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  1. “我希望其他人能够受到她那种非常棒的个人风格的影响,”设计师安吉拉•米索尼(AngelaMissoni)在电子邮件中表示。

    ' I hope that others will be influenced by her great personal style , 'said designer Angela Missoni in an email .

  2. 伯克斯在2005年首次与南非工匠合作,为意大利品牌米索尼(missoni)制作了一系列以拼贴画覆盖的花瓶。

    Burks first worked with South African artisans in 2005 on a series of patchwork-covered vases for Missoni .

  3. 帕特里夏:本人购买的第一件米索尼产品就是带长山羊皮流苏的卢勒克斯(Lurex)紫色围巾。

    PU : My first Missoni piece was a purple Lurex scarf with long suede fringes .

  4. 但还有几个外来家族雄心勃勃参与角逐,比如米索尼(Missoni),半个多世纪以来它一直在编织彩色针织衫。

    But few families tug an outsider 's heart like the Missonis , whose chromatic knitwear has woven through time for more than half a century .

  5. 从米索尼品牌看针织服装的色彩形式美

    Look at the Beauty of Color Form of Knitted Garment from MISSONI

  6. 米索尼一家就是最好的广告。

    The Missonis are their own best advertisement .

  7. 我们觉得米索尼是不错的选择,所以我就带了朋友来帮忙挑咯。

    We thought missoni would be right , So I brought a friend to help with the selection .

  8. 他们的毛衣是在做披肩的机器上织出来的这个创新让米索尼成为一家时装公司毛衣上的之字形图案和任何著名标识一样为人熟知。这些毛衣是时装历史的一部分。

    Their sweaters knit on shawl-making machines the innovation that launched Missoni as a fashion company and a zigzag as recognizable as any logo are now part of fashion history .

  9. 他们的毛衣是在做披肩的机器上织出来的——这个创新让米索尼成为一家时装公司——毛衣上的之字形图案和任何著名标识一样为人熟知。这些毛衣是时装历史的一部分。

    Their sweaters knit on shawl-making machines - the innovation that launched Missoni as a fashion company - and a zigzag as recognizable as any logo are now part of fashion history .

  10. 在米兰时装周上,米索尼的西装更加现代化,与西装相搭配的是该品牌的标志之一有图案的高档针织衫和露指手套向你展示西装也可以穿得休闲。

    Missoni modernized its suit at Milan fashion week , pairing a blazer with one of its trademark patterned fine-knits and fingerless gloves – showing you can dress down a suit too .