
  1. 与之相对应,形成了两种类型的教育学文本学术著作与讲义纂集。

    Corresponding to that , two different texts of pedagogy came up : academic works and the collection of teaching materials .

  2. 另外还对书学文献纂集类著作的发展沿革作了纵深性探讨,以期在历史的视域中突显《六艺之一录》一书的学术地位。

    In addition , the development of literature works of calligraphy collection is probed in longitudinal discussion , in order to highlight the academic status of Liu Yi Zhi Yi Lu from perspective of history .

  3. 《隋书•经籍志》的相关记载并不能成为《礼记》并非戴圣所纂集的证据;

    The content in the " Jingji Zhi ( Treatise on the Classics and Writings ), Sui Shu ( History of the Sui Dynasty )" cannot prove that The Book of Rites was not collected by Dai Sheng .
