
  • 网络Adiabatic Compression
  1. 结果表明:光纤损耗严重破坏了DDF对基孤子绝热压缩的效果;

    The results show that the fiber loss destroys the adiabatic compression effects in DDF ;

  2. 在一些传输系统里,NF3可能受到绝热压缩。

    In some delivery systems , NF3 may be subjected to adiabatic compression .

  3. EDFA脉冲绝热压缩中负三阶色散影响的研究

    Investigation of the effect of negative third-step chromatic dispersion in adiabatic pulse compression in EDFA

  4. 采用分布式的拉曼放大能对DDF的绝热压缩起到很好的优化效果,获得更高的压缩因子和脉冲能量;

    Adopting the DRAs can improve the compression effects in DDF and get a higher compression factor and pulse energy ;

  5. 最后按简化的Herzfeld公式计算了所讨论的粒子在不同温度时的绝热压缩系数。

    The compressibility of the particles under consideration for different temperatures is calculated according to the Herzfeld 's simplified formula .

  6. 数值研究了光纤损耗对色散渐减光纤中基孤子脉冲的绝热压缩的影响,并分析了利用分布式的拉曼放大来提高DDF的绝热压缩效果的方案。

    The influence of the fiber loss on adiabatic compression of fundamental solitons in dispersion decreasing fiber ( DDF ) is investigated , and the method used to improve the adiabatic compression effect in DDF based on distributed Raman amplifiers ( DRAs ) has been simulated numerically .

  7. 基于地球内部结构模型(EISEM),建立了一个模型(IAMTM)来模拟地球早期绝热压缩过程中的地球内部角速度的转移。

    Based on the Earth 's internal structure evolution model ( EISEM ), we have built a model to simulate the earth 's internal angular momentum transfer during its early adiabatic compression process ( IAMTM ) .

  8. 基于拉曼放大对色散渐减光纤的绝热压缩效果的优化

    Optimization of adiabatic compression in dispersion decreasing fiber using distributed Raman amplification

  9. 非线性递增光纤实现脉冲绝热压缩的数值研究

    Simulations of Adiabatic Optical Pulse Compression Using the Nonlinearity-increasing Fiber

  10. 实际气体绝热压缩过程指数及终温的确定

    Determination of the Index and Temperature of the Adiabatic Compression Process for Real Gases

  11. 这就被叫做绝热压缩。

    This is called adiabatic compression .

  12. 三角变形椭圆截面环电流器的平衡理论和绝热压缩理论

    Equilibrium theory and adiabatic compression theory of tokamaks with an elliptic cross section with some triangular deformation

  13. 石油醚在流体静高压下的超声声速、衰减、密度和绝热压缩系数

    Ultrasonic velocity and attenuation coefficient , density and adiabatic compressibility of petroleum ether under high hydrostatic pressure

  14. 绝热压缩对溶解乙炔生产的危害及其防止对策

    The Adiabatic Compression Does Harm to the Dissolved Acetylene Production and Should Take Measures to Guard against Accidents

  15. 从脉冲绝热压缩的理论出发,提出一种利用非线性递增光纤实现脉冲绝热压缩的新方案。

    Based on the adiabatic compression theory , adiabatic pulse compression using the nonlinearity-increasing fiber is suggested and investigated .

  16. 结果表明,这一方法可以成功地描述绝热压缩演变系列;

    It is demonstrated that this method can be used successfully to describe the evolution sequence of adiabatic compression ;

  17. 波荡器入口区绝热压缩磁场分布对自由电子激光输出功率和效率的影响

    Influence of the adiabatic-magnetic-field distribution at the entrance of wiggler on the output power and efficiency in a free-electron laser

  18. 这就是对理想气体的,绝热压缩,&我们把空气近似作为理想气体处理。

    You 've just done an adiabatic compression of the ideal gas , you can pretend there is an ideal gas .

  19. 理想气体在绝热压缩时温度升高,在绝热膨胀时温度降低,这是能量守恒的结果.本文从气体分子运动论的观点,提出了理想气体在绝热膨胀时温度降低的微观解释。

    The temperature change of an ideal gas in adiabatic processes is explained from the pint of view of kinetic theory of gases .

  20. 高速压制过程中,摩擦、塑性变形和绝热压缩导致的粉末温升,有利于粉末的致密化。

    In the process of HVC , the temperature effect caused by friction , plastic deformation and heat insulation is beneficial to the densification of powders .

  21. 从理论和实践两方面对这类缺陷产生的机理加以分析,提出了引起此类缺陷的机理是由于残留于界面内的绝热压缩空气引起的。

    This article analyses the problem mechanism in theory and practical , and pointed out that it is caused by the remnant adiabatic compress air in the bond .

  22. 避免可能导致来自系统迅速加压的高温的条件,如绝热压缩。高速硬盘螺旋槽动压滑动轴承变温条件下的动力学特性

    Avoid conditions that can result in high temperatures , such as adiabatic compression , from the rapid pressurization of a system . Thermo-hydrodynamic Analysis of Herringbone Grooved Journal Bearings

  23. 重点研究了对这样的位形进行绝热压缩加热等离子体问题,给出了在压缩过程中整个平衡位形随时间的演化。

    The problem of heating the plasma with such configuration by adiabatic compression is discussed , the variation of all the equilibrium configuration with time during the compression is given .

  24. 介绍了绝热压缩产生的过程对溶解乙炔生产的安全影响以及有关预防措施。

    This paper describes the reason of adiabatic compression produced and its harm to the dissolved acetylene production . The measures to prevent accidents are also given in this paper .

  25. 为了充分利用压缩后水蒸气的能量,抑制绝热压缩后过高的水蒸气温度,获得压缩机运行的经济性,先进蓄能系统压缩过程采用湿压缩方式。

    In order to restrain the discharge temperature of water vapor compressor and utilize the energy of compressed water vapor , the wet compression mode must be taken into consideration in the system .

  26. 提出了利用绝热压缩区的温度作为计算干涉条纹的初始条件,从而为计算全息干涉条纹所对应温度提供了可行的方法。

    Using the temperature in adiabatic compression zone as the initial conditions for calculating interference fringe is proposed , thus a feasible method is provided for calculating the temperature corresponding with holographic interference fringe .

  27. 通过计算绝热压缩温升和畸形变形能沉积产生的温升,给出熔化判据,估计出了不同碰撞角下爆炸焊接界面熔化层厚度。

    Through the calculation of temperature rising caused by adiabatic compression and sedimentary abnormality deformation , melting criterion is given , the thickness of melted layer near explosive welding interface with different collision angle is estimated .

  28. 用流体运动微分方程建立能量方程,讨论绝热压缩气流能量方程及应用,并对低速气流按不可压缩流体计算所产生的误差进行了分析。

    The energy equation and its application of adiabatic compression flow is discussed by forming energy equation with fluid motion differential equation . And some analysis is made on the error emerging when low speed flow is calculated as incompressible fluid .

  29. 本文用经验关系给出雾化后的液滴直径及其燃烧规律,根据绝热压缩建立液相的状态方程,喷射过程采用非稳态的伯努里方程。

    This paper approximates the drop size and law of burning of the liquid propellant using the classical interior ballistic relationships , the state equation of the liquid phase using the isothermal compression relationship and the jet process using the non-stationary Bernoulli equation .

  30. 基于绝热孤子压缩效应的小基座孤子脉冲研究

    Study of Soliton Pulse with Small Pedestal Based on Adiabatic Soliton Compression Effects