
zhī jǐn
  • tapestry;brocade;picture-weaving in silk;tissue
织锦 [zhī jǐn]
  • (1) [tissue]∶锦缎

  • (2) [picture-weaving in silk;brocade]∶一种织有图画、像刺绣一样的丝织品,是杭州等地的特产

织锦[zhī jǐn]
  1. 古画字画题材的织锦画纹织CAD设计技艺

    The Design Techniques of the Jacquard Weaving CAD in the Brocade Painting with the Theme of Ancient Chinese Painting and Calligraphy

  2. 答:我随时可能对我的设计助理们说,“呃,如果玛丽·安托瓦内特(MarieAntoinette)活到现在的话,这也许就是她的造型,”因为这次有一块面料引起了我的共鸣——一块织锦。

    I 'll say at any given moment to my design assistants , " Well , maybe it 's Marie Antoinette if she lived today , " because there 's one piece of fabric this time that resonated for me , a brocade .

  3. 在CommedesGarçons发布会上,模特身穿类似犰狳的一层层盔甲面料装以及撑裙(外用复古风格的漂亮织锦覆盖)。

    At Comme des Gar ç ons , the models wore armadillo-type layers of material body armour and panniers all covered in beautiful , antiquey brocades .

  4. 傣锦是中国著名的少数民族织锦之一。

    Dai brocade is one kind of famous Chinese minority tapestries .

  5. 土家织锦工艺传承的教育人类学研究

    The Pedagogical Anthropology Research on the Inheritance of Tujia Brocade Technique

  6. 传统土家织锦图案抽象造型特征浅析

    A Preliminary Analysis of Abstract Sculpture of Tujia National Brocade Pattern

  7. 土家织锦的现代价值变迁

    An Analysis of the Change of Modern Value of Tujia Brocade

  8. 土家织锦纹样在服饰设计中的艺术表现

    On the Artistic Manifestation of Tujia Brocade Patterns in Costume Design

  9. “美国织锦”就会被破坏,社会“纤维结构”将分崩离析。

    the American tapestry unravels and the social fabric is torn .

  10. 从织锦图形至江南古建筑装饰之探讨

    Discussion from Silk Pattern to Ancient Architectural Adornment in Jiangnan

  11. 从图案与色彩看土家织锦的审美抽象

    The Aesthetic Abstractness of Tujia Brocade Displayed by its Pattern and Color

  12. 土家族织锦的造型语言及审美特征

    Mold-making and Aesthetic Characteristics in Brocades of the Tujia People

  13. 从织锦芋螺中克隆α芋螺毒素序列

    Cloning of alpha Conotoxin Sequences from Conus textile Venom Duct

  14. 护理学术期刊中开办人文织锦栏目的积极意义

    Significance establishing the column of Humanistic Excellence in academic journals on nursing

  15. 傣族织锦图案在现代服装设计中的应用

    The Application of the Dai Ethnic Brocade Patterns to Modern Fashion Design

  16. 我们的营运计画就像是一条黏土做的织锦地毯?

    Our business plan will be like a clay tapestry ?

  17. 试论土家织锦艺术的传统与未来

    Try talking about the Tradition of Tujia Brocade Art and its Future

  18. 论土家族民间织锦中的动物造型

    On the Animal Modelling in Folk Brocade of Tujia

  19. 斗篷用白线与一件白色织锦礼服缝合在一起。

    It is lined with white and worn over a white brocaded gown .

  20. 论文的主要研究内容包含了四个方面:首先是对中亚织锦的考古与发现进行阐述。

    Firstly , this paper describes the archaeological discoveries of Central Asian brocade .

  21. 这种织锦看上去很漂亮。

    This kind of brocade looks very beautiful .

  22. 中国南海织锦芋螺毒素的分离及鉴定

    Isolation and characterization of the conotoxins of Conus textile from the South China Sea

  23. 民间工艺审美的现象学阐释&以土家织锦为例

    The Phenomenological Interpretation of Esthetics in Folk Craft & An Example of Tujia Brocade

  24. 沙发上铺上了华贵的织锦。

    The sofa was covered with expensive brocade .

  25. 我意愿与我祖先织锦有关的提升孩童得以诞生。

    I intend the birth of ascending children related unto my tapestry of ancestry .

  26. 一种增强神经元钙电流的新型织锦芋螺毒素

    A new conotoxin from conus textile enhancing Ca ~ 2 + current of neurons

  27. 经线被水平运载的手摇织布机;用来织织锦。

    A handloom in which the warp is carried horizontally ; for weaving tapestry .

  28. 此后,何瑞克宁所织的织锦上常带几分这种新色彩的成分。

    After this , Arachne 's tapestries always showed some touch of the new colour .

  29. 手工业方面,养蚕织锦、丝织业、棉织业有较大发展。

    In handicraft industry , sericiculture , baldachin , silk and textile were also bettered .

  30. 系统分离鉴定了中国南海织锦芋螺的毒素组分,共获得了11个芋螺毒素,其中4个为新芋螺毒素,7个与已报道的相同。

    The toxins of Conus textile from the South China Sea were isolated and identified .