
  • 网络Organization Incentive;organizational incentive
  1. 企业研究开发人员组织激励实施模式研究

    Study of the Organization Incentive Implement Model to R & D Force

  2. 又通过对调查样本组的详细对比分析,发现和归纳了不同背景的知识型组织激励特点。

    Through the investigation and analysis of the detailed sample group , and summarizes the different background knowledge organization incentive characteristics .

  3. 制造业生产方式变革对组织激励的影响

    The Influence of the Manufacturing Production Mode Reform Upon Organization Prompting

  4. 该组织激励我们去鼓励他人阅读。

    The organisation urges us to act to encourage people to read .

  5. 简论归因理论在行政组织激励中的运用

    On the Function of Ascription Theory in Administrative Incentive

  6. 高校科技创新团队组织激励机制研究

    On Incentive Mechanism of Scientific and Technological Innovation Team in Universities and Colleges

  7. 组织激励、契约设计与经济效率

    Organizations Incentive , Contract Design and Economic Efficiency

  8. 组织激励层面和人际信任层面对知识分享状况具有显著的预测力。

    Motivation and trust factors show great ability to predict knowledge sharing present status .

  9. 基于企业文化的组织激励研究

    Organizational Motivation Research Based on Corporation Culture

  10. 组织激励冲突问题研究

    Studies on Conflict of Organization with Motivation

  11. 这些激励措施包括工作激励、组织激励、报酬激励、文化激励以及学习与知识共享等五大激励措施。

    They are humanized work , self-management team , reasonable reward , and knowledge share .

  12. 团队创业精神对组织激励策略和团队结构与团队绩效的关系有较强的中介作用。

    The team entrepreneurship mediates the relationship between motivation strategy and team structure and team performance .

  13. 台湾样本中企业文化对组织激励的影响程度比江苏样本更为强烈与明显;

    Culture factors ' influences to organizational motivation are stronger in Taiwan sample than in Jiangsu sample .

  14. 员工绩效评估是企业组织激励员工的重要的管理工具之一。

    Research outcomes show that , there is systematic difference in personnel performance appraisal of these two types of firms .

  15. 主要是强调物质激励和精神激励并重的原则,以及组织激励和自我激励并重的原则。

    Main emphasis of material both motivate and inspire the spirit of the principles , and organizational motivation and self-motivation are emphasized .

  16. 从某种程度上讲,一个组织激励水平的高低,决定了其整体管理水平的高低。

    To some extent , the level of high and low motivation of an organization determines the level of the overall management level .

  17. 发行大量债务以回购股票的行动,将形成组织激励机制,促成管理层支付未来的现金流。

    Issuing large amounts of debt to buy back stock sets up organizational incentives to motivate managers to pay out free cash flow .

  18. 通过将信息技术水平系数纳入到委托代理模型中,创新地建立了基于信息技术的企业组织激励模型。

    By putting information technology ( IT ) coefficient into principal agent model , an organizational incentive model based on IT is put forward .

  19. 本文以激励理论为基础,探讨了企业对研究开发人员组织激励的性质、要求,提出了对研究开发人员组织激励的实施模式。

    This paper discusses the nature and requirement of the organizational incentive mode and puts forward an organizational incentive mode based on agency theory .

  20. 这种间接影响是环境推动因素经由信息推动因素、组织激励因素,继而影响到RD&营销界面集成度,信息推动因素与组织激励因素也因此成为了环境驱动因素间接作用于界面集成度的中介变量。

    This indirect impact works through information prompting factor and organization motivation factor which also become mediation variable between environment driving factor and interface integration .

  21. 经济学激励理论主要介绍了完全契约路线的组织激励理论和不完全契约路线的组织激励理论,并指出了其在实践中的两难选择。

    The theories in economics introduce complete contracting incentive theory and incomplete contracting incentive theory , and the dilemma in practice is also pointed out .

  22. 本文分析了其中主要的差别,并探讨了影响分布式团队组织激励有效发挥作用的主要外部环境因素。

    In this paper , the authors first analyses the major difference , then studies primary factor of the external circumstance which interfere with effect of the organization motivation .

  23. 如何实现对科研人员进行有效的组织激励是科研管理的核心内容,合理的目标设置则是其中甚为重要的方面。

    How to effectively motivate the scientific researchers is the crucial subject of the management for the research activities , of which the goal incentive was studied in the paper .

  24. 笔者分析后认为,处于转型期的公司对知识型员工的激励策略应当包括工作激励、组织激励、文化激励、报酬激励四大方面。

    The author analyzes the view that companies in transition to knowledge-based employee incentive strategy should include work motivation , organizational incentives , culture and incentives , pay incentives in four major areas .

  25. 论文以政府职能改革为背景,通过阐述现代公共行政管理的重要性,提出构建组织激励机制、加强绩效考核的必然要求。

    This thesis under the background which is governmental responsibility reforming proposes the inevitable demand to establish organizational incentive mechanism and to enforce organizational performance appraisal through narrating the importance of modern public administration .

  26. 这个组织激励各个年龄层级的社会公众学习自己喜欢的乐器,并成为积极的音乐传播者。

    " Wanna Play " Wanna Play ? is a public education campaign designed to raise awareness of the many benefits of music making and inspire people of all ages and talent levels to become active music makers .

  27. 组织激励策略和团队结构的各维度都分别影响团队创业精神的几个指标,其中团队结构中的目标依存维度对团队创业精神各维度都具有较强的预测力。

    Motivation strategy and team structure have an significant influence on team entrepreneurship , the former can predict the latter to a certain extent . The goal dependence in team structure can predict every dimension of team entrepreneurship .

  28. 本文共有三部分主要内容:第一部分,建立一个新的组织激励理论框架,即在新时代背景下,以幸福契约为核心的企业-社会互主体协同治理模式。

    The followings are a summary of the main contents of this article : The first part is the establishment of a new theoretical framework of organizational incentives - - the collaborative governance model of enterprise - society interaction .

  29. 从经济学理论角度,分析人力资本价值理论研究。从管理学角度,分析组织激励的概念、过程、作用、原则,综述经典组织激励理论。从历史角度分析,企业薪酬管理的不同理论与方法。

    Value theories of human capital from economics , the conception , process , role , principles of enterprises innovation and classical organization innovation theories from management , different theories and methods of enterprises salary management from history angel .

  30. 接着探讨了当前企业知识型员工激励的现状,发现当前激励知识型员工的主要方式及重要程度依次是报酬激励、工作激励、文化激励、组织激励;

    This paper also discusses enterprise knowledge workers ' motivational actuality at present and finds that the major motivation ways to knowledge worker by statistical analysis which their important degree that in proper order are reward motivation , job motivation , culture motivation and organization motivation .