
jiǎn huà
  • simplify;simplification;facilitate;reduction;predigest;idealization;dilution
简化 [jiǎn huà]
  • [simplify;predigest;simplification;reduction] 使复杂的变为简单的

  • 简化手续

简化[jiǎn huà]
  1. 需要进一步简化投票注册程序。

    More needs to be done to simplify the process of registering to vote

  2. 89%的受访者表示,表情符号简化了跨语言障碍的交流。

    Eighty-nine percent of respondents said emojis simplify communicating across language barriers .

  3. 因为人们的抱怨,规则简化了。

    Complaints have led to simplification of the rules .

  4. 申请表格现已简化了。

    The application forms have now been simplified .

  5. 你可以把冗长的解释简化成一目了然的图表。

    You can reduce long explanations to simple charts or diagrams .

  6. 他的肢体语言极尽简化,措词总体温和。

    His gestures were economical , his words generally mild .

  7. 像其他这种表格一样,这是简化了的。

    Like any such diagram , it is a simplification .

  8. 数以百万计的人们想要新的简化方式实现人机交互。

    Millions of people want new , simplified ways of interacting with a computer

  9. 电脑简化了教聋人阅读这一艰巨的工作。

    The computer has simplified the difficult task of teaching reading to the deaf .

  10. 他们称鉴于他们已经简化了申请手续,情况应该会有所好转。

    They say things should be better now that they have streamlined application procedures .

  11. 每个人都希望法庭程序能够简化。

    Everyone favours the simplification of court procedures .

  12. 宇宙的构造或许并不能简化为一个物理问题。

    The structure of the universe may not be reducible to a problem in physics .

  13. 他在税制上作了一些简化。

    He made a number of simplifications in the taxation system .

  14. 一个更有力的批评是他把道德规范简化为人际关系。

    A more telling criticism is that he reduces ethics to interpersonal relationships .

  15. 在弯矩分配中有很多的简化法。

    There are many shortcut methods in moment distribution .

  16. 我们必须简化方法。

    We must streamline our methods .

  17. 那么,如果说还有什么问题,就可以简化为经济核算了。

    The problem , then if there is one boils down to the issue of economic calculation .

  18. 简化劳动和节省劳动的那些机械的发明,看来也是起因于分工。

    The invention of all those machines by which labour is so much facilitated and abridged , seems to have been originally owing to the division of labor .

  19. 任何一个与各种保险公司的各类表格打过交道的医生或试图了解其保险条款声明的病患都知道,这种简化就意味着省钱。

    Any doctor who has wrestled with multiple forms from different insurers , or patients who have tried to understand their own parade of statements , know that simplification ought to save money .

  20. 他在他的第一本书《初等拼写》中建议简化英语单词的拼写。

    His first book , The Elementary Spelling Book , suggested making the spelling of English words easy .

  21. 在这本书中我们允许一些简化。

    In this textbook we will tolerate a certain amount of ellipsis .

  22. 这种均质化的处理方式,简化了世界,足以能够稳妥地为它建模。

    This homogenization simplifies and uncomplicated the world enough to model It'sanely .

  23. 武汉大学计算机学院助理教授赵小刚表示,鸿蒙创造出了“超级终端”,使多设备互联更加简化、高效。

    Zhao called HarmonyOS a " mega-terminal " that enables more streamlined and efficient cross-device connectivity .

  24. 那可简化我的工作。

    That will simplify my task .

  25. 为了降低成本,简化流程,国际奥委会曾在2019年对申办规则进行了改动。

    The IOC changed its bidding rules in 2019 to reduce costs and make the process easier for cities .

  26. 比如,通过改善设计而简化回收过程,因为目前有很多商品是用不同种类的塑料混合制成的。

    For example , to improve designs to make recycling easier - many products are currently made with a mix of different types of plastic .

  27. 到了详细解剖图出现的时代,如十六世纪初达文西的作品,简化符号的表现方式早已固定了。

    By the time detailed6 anatomical drawings appeared , like those of Leonardo da Vinci in the early 16th century , the simplified symbol had already taken root .

  28. 持续的简化CM服务器访问栈。

    Continue to simplify CM Server call stack .

  29. 提供必要的工具类以简化VISDK的web接口

    Provides necessary utility classes to simplify VI SDK web interfaces

  30. 随后,简化了HTTP协议(超文本传输协议),实现了嵌入式网络服务器,完成了油田生产信息的网络传输。

    Simplified the HTTP protocol , the Embedded Web Server is implemented .