
  1. 本文从国际汽车零部件工业的现状以及我国的差距入手,讨论当前我国国家产业政策、宏观经济与基础设施建设、以及整车厂采购体系发生变革和我国加入WTO对綦江齿轮厂的影响。

    In this article , beginning from the present situation of international auto part industry , our state policies , macroeconomic and infrastructure construction , changes from OEM 's purchase system and the effect to Qijiang Gear Works from entering WTO are represented .

  2. 重庆綦江是一个拥有丰富民族民间文化艺术的地方。

    Chongqing Qijiang is rich in local folk culture and art .

  3. 重庆綦江虹桥垮塌事故的力学分析

    The Mechanics Analysis of Chongqing Qijiang Rainbow Bridge Collapse Accident

  4. 简论公诉案件的审理对象和范围&关于綦江虹桥案的诉讼法理

    A Brief Argument on Adjudicating Objects and Scopes in Public Prosecution Case

  5. 瞧,这位綦江小姑娘创作得多么聚精会神。

    Look , just how creative girl who Qijiang attentively .

  6. 綦江齿轮厂市场竞争战略研究

    Study of the Marketing Strategy of Qijiang Gear Works

  7. 綦江铁矿焙烧-磁选-阴离子反浮选试验研究

    An Experimental Research on Roasting-magnetic Separation-negative Ion Reverse Flotation of Qijiang Iron Ore

  8. 重庆南干线整改工程綦江穿越勘察技术

    Surveying Technique of Qijiang Traversing of East Section 's Improvement Project of South Trunk

  9. 重庆市綦江县地质灾害易发程度分区评价

    Zoning of geological hazard evaluation of probability of occurrence in Qijiang county of Chongqing municipality

  10. 版画吸引了孩子们。瞧,这位綦江小姑娘创作得多么聚精会神。

    Printmaking has attracted children . Look , just how creative girl who Qijiang attentively .

  11. 綦江虹桥案被称为中国的污点证人第一案。

    Qijiang Hongqiao case is said to be the first case of tainted witnesses in China .

  12. 他说,綦江农民版画引人遐想,特别是色彩强烈给人留下深刻印象。

    He said that the introduction of reverie Qijiang farmers prints , especially color strongly impressive .

  13. 綦江式赤菱混合矿粉矿造球还原焙烧磁选试验研究

    Pelletization , Reducing Roast and Magnetic Separation Tests of Mixture Fine Ore of Qijiang-type Hematite and Siderite

  14. 朗格文被一幅名为《闹洞房》的綦江农民版画深深吸引。

    Lange has been a paper called " the bridal chamber ," engraving of Qijiang farmers deeply attracted .

  15. [2]2006年5月在綦江成立了重庆首个农村经纪人协会,政府对农村经纪人的重视程度有很大提高。

    In May 2006 , Chongqing was established in Qijiang first rural brokers associations , government emphasis on rural brokers have greatly improved .

  16. 綦江县农民版画家李成芝一大早就穿上自制的“版画”服装来到展厅参观展览。

    Qijiang County farmers in the early morning edition of artist Li Chengzhi wear self-made " print " garments to the exhibition hall .

  17. 江津为长江水道的重要节点,同时与綦江一样为川黔交通的重要枢纽。

    Jiangjin is the important node in the Yangtze river waterway , at the same time as the Qijiang count important hub for the region traffic .

  18. 与小张弛一样充满喜悦的,还有“中国农民版画之乡”重庆綦江县的95万各族群众。

    Same with small relaxation of joyful as well as " Hometown of Chinese farmers Prints " Chongqing Qijiang County , 950,000 people of all nationalities .

  19. 綦江县是个农业县,位于中国西部商业中心重庆市南部,是通向多山的贵州省的一个门户。

    The rural county of Qijiang lies south of Chongqing , the commercial center of western China , on the way to the mountainous province of Guizhou .

  20. 1999年重庆綦江虹桥案因涉及到法院变更指控罪名,曾一度引起司法界和学术界激烈的争论。

    The HONGQIAO case in Qi Jiang Chong Qing city in 1999 involving to the court change has caused a fierce debate between the judicial and academics once .

  21. 2002年,一条新的南北向高速公路开通,2005年又有一条东西向的支线公路建成,从那以后,綦江县已经成了一个交通枢纽。

    Since a new north-south expressway opened in2002 , followed by a spur line running east to west in2005 , Qijiang has become something of a transport hub .

  22. 这个成果在中国西南部山区的綦江县可以清楚地感受到:新建的高速公路将綦江到重庆的乘车时间从2个多小时减少到45分钟。

    The results are evident in this hilly corner of China 's southwest , where a new expressway has cut travel times to the big city of Chongqing to45 minutes from more than two hours .

  23. 綦江聚集了大批锻件、轮、件总成生产企业,锻造生产、械加工、成装配技术先进,条件优越。

    The Qijiang count gathered the large quantities of forgings , the gear , the part always becomes the production enterprise , the forging production , the machine-finishing , assemblies and parts technology is advanced , the condition was superior .

  24. 为了探讨綦江虹桥垮塌的原因,通过对现有结构计算分析程序功能的分析,论述了对压弯杆件最不利受力状态分析时的遗漏和针对压弯杆件强度及稳定验算方法中存在的错误;

    The paper discusses the omission in analyzing the worst stressed state and the mistake in strength and stability checking computations method for compression and bending member , by analyzing the available construction calculation analysis program function , in order to approach the reason of QiJiang arch bridge breakdown .
