
  1. 本文将其应用于足球机器人系统的进攻策略学匀。

    This paper adopts MAXQ algorithm to the attacking strategy of soccer robot system .

  2. 当学员们学完课程时,他们将获得在管理学、策略学、营销学以及其它学科的证书。

    When they finish , students receive certificates in management , strategy , marketing and other disciplines .

  3. 笔者在研究中,结合学生的自我效能感的增强、以及一定的教学策略学,教师引导学生自我监控,从而培养学生自主学习能力。

    The author in the study , combining students ' self-efficacy enhancement , as well as some teaching strategies , teachers guide students to self monitoring , so as to cultivate the students ' ability of autonomous learning .

  4. 同时因为我在该组织的工作集中于高层次的战略和经营活动,我运用最多的课程是策略学、市场营销、管理会计、运筹学和组织行为学。

    And , because my work at the organisation is focused on high-level strategic and operational activities , the courses on which I have mostly drawn are those in strategy , marketing , managerial accounting , operations and organisational behaviour .

  5. 中学教师十分缺乏对学生有关阅读策略和学法方面的指导。

    Secondary school teachers lack correct guiding to the students during the teaching-learning process .

  6. 面向不同气候条件下低耗能、高效、大进深公共建筑的设计策略类型学

    A typology of design strategies for low-energy , efficient , deep-plan public buildings in various climates

  7. 我国职业病的现状及调控策略的社会学思考

    Present Situation of Occupational Disease and Sociological Thinking on Control Strategy

  8. 仿真策略是仿真学研究的核心问题之一。

    Simulation strategy is the kernel problem of simulation research .

  9. 口语交际策略及其语用学探析

    On Strategy of Spoken Language Intercourse and its Pragmatics Meaning

  10. 无线光通信中自适应编码策略的控制学分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of Adaptive Coding in Optical Wireless Communication by Control Theory

  11. 从学校教育情境中的惩罚谈作为策略的教育学

    The Studies of the Education as a Strategy from the Punishments in the School Teaching Circumstances

  12. 元认知策略在高三学困生英语阅读教学中的介入性研究

    An Interventional Research on Senior Three Students with LD in English Reading by Meta-cognitive Strategy Training

  13. 学与教的双螺旋结构的展开与教师教的策略和学生学的策略密切相关。

    The uncoiling of the double-helix structure has close relation with the strategies of teaching and learning .

  14. 一直以来,学习策略是外语学界和教育界共同关注的热点话题。

    The learning strategies have been a hot topic in both fields of foreign language teaching and general education .

  15. 区域推进:农村地区实现义务教育均衡发展的基本策略&政策学视角的分析

    Regional Advancement : an Basic Tactic for a Balanced Development of Compulsory Education in Rural Areas An Analysis from the Angle of Policy

  16. 研究结果证明,采用学困生转化策略对提高学困生的数学水平作用显著。

    The research results prove that the strategy of conversion of the students poor in mathematics can increases the mathematics level of these students remarkably .

  17. 从认知角度看介词on意义的多元性元认知策略在高三学困生英语阅读教学中的介入性研究

    A Cognitive Study of the Meanings of the Preposition on ; An Interventional Research on Senior Three Students with LD in English Reading by Meta-cognitive Strategy Training

  18. 在教学过程中,笔者将这三种策略与所学课文有机结合,并对实验班学生每周进行额外的指导与训练。

    In the training process , the researcher combined the three specific strategies with the learning of the teaching materials , explained the strategies in class and gave extra exercises to the experimental class .

  19. 从七十年代到当前,研究者从不同的视角探讨学习策略:善学学习者的策略,策略与成绩的关系,策略培训,影响学习策略的因素。

    From 1970s to the present , a number of researchers have made contributions on learning strategies in different aspects : strategies used by good language learners , the relationship between learning strategies and performance , strategy training , different factors affecting strategies .

  20. 价值投资策略的行为金融学解释及其实证研究

    A Behavioral Finance Interpretation of Value Investment Strategy and Its Empirical Evidence

  21. 教学设计中的教学目标、教学策略应该是根据学情分析来制定和选择。

    Teaching aims and strategies should be set and choose with study situation .

  22. 临床甲状腺功能检查新策略的医学决策学方法初步探讨

    Primary Study of New-Strategies for Clinical Thyroid Function Tests with Medical Decision Making

  23. 霰弹策略在蛋白质组学研究中的应用与发展

    Evolution and Application of Shotgun Strategy for Proteome Study

  24. 协作学习策略在人体生理学教学中的应用研究

    Study on use of cooperative learning strategies in teaching and learning of Human Physiology

  25. 策略性知识的学与教

    Studying and teaching of strategical knowledge

  26. 作者认为,更具可行性的理论和策略应该包括言语学和社会两个层面。

    More practical to the author are the theories and strategies that include both linguistic and social levels .

  27. 这些平台的建立为下一步人类肝脏细胞器蛋白质组研究做了相应的准备,而且这种细胞器分离及数据分析的策略对于其他组学研究而言也具有一定的参考意义。

    This platform is a pre-trial for human liver organelle proteome , which is also worthy to other " omics " research .

  28. 此后,学习策略研究成为教育学、心理学领域研究的热点问题和世界各国关注的焦点问题。

    Thereafter , learning strategy research has become a hot issue in the domain of education and psychology and a focus in almost countries .

  29. 动量策略是行为金融学中一个比较典型的现象,经常被用于研究股票市场,然而在我国外汇市场中的研究才刚刚起步。

    Momentum strategy is a typical phenomenon in behavioral finance , often used to study the stock market . But the research on the exchange market has just started .

  30. 目前对战事报道的研究越来越受到关注,但是,这些研究多数基于军事策略或大众传播学研究视角,从语言学角度进行的研究还不多见。

    Currently , war coverage has received more and more attention , but the previous research on war coverage mainly from the perspective of military strategies or mass communications with little attention on linguistic theories .