发电商的策略性远期合同交易问题。

    Strategic forward contracting induced by this incentive is exa - ( mined ) under different competition types in a generation spot market with asymmetric and multiple strategic generators .