
  • 网络Fiber Bundle;Fibration
  1. 纤维丛全空间的Wall阻碍

    Wall obstruction of the total space of a fiber bundle

  2. 纤维丛Poisson结构及其在力学上的应用

    Fiber bundle Poisson structure and its application in analytic mechanics

  3. 纤维丛表述的两种DeSitter引力的探讨

    An Approach to Two Types of de Sitter Gravities in Terms of Fiber Bundles

  4. 纤维丛上的Poisson结构

    Poisson Structures on Fibre Bundles

  5. 考虑了限制在球面S2上运动的三个质点的力学系统,该系统的构型空间是S2上的一个纤维丛。

    A mechanics system consisting of three mass points on sphere S 2 is considered .

  6. 上皮下和前基质层可见反光强烈的神经纤维丛,旁边偶见明亮的Langerhans细胞,形态不规则,细胞密度难以计算。

    Nerve plexus at subepithelium and anterior stroma were prominent with strong brightness . Langerhans cells were occasionally visible , and cell density cannot be measured .

  7. 建立了双重纤维丛P2(P1(M,U(1),U(1)),求得了统一引力、电磁和标量场的作用量和场方程,给出了标量场新的几何解释。

    The double fiber bundle P2 ( P1 ( M , U ( 1 )), U ( 1 )) is set up in this article , We found the action and the field equations unified gravitation-electromagnetism-scalar fields . We gave a new geometrical interpretation to the scalar field .

  8. 本文借助于规范理论的纤维丛表述,导出了在Kaluza-Klein理论中反映真空特性的标量场,从而为禁闭机制的场论分析提供了一个值得探讨的途径。

    Scalar field which is associated with vacuum property in the theory of Kaluza-Klein is derived from the principal-bundle formulation of gauge theories A useful way with which a confinement mechanism is proposed in field theory can be analysed .

  9. 纤维丛上一般非线性控制系统的几何框架及其最小实现理论

    Geometric Framework and Minimal Realizations of Nonlinear Systems on Fibre Bundle

  10. 基本粒子超对称性的纤维丛方法

    A fibre bundle approach applied to the supersymmetry of elementary particles

  11. 特殊纤维丛上微分动力系统的局部坐标表示

    The Local Coordinate Representations of Differential Dyamic Systems on Special Fibre Bundle

  12. 有关规范场与纤维丛关系问题的三次阐释

    Three Ways to Research on Relationship between Gauge Fields and Fiber Bundles

  13. 基于纤维丛表述的李变换群延拓群算子

    Prolongation Operator of Lie Transformation Group of According to Fibre Bundle Express

  14. 规范场与主纤维丛上的联络

    The Yang-Mills fields and the connections of principle fibre bundles

  15. 关于纤维丛的分类问题

    On the classification problem of fibre bundles

  16. 超空间及由其建立的纤维丛统一的超引力理论

    The Superspace and Its Unified Supergravity Theory

  17. 纤维丛的黎曼度量

    The Riemannian metric of fiber bundles

  18. 最后在特殊纤维丛上建立了微分动力系统,进一步推导出了它们的局部坐标表示。

    Finally , the representations of local coordinate on the differential dynamic systems of some fibre bundles are deduced .

  19. 关于黎曼空间的切纤维丛主丛与刚体运动

    ON THE BUNDLES OF ORIENTED m-PLANES OF A RIEMANN SPACE . Principal Fibre Bundle and Motion of Rigid Body

  20. 本文研究了底空间为实射影空间时上协边类纤维丛表示的若干性质。

    In this paper we deal with some properties of cobordism classes of fiber bundles over the real projective space .

  21. 设M~n,N~m是光滑闭流形,p:M~n→N~m为纤维丛投射。

    Suppose Mn and Nm are closed smooth manifolds , p : Mn → Nm is the projection of fiber bundle .

  22. 本文给出各种纤维丛微分几何结构的一个统一处理,首先引进了一个新定义;

    The main purpose of this paper is to give a united treatment of the structure of differential geometry of various fiber bundles .

  23. 他们报告微小逐渐的记忆力下降被发现存在纤维丛,当路易小体和中风将逐渐记忆力下降的速率加倍时。

    They report that minimal gradual memory declines were seen in the absence of tangles , while Lewy bodies and strokes doubled the rate of gradual memory loss .

  24. 本文提出积流形李变换群延拓群的概念,并应用纤维丛方法解决延拓群算子中的系数问题,进而讨论其在黎曼流形中的一个应用。

    In the article we advance the concept of prolongation group of Lie transformation group in a visual and pithy way , and resolve the coefficient problem of prolongation operator .

  25. 本文构造了超引力的一种纤维丛统一理论模式,一些不同的超引力可看作该理论的具体应用。

    In this paper a unified theory of supergravities is constructed by using the Fiber bundle technique and different types of supergravities can be considered as applications of this theory .

  26. 分析了顶梳除具有梳理分离纤维丛尾端的作用外,同时形成附加摩擦力界,加强对分离纤维丛中浮游纤维的控制,以减少有效纤维的损伤。

    Besides the functions of carding and separating fiber tail end , top comb can also form added friction fields that strengthen the control of float fibers to decrease fiber damage effectively .

  27. 但是,外尔的这些工作是从黎曼几何过渡到纤维丛理论的一个重要环节,同时也是外尔从分析学转向李群理论的主要动因。

    But the author argues that Weyl 's work in this field is not only an important historical linkage from Riemann geometry to fiber bundle but also a main incentive for his research diversion from analysis to Lie group .

  28. 如何从纤维丛的底空间和纤维型的黎曼度量构造丛空间的黎曼度量,接着,定理1和定理2分别给出了向量丛和主丛关于这种度量的线素。

    A new definition concerning the Riemannian metric of bundle spaces is given by using of the Riemannian metric of related base spaces and fibers . Theorem 1 and theorem 2 give the line elements of the metric for the vector bundles and for the principal bundles , respectively .

  29. 此节发出纤维参与组成肾丛、腹主动脉丛和睾丸(卵巢)丛。

    The fibre started from the ganglia formed part of the renal plexus , abdominal aortic plexus and testicular plexus .

  30. 以材料损伤状态为底流形、变形状态为纤维建立了一个材料状态纤维丛模型。

    In the present paper , a material model is proposed based on the fibre bundle theory for describing damage induced inelastic deformation .