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lěi shì
  • for many generations;generation after generation
累世 [lěi shì]
  • [for many generations; generation after generation] 好几代,数代。同累一叶、累代

累世[lěi shì]
  1. n.家族的累世宿仇这两家已有三代的冤仇了。

    feud The two families had been at feud with each other for three generations .

  2. 在漩涡中能够意识到的只有对遗留下来东西的清理,在Mer-Ka-Na中进入累生累世的和谐的爱。

    What can be realized in the vortex is the clearing of all that remains , the harmonic of love into all life journeys in Mer-Ka-Na .

  3. 叶沈家族的累世联姻则造就了中国戏曲史上第一位女戏曲家叶小纨。

    Ye Xiao-wan was the first woman writer in Chinese operas history .

  4. 由于金日磾突出表现,他的子孙后代从此累世在大汉朝廷为官。

    Jin Midi and his descendants later rose to prominent positions in the Han court .

  5. 只要有家族企业,就会有家族企业的累世宿仇。

    As long as there are family businesses , there will be family business feuds .

  6. 在最后的毕业时刻,你们必须面对累世积累的恐惧和黑暗,用意志将它们转化成光。

    In the final graduation one must always face their cumulative fear , face their darkness , and turn it into light through will .

  7. 后来终于在打坐时得到了答案:原来让我们放不下的,与事物的价值无关,而是牢不可破的累世习惯!

    Finally , I got the answer in meditation : what we cling to is not the value of the object , but our die-hard habits accumulated through many lifetimes .