
  • 网络on-the-spot record
  1. 浅谈特技在纪实性电视片中的应用

    On Accomplishment of Applying the Stunt in the on-the-spot Record Telefilm

  2. 文章将巴赞的纪实理论作为讨论的起点,旨在阐述其所确立的纪实性电影美学的美学特征,并以之为参照,分析九十年代中国纪实电影的新的电影形态。

    Starting from the discussion of Bazin 's on-the-spot record theory , this paper mainly elaborates the aesthetic characteristics of on-the-spot record films and analyzes the new film form in the 1990s of the according to the aesthetic characteristics .

  3. 她出版了许多历史小说和一部有关英帝国女性的纪实性研究著作。

    She published historical novels , as well as a non-fiction study of women in the British Empire

  4. 五是纪实性的传记文学和考据性文章。

    Five is a documentary biography of literary and textual articles .

  5. 纪实性的书籍不仅可以用于学习圈。

    Not only factual study books can be used in a study circle .

  6. 真实形态与影视纪实性特征

    The True Form and the Movie Characteristic on-the-spot Record

  7. 试论电视在多种媒体竞争中的强势&对电视大众性、纪实性、思辩性的思考

    Dominance of Television in the Competition of Various Media

  8. 新闻摄影具有新闻战线特殊兵种的独特优势,是新闻报道的重要一翼,是形象化的时代科学和纪实性的时代艺术,是党、国家和人民的耳目与喉舌。

    Photojournalism has its unique advantage and is an important part of reportage .

  9. 这是对纪实性冲突基本问题的分析和梳理。

    This is a documentary of the basic problems of conflict analysis and comb .

  10. 我喜欢纪实性强的东西

    I like more documentary types of stuff .

  11. 在第一阶段,他是以影片的纪实性来获得多义性。

    At the first stage , he gets multiple meaning through records of actual events .

  12. 纪实性的强化等。

    And the strengthening of documentation .

  13. 特技作为电视画面编辑的一种手段,被广泛应用到各种非纪实性电视片的制作中。

    The stunt is a way of TV picture editor , widely used in the telefilm nowadays .

  14. 时代性、纪实性、叙述性共同限定着中国现代报告文学作为一种文学文体的本质属性。

    The times , documentary , narrative together define a reportage as essence of a literary style .

  15. 电视节目可以归为虚构性电视节目和纪实性电视节目两大类。

    TV shows can be classified as fiction television programs and documentary television programs into two categories .

  16. 盖茨在读完这本纪实性著作后,还与作者坐在一起讨论了书中主题。

    Gates also got to sit down with Piketty after reading the non-fiction work to discuss the topic .

  17. 戏剧道具的重要作用特技在纪实性电视片中的作用

    The Significance of Prop of the Stage The Role of Special Effects in Record of Actual Events Telefilm

  18. 娱乐化给纪录片发展带来了无限曙光,同时也冲击了纪实性。

    The entertainment has brought the infinite dawn for the documentary film development , simultaneously has also attacked on-the-spot report .

  19. 摄影具备高度精确再现功能,照片的纪实性与真实感是它的最主要特征。

    Photography has the highly precise reappearance function , one of its most main characteristics is shows the picture on-the-spot and the third dimension .

  20. 从作品的纪实性、散文化的倾向、幽默与哀伤相交织的情调以及浓郁的民族风情等方面予以阐释。

    Explanation is made from the actuality of works , the tendency of prose style , mixed feelings of humour and sadness and rich ethnic folklore , etc.

  21. 分析真人秀电视文本,不难发现,这是一种将纪实性创作手法与电视剧式叙事技巧糅合于一体的电视节目。

    Analysis the text of Reality TV , easy to find , it is a kind of integrative TV program of centralizing documentary tactics and narrative skill of teleplays .

  22. 报告文学独特的纪实性、真实性与文学功能的强大生命力,有着任何一个文学品种所未能具备的品格和力量。

    Reportage have special fact-recording and reliability and strong vitality of the literature function , as well as it has the character and power that whichever literature species can not have .

  23. 然而随着电影观众欣赏能力和观影趣味的发展变化,促成了电影实践中纪实性元素与表现性,戏剧性原始的融合。

    Appreciate ability and view shadow-interesting development and change with film audience , having facilitated the record element and behaving in practice of the film , the integration with primitive dramatics .

  24. 无主的精神游历及其文化异己身份决定了地下写作的方式,而现实决定了其纪实性书写的哲学立场和语言方式。

    While the spiritual traveling without subject and the identity of cultural difference determines their formula of creation , the reality decides the philosophical viewpoint and linguistic mode of their documental writing .

  25. 面对纪实性插图中的各种限定的时候,我们可以运用插图独有的强化表现、概括性以及图文结合的特点来寻找突破口,达到表达本质真实的目的。

    Faced with various limits , we are able to use the enhanced performance , all-embracing and graphic combination of features to find a breakthrough so as to express the true nature .

  26. 应用文语言要求处理好精确与模糊、平实与可读、简练与缜密、得体与通用的辩证关系。其语言特色主要表现在客观纪实性、直接性、精练性和严密性等方面。

    In the language of practical writing , the dialectical relationship is supposed to be well dealt between accuracy and ambiguity , simplicity and readability , terseness and meticulousness , appropriateness and ordinariness .

  27. 同时,具有现实主义色彩的电视电影,它的创意和话题无论是新闻性,时代性还是纪实性,都比较敏捷地抓住了人们最为关心的话题。

    At the same time , with the film of realism , creativity and topic whether it is news , times , or documentary , is relatively quick to grasp the subject of great concern .

  28. 从电影影像的本性来看,纪实性和奇观性并不相悖,在电影的发展中,两者相辅相成,共同为电影影像艺术正确的表达服务。

    In the nature of the film image , the realism and the marvelous spectacle do not contradict , but complement one another , serve together for the correct expression of the film image art in the film development .

  29. 在表现艺术上的真实的时候,需要将视觉因素中美的表现方法和记录的真实结合起来,使读者在感受纪实性插图的真实的同时,又能将插图当作独立的艺术来欣赏。

    We need to combine the visual beautiful element with the reality , so that the reader can feel the " authenticity " in the documentary illustrations , which can also be considered as a separate art to appreciate .

  30. 大后方电影纪实性故事片,作为抗战时期官营电影体下的主流形态电影,在发生机制的表述上一直没有一个从生成语境到创作特征的总体归纳和梳理。

    Documentary feature Movie in the rear , movie as a mainstream form of a government-run movies during the war , in the formulation of the mechanism has not been a characteristic to the kernel image from the movie the overall summarized in the context of creation and combing .