- One's spirits are drooping

Results : 1 Clinical performance : The model group was beginning to emerge more urine , psychotropic medication , dropsy . The normal group 's activity was not unusual ;
After STZ injection , the rats of other three groups all presented obviously polydipsia , polyphagia , polyuria , and presented slowly the energetic dispirited , the slow reaction , little moves hugs the group .
Results In electric stimulation group , the rats showed relatively dark and convoluted hair , depression , emotional panic , emaciation , somatasthenia , bad appetite , decreased drinking , delayed operative cut healing , which consisted with the signs of cerebral infarction sequela in Traditional Chinese medicine .
Dehydration can lead to weakness , mental fatigue and eventually death .
Relieves lethargy and mental sluggishness .
In most cases , it manifests itself as general listlessness and a feeling that life has no meaning .
Results 32 cases were without definite aspiration history and 26 cases suffered originally from more than two other diseases .
Model group , the apathetic , slow to weakness , reduced feeding , fur is not glory , cold .
Results Of all the 57 cases , the common important clinical complains were weary , twitch , hoarseness and cough .
When the Anti-Japanese War breaks out , Chinese national power is at low ebb , and the national spirit is dejected .
Result Phenomenons , including rare fur , depression , lazy , duck stools and purpl dim in micrangium micrangium , occurred in model group .
Unexplained mood changes , especially feeling apathetic or irritable , can be a sign that your body isn 't getting the energy it needs .
My parents taught me never to believe such things at a very young age as these will drive you insane and affect your normal life .
At present , mainly on the current clinical treatment , it is applied to cure depression , alcoholism and diseases such as stomach and duodenal ulcer .
One patient , a 40-year-old venture capitalist who goes only by the name John , told the paper that his lack of drive and lethargy was initially diagnosed as depression .
Manuscript submitted , I went cold turkey on holiday , knowing that the headache and sluggishness of mind would be both less painful and less important while wandering around the Welsh coast .
After operation , there were 2 cases of cerebral embolism , 7 psychological fusion , 2 hemorrhagic shock , 2 arrhythmia , 3 pulmonary infection , 11 vascular embolization , 5 genitourinary infection and 1 gastrointestinal ulcer .
This not only can make ripe age of the mankind shifts to an earlier date , still can make person physiology rhythm maladjusted , appear then palpitation , bosom frowsty , spirit is dispirited wait for a phenomenon .
Portal pressure had increased in the two groups of gauge 14 and gauge 16 . In the gauge 14 group , the rats had expressed anepithymia , loss of body weight , ascites formation and died one by one .
Results : Results : The model is completed , the model appears Kidney symptoms , mainly fatigue , make them apathetic , swimming after the initiative crowded together , the activities of small , cold chills , fur is not shiny , thin stool .
Explore the influence of the implantation of Biological materials affected on tumor animal models from different aspects . Result : 1 . The immune suppressed tree shrews which treated by Electron accelerator radiation processing were activities reduced , slow , inactive , eating less , and even antifeedant .
The popularization of public civilization and weariness of human criticism spirit ;
While he had been weltering , hooling and thurling , the distance beneath him had not bothered him unduly , but now that he was gripping , the distance made his heart wilt and his brain bend .
Students can not enjoy the spiritual joy caused by emotional comfort and the touched soul in Chinese language learning . In the Chinese language classroom , students are often apathetic and expressionless , and lack of " human feelings " in their daily lives .
The moral damage of the third person is the general term for the restless , apathetic , and despair spiritual damage caused by the third person who heard or witnessed the serious damage caused by the direct infringement .