
  • 网络Green Insurance
  1. 搭建中国绿色保险制度新平台的设想

    On Constructing the New System Platform of Green Insurance in China

  2. 对构建我国绿色保险制度的探讨

    An exploration on establishing the " Green Insurance " system in China

  3. 论绿色保险在水污染治理中的角色定位

    The Role Location of " Green Insurance " in the Treatment of Water Pollution

  4. 绿色保险研究

    Environmental Liability Insurance Research Green Thinking

  5. 绿色保险是通过社会化途径解决环境问题的有效方式之一。

    Green insurance is one of the effective methods to solve the problem of environmental pollution compensation through socialization of the liability risk .

  6. 环境污染责任保险(绿色保险)是与绿色信贷、绿色证券并行的三大环境经济政策。

    Environmental Pollution Liability Insurance also called Green Insurance , as well as Green Credit and Green Securities , are three key environmental economic policies .

  7. 环境责任保险是近代新兴的一种保险模式,它作为绿色保险新概念代表,在维护环境安全方面具有十分重要的作用。

    Environmental Liability Insurance is a new mode of modern insurance , which has become the representative of new concept as green insurance , it plays a very important role in protecting environment safety .

  8. 总之,绿色农业政策性保险制度对于促进我国的农村经济乃至整个国民经济的发展都具有重要的意义。

    To sum up , policy insurance for green agriculture is of important significance to the development of China 's rural economy and the national economy .

  9. 绿色金融政策是“两型社会”建设中可资利用的一种市场激励机制,它包括绿色信贷、绿色证券与绿色保险等制度。

    Green Finance Policy is a kind of market incentive mechanisms available in the process of building Two-Oriented Society , including Green Credit , Green Insurance , Green Security and so on .