
  • 网络Organization plan;organizational planning;e-Organizer
  1. 第5章从六个方面分析城市滨海旅游景观组织规划的有关问题;

    The fifth chapter analyzes organizational planning concerned problems of urban coastal tourism landscape from six aspects ;

  2. 本文主要讨论客户机迁移的起点:即组织规划和用户分类。

    This article focuses on the starting point of a client migration : that is , the organizational planning and especially the user segmentation .

  3. 适合多种营运环境的长江流域LPG船队运行组织规划

    Operation Programming of LPG Fleet in Changjiang River Catered for the Multifarious Transportation Environment

  4. 东方红11号型船舶的合理营运班期适合多种营运环境的长江流域LPG船队运行组织规划

    Rational Runs of Operation of Dongfanghong 11 Type Ships Operation Programming of LPG Fleet in Changjiang River Catered for the Multifarious Transportation Environment

  5. 企业顾问、凯斯西储大学(CaseWesternReserveUniversity)兼职教授斯蒂芬・里奥祖(StephanLiozu)说,重新进行组织规划、以便让管理者们少花精力在日常事务上这一步非常重要,但也许要经历数月或数年才能完成。

    Reorganizations that allow executives to focus less on day-to-day tasks are crucial but can take months or years , says Stephan Liozu , a corporate consultant and adjunct professor at Case Western Reserve University .

  6. 同时,还按照Agent的有关理论对各类Agent概念模型进行了系统分析,给出了家电设备Agent、家庭网关Agent、组织规划Agent的实现模型。

    At the same time , this article analyzes various types of Agent concept mode according to the relative theories about the Agent , offers the realistic modes of the information appliances Agent , family gateway Agent and organization planning Agent .

  7. 从MSTP技术的应用策略、互联互通、设备选型原则、通路组织规划以及工程测试等几个方面,介绍MSTP网络建设中应注意的若干问题。

    It discusses issues for attention in MSTP network construction from the points of MSTP application scheme , inter-connection , equipment type selection principle , channel planning and engineering testing .

  8. 本论文通过货运市场的分析以及长江船舶标准化的简况,引出长江中下游3000t级驳船优化及船队运输组织规划的课题。

    The present paper through the freight transportation market analysis as well as the Changjiang River ships standardization status , draws out the topic which middle and lower reaches Changjiang River the 3000t level barge optimization and the fleet organization plans .

  9. 组织规划的一个基本优点就是可避免组织缺乏弹性。

    One basic advantage of organization planning is avoidance of organizational inflexibility .

  10. 陕西关中地区乡村旅游组织规划浅析

    Analysis of the rural tourism organization planning in Guanzhong region of Shanxi

  11. 试论高校辅导员职业生涯规划的组织规划

    On Organizational Planning of College Counselor 's Career Planning

  12. 北京奥运交通组织规划初探

    The Traffic Organization of Beijing for the Olympic Games

  13. 国际人口与发展会议非政府组织规划委员会;

    Non-governmental organization planning committee for the International Conference on population and development ;

  14. 有很强的组织规划能力和应变能力;

    Excellent organization capacity and flexible skills are required ;

  15. 内部信息网组织规划的优化模型

    Optimize models of internal information network planning organizations

  16. 相反地,不好的组织规划将带来不便、浪费和视觉混乱的结果。

    Conversely , a bad plan results in inconvenience , waste , and visual confusion .

  17. 智能移动机器人是在未知的环境中工作,具有自我组织规划、自适应能力的一种机器人。

    Intelligent mobile robot in unknown environment has self-organization planning , adaptive ability of a robot .

  18. 使用世界卫生组织规划和项目标识并非表明世界卫生组织的批准或认可。

    Use of a WHO programme or project logo does not indicate approval or endorsement by WHO .

  19. 世卫组织规划的目的是

    WHO 's programme objectives are

  20. 完成组织规划之后,下一个阶段是技术规划,这是本系列下一篇文章的主题。

    The technical planning process that seamlessly follows the organizational planning is the subject of the next article of this series .

  21. 这赋予了你很好的组织规划能力和不同于狭隘保守的谨慎态度,让你能很好的胜任任何执行和决策方面的工作。

    With your organizational ability and your cautious but not narrow conservatism , you would be very good in an executive or decision-making position .

  22. 我国电子政务建设在各级政府和不同部门中分别进行,缺乏统一的组织规划。

    E-government constructions in our country are implemented separately in levels of government and different departments , and lack of a unified strategic planning .

  23. 本文首先对该企业的内外部环境进行分析,制订营销组织规划。

    First , this article inside and outside to this enterprise the analysis is made in part environment and carried the marketing and organize the plan .

  24. 路段交通组织规划部分从路段车速组织、辅助车道组织、路段交叉口安全间距三个方面详细介绍了组织规划方法。

    In the part of highway traffic organization planning , it describes organization methods in the highway speed , the auxiliary lane organizations , highway intersection safety spacing .

  25. 本文在研究江北客站站前广场交通组织规划中,采用空港式交通组织,构建重庆未来的立体交通换乘枢纽。

    This paper introduces traffic form layout of Jiangbei railway station piazza and intending tridimensional traffic hinge in Chongqing is established by traffic form of airport development zone pattern .

  26. 在信息系统建设中,设计了西部矿业公司软件选择方案、硬件部署方案、组织规划、人才培训、管理制度、运行维护等技术方案。

    In the information system construction , it designs proposal on selecting software , hardware deployment , organizational planning , employees training , management system , operating maintenance based on Western Mining Corporation .

  27. 项目人力资源管理就是有效地发挥每一个参与项目人员作用的过程,主要包括组织规划、组建项目团队和项目团队建设。

    Project human resources management is the effective project to play a role in every project staff , including the process of planning , organization form the project team and project team construction .

  28. 然后,详细介绍了我们项目的前期规划,包括进度规划、费用规划、组织规划、质量规划、采购规划、资源规划等。

    Then , I have introduced our project are planned in earlier stage in detail , including schedule , expenses plan , organization planning , quality planning , purchase planning , resources planning etc. .

  29. 论文研究工作涉及奥运交通、大型活动交通组织规划与管理和奥运ITS规划等具有密切内在联系的内容。

    The paper studies three aspects of contents that supplement each other , including Olympic transport , traffic operations planning and management for Planned Special Events ( PSE ), and plan of the Olympic ITS .

  30. 其中,以奥运交通为研究基础和切入点,以大型活动交通组织规划与管理为奥运交通研究的外延和拓展,以奥运ITS规划方法为核心和重点研究内容。

    In the research , Olympic transport is base of the total , traffic operations planning and management for PSE is the extension research , and plan of the Olympic ITS is the focus and emphasis .